17.03Mb (2862 downloads)
Geneva Airport, Switzerland.
Improved version of Geneva Airport (LSGG)
For FS2004 only
Adds the three octagonal terminals not originally included, a small cargo facility, terminal lighting, airport facilities and vehicles, and a fire station
Original AFCAD file by Ray Smith ( please see his readme file ), with a few minor changes as necessary.
AFCAD files have been tested for AI aircraft Mike Nicholls
Posted Jun 17, 2012 11:13 by uploader

2.23Mb (2863 downloads)
Copenhagen Airport, Denmark
Improved version of Copenhagen Airport ( EKCH )
For FS2004 only
Adds maintenance area, hanger,terminallighting, airport facilities and vehicles, and a small fire station to original airport
Original AFCAD file by Svend Tankmar ( please see his readme file ), with a few minor unavoidable small changes around the maintenance area.
AFCAD files have been tested for AI aircraft.
Posted Jun 15, 2012 19:09 by Mike Nicholls
0.18Mb (228 downloads)
Beautiful Caribbean island in Nicaragua.
Posted Jun 12, 2012 01:42 by Alberto Thomas

82.55Mb (1457 downloads)
Tolmachevo airport is the largest airport complex in Siberia and the Far East of a Class A-1 with of a cargo capacity of more than 50,000 tonnes per year, 750 passengers per hour on international flights and 1800 per hour on domestic routes. The airport has two runways, the second one was put into operation in autumn 2010. It doesn't have any restrictions on take-off weight, and is certified for ICAO CAT II. Tolmachevo airport is included in a list of international hubs of Russia. In 2011 the airport handled 2,765,884 passengers (22.3% more than in 2010).
Posted Jun 3, 2012 06:12 by Tolmachevo TEAM
1.52Mb (216 downloads)
Package of heliports in Costa Rica. FS2004
Posted May 11, 2012 21:02 by Alberto Thomas - Costa Rica

1.75Mb (1907 downloads)
Aerodromo Tortuguero - Costa Rica
On the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica scenery for FS2004
Posted May 9, 2012 11:38 by Alberto Thomas - Costa Rica

4.95Mb (1194 downloads)
This is an update of my FS2004 freeware scenery for EDDB, BER (former
Berlin Schoenefeld after its extension to Berlin Brandenburg Airport).
- Updated taxiway and apron positions according to AIP docs I got
in 2012 (thanks to Benjamin).
- Updated ILS (has DME) and approach routes with official waypoints taken from
this docs.
- Remove of EDDT and EDDI (EDDI already closed, EDDT should be closed 2012/6/3).
- Rebuild the old GAT area (the planned cargo area there isn't built yet),
updated layout as everything is built by now.
- New tower and SMR (Surface Movement Radar) towers.
- Correctes small errors (taxi labels, lines, lights).
- Parking spots at apron E.
Posted May 8, 2012 20:10 by Gernot Zander

37.78Mb (871 downloads)
Redesignet of VFR Balice ext II v2 with a very high detailed and
more precisely imaging of many 3D objects and with night
lighting effects of textures. A very nice addon scenery
with photo ground textures of the historical old town -
Krakow in Poland. In the vicinity the airport EPKK.
Posted Apr 30, 2012 06:09 by Lothar Tomczyk, Jakub Mista, Artur Apryjas

3.08Mb (4099 downloads)
Faro Airport, Portugal
This scenery works only for FS2004. (NO FSX, sorry!)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 Standard / Pro (Only tested with FS2004 )
All Airport textures created by Diego Varela Rodriguez.
Posted Apr 27, 2012 07:52 by uploader

0.18Mb (2183 downloads)
AFCAD. Pakistan, Islamabad Int (OPRN)
Islamabad: Islamabad folder contains the scenery and texture of Islamabad International Airport. See the installation section in this readme for installation of this scenery.
AF2_OPRN.bgl: This file is for your AI traffic, which is created with lot of detailed information to place the Gates on their correct locations, gate numbers and directions. There are PAF gates for PAF C-130 & one CN235, you can download my repaint of B747, B737, A300B4, Fokker F27-200 Friendship, TU-154M, CV240, F-16 & CN235 if you know how to add AI traffic. Soon you will find C-130 repaint for AI traffic.
Posted Mar 30, 2012 06:19 by Shahzeb