0.49Mb (466 downloads)
This is an extremely high FPS, multi-lod model of the U.S. Balao class submarine. Even a slow machine can yield 77 FPS with three of these craft in frame at close range. The model was derived from the original Gato design by the Virtual Navy. The texture is by psullykeys, Pat Sullivan.
Posted Oct 11, 2010 20:29 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.41Mb (480 downloads)
This is the totally submerged version of the TR_VN_Gato submarine. She is running at periscope depth. All you will see above the surface is the periscope and the small wake it creates. However, the entire submarine is there and can be damaged/destroyed with standard weapons other than guns. The periscope does show on 'radar'.
Posted Oct 9, 2010 16:18 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.30Mb (366 downloads)
The download contains an alternate skin for the Gato done by psullykeys, Pat Sullivan...as well as a tweaked DP.
The new skin has a gray lead botton instead of the original red.
Posted Oct 9, 2010 14:43 by Tom Sanford

0.36Mb (753 downloads)
TR_VN_Gato for CFS2.
This is a major upgrade of an original Virtual Navy USS Gato class submarine. This version is multi-LOD and has 300% higher framerates. Tom Sanford
Posted Oct 9, 2010 13:22 by Tom Sanford

0.06Mb (863 downloads)
Add on machine guns which are to be placed in the DP file as weapons. These were compiled by CFS2Area51 @ my request.
This file is freeware .
Have fun Oldwheat
Posted Sep 1, 2010 10:02 by L.M. BROWN

0.01Mb (669 downloads)
A 40# US bomb that I cobbled together mainly for the A.F. Scrub Cyclone-engined Hawk but they can be used with a number of early WW2 US & allied
Have fun.
Posted Sep 1, 2010 09:59 by L.M. BROWN

0.01Mb (712 downloads)
This is an invisible ship model that will appear to be an aircraft carrier in Mission Builder. You can place her anywhere in the water you wish and have your seaplane, flying boat or 'player' ship 'takeoff' or 'launch' from her. Your plane or ship will begin the mission in the water at the point you have placed the Invisible Tender. NOTE: She will not work for any seaplane that has landing gear. She totally eliminates the need for 'seabases'/'water runways'.
Posted Aug 13, 2010 16:24 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

9.24Mb (757 downloads)
Three authentic Australians contributed to this project which allows the user to hear Australian dialect and slang whenever Australia is chosen as a country. There is no need to add anything through the mission builder, just drop in the new files, make a few minor file manipulations and you are done. Thanks to RC, Matt, Tony, Michael, and Martin Wright.
Posted Jul 17, 2010 12:44 by Ed Rufle

5.35Mb (581 downloads)
This is a 100% complete screenpack for the Canadian Nationality in the ETO which supports both campaigns and single missions.
As there was no other screenpack available for Canada that supports campaigns; I felt compelled to create this for those who wish to fly the RCAF Typhoon campaign and any future Canadian ones for the ETO.
Posted Jul 12, 2010 08:50 by Dirtman

0.13Mb (697 downloads)
2 new icons for your quiclink(s)
Posted Jun 29, 2010 12:53 by Aron Toebes