1.97Mb (416 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Bubble Top, 4434/34, Portuguese Air Force, 1952. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: http://www.alphasim3.com/store/advanced_search_result.php?ke .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 18, 2008 04:52 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

4.87Mb (3501 downloads)
VF-143 Pukin' Dogs. DOG 107. In 1988, the Pukin' Dogs left for the Med on their last cruise with F-14As. Thanks to all the VF(A)-143 aircrew, maintainers and families. F-14 Tomcat and paintkit by IRIS. Repaint by Perry Hayes.
Posted Aug 16, 2008 23:56 by Perry Hayes

3.71Mb (4189 downloads)
VF-213 Black Lions Textures only for the Iris F14. BLACKLION 201. This repaint honors the legendary J. Monroe "Hawk" Smith. In his various assignments and commands, "Hawk" Smith helped to evaluate, improve, and develop tactics for fighting the F-14 Tomcat. This repaint depicts "Hawk's" VF-213 Tomcat during the 1979 Med Cruise, where he served as (XO and) CO. My thanks to all the VF(A)-213 aircrew, maintainers and families. Aircraft and paintkit by IRIS. Repaint by R. Santos & Perry Hayes, with technical information provided by J. Monroe "Hawk" Smith.
Posted Aug 9, 2008 21:30 by R. Santos & Perry Hayes

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim F47D Thunderbolt Bubble-Top, 5-11, 5th Stormo Caccia Terrestre, Italian Air For
2.17Mb (570 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic F47D Thunderbolt Bubble-Top, 5-11, 5th Stormo Caccia Terrestre, Italian Air Force, 1952. Note: After 1948 The USAAF re-designated the surviving P47 aircraft to F47; changing the "P" designation (Pursuit) to "F" (fighter). This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: http://www.alphasim3.com/store/advanced_search_result.php?ke .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:43 by archive

2.06Mb (630 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic F47D Thunderbolt Bubble Top, 5-46. 5th Stormo Aeronautica Militare Italiana, Roma-Ciampino, June 2, 1952. Note: After 1948 The USAAF re-designated the surviving P47 aircraft to F47; changing the "P" designation (Pursuit) to "F" (fighter). This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: http://www.alphasim3.com/store/advanced_search_result.php?ke .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:42 by archive

2.17Mb (623 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic P-47D-30-RE Thunderbolt Bubble Top, 51-5, 51o Stormo, Italian Air Force. Note command pennant on forward fuselage. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: http://www.alphasim3.com/store/advanced_search_result.php?ke .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:36 by archive

2.35Mb (5773 downloads)
F-4F Phantom, German Airforce, "Bundeswehr Jagdgeschwader 71", for FSX, Demoversion with banners. The McDonnell Douglas F-4 E/F Phantom 2 is a two-seat, twin-engined, all-weather, long-range supersonic fighter-bomber originally developed for the U.S. Navy by McDonnell Aircraft. Proving highly adaptable, it became a major part of the air wings of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force. It was used extensively by all three of these services during the Vietnam War, serving as the principal air superiority fighter for both the Navy and Air Force, as well as being important in the ground-attack and reconnaissance roles by the close of U.S. involvement in the war. First entering service in 1960, the Phantom continued to form a major part of U.S. military air power throughout the 1970s and 1980s, being gradually replaced by more modern aircraft such as the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon in the U.S. Air Force and the F-14 Tomcat and F/A-18 Hornet in the U.S. Navy. It remained in service in the reconnaissance and Wild Weasel roles in the 1991 Gulf War, finally leaving service in 1996. The Phantom was also operated by the armed forces of 11 other nations. Israeli Phantoms saw extensive combat in several Arab–Israeli conflicts, while Iran used its large fleet of Phantoms in the Iran–Iraq War. Phantoms remain in front line service with seven countries, and in use as an unmanned target in the U.S. Air Force. Phantom production ran from 1958 to 1981, with a total of 5195 built. This extensive run makes it the second most-produced Western jet fighter, behind the famous F-86 Sabre at just under 10,000 examples. Panel, GAUGES, model, sound and textures by www.afs-design.de - Author: A.Meyer.
Posted Jul 18, 2008 18:42 by archive

2.09Mb (1029 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic P-47D-2-RA Thunderbolt Razorback 42-22463 MX-J (Apple Knocker), 82nd FS, 78th FG, 8th AF, USAAF, 1944. This aircraft was flown by Lt. Milton H. Ramsey, who was forced to bail out after an air battle on January 29, 1944. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: http://www.alphasim3.com/store/advanced_search_result.php?ke .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Jul 15, 2008 07:48 by archive

2.19Mb (1032 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic P-47D-30-RA Thunderbolt Bubble-Top (converted into a D-40) - Chile. Numer 770 of Grupo 11, Chilean Air Force, 1953. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: http://www.alphasim3.com/store/advanced_search_result.php?ke .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Jul 15, 2008 07:47 by archive
6.71Mb (234 downloads)
Aeroworx Beechcraft Super King Air German registration D-ILFG
new in DXT3 Format. Textures only,
requires a licensed copy of Aeroworx King Air Super 200. Repaint
by Hans-Joachim Jeran. 6.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive