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FSX > Scenery > Page 248
Redlands X Airport, California
Redlands X Airport, California
37.31Mb (1931 downloads)
Redlands Municipal Airport - L12 (Now KREI) - Redlands , California The scenery has been redesigned with photo-real ground polygons, objects, and aerial imagery. Textures were created from actual photographs taken of the tarmac and other surfaces at the airport.
Posted Jun 6, 2009 19:30 by Kobbe Farwick
FSX Sabiha Gokcen Iinternational Airport Scenery package- LTFJ
29.77Mb (3361 downloads)
FSX Sabiha Gokcen Iinternational Airport Scenery package- LTFJ Extensively detailed and realistically depicted scenery for Sabiha Gökçen International Airport Istanbul Turkey. Created with 3ds max from scratch, the scenery includes accurate buildings, hangars, parking bays, night texturing and illumination effects. The scenery contains variety of animations and photo real terrain texture. This is a complete scenery for FSX.
Posted Jun 4, 2009 23:22 by Serdar Nuzhet
FSX Istanbul Ataturk Airport (LTBA) Scenery Package
51.07Mb (11887 downloads)
FSX Istanbul Ataturk Airport (LTBA) Scenery The biggest and the busiest Turkish Airport. Meticulously detailed and realistically depicted FSX scenery for Istanbul’s Atatürk International Airport. Created with 3ds max from scratch, the scenery includes accurate buildings, hangars, parking bays, safe docking, night texturing and illumination effects. The scenery contains variety of static aircraft and boats, animations and photo real terrain texture. This a complete scenery.
Posted Jun 4, 2009 23:08 by Serdar Nuzhet
Sabiha Gokcen Airport
Sabiha Gokcen Airport
120.50Mb (6122 downloads)
VFR scenery of Turkey Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport and the surrounding area, mainly done by the Instant Scenery program for FSX (SP2) using default FSX objects. Sabiha Gokcen is the second international airport of Istanbul, on the east side of the city. Contains realistic positioning of objects and autogen, has also some photoreal texture components.By Sunay KILIC.
Posted Jun 4, 2009 15:18 by Sunay KILIC
Jordan Queen Alia International Airport
12.09Mb (3194 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Queen Alia International Airport (OJAI) Scenery Enhancement + Landclass, Jordan. With the help of Arabian Airlines, the VATSIM Middle East Division, satellite photos, AIPs, charts, and various other sources, the VATSIM Jordanian FIR (VATJO) proudly presents an accurate enhancement of the current Queen Alia International Airport and its surrounding area. This is designed for both FSX and FS9, and the same files work on both simulators. This enhancement corrects the taxiway layouts, terminal positions, stands, cargo apron, Royal Apron, surrounding area landclass, and all other aspects of the airport that Microsoft was unable to just get right! Designed with EZ Scenery Creator - libraries copyrighted to their respective owners. By Mahmoud Fadli.
Posted Jun 3, 2009 09:32 by Mahmoud Fadli
 Bremerton National Airport (KPWT), Washington
 Bremerton National Airport (KPWT), Washington
0.43Mb (1079 downloads)
Patch for Mark Smith's FS2004 Bremerton National to make it work in FSX.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 1, 2009 22:30 by P Nigel Grant/Mark Smith
Ants Aussie Airports VOL 8 : Patch 1.1
0.14Mb (1456 downloads)
This patch will fix Ants Aussie Airports Vol 8 : Bundaberg and Lady Elliot Island. Some people could not land on Lady Elliot Island and this has been fixed. Also fixes runway lights at Bundaberg. Recommended that all users of Vol 8 download this patch.
Posted Jun 1, 2009 00:12 by Anthony Lynch
Ants Aussie Airports Vol 8 - Bundaberg (YBUD) and Lady Elliot Island
Ants Aussie Airports Vol 8 - Bundaberg (YBUD) and Lady Elliot Island
54.36Mb (2153 downloads)
Ants Aussie Airports Vol 8. Bundaberg (YBUD) and Lady Elliot Island (YLTT), QLD, Australia. Features Photoreal airports which blend best with payware FTX ground textures. Includes nearly 200 custom 3D objects plus ground polys for accurate taxiway and runway markings. By Anthony Lynch.
Posted May 28, 2009 11:32 by Anthony Lynch
Buenos Aires X.3, Argentina
38.43Mb (6288 downloads)
FSX Buenos Aires X.3, Argentina. This is the scenery of "Buenos Aires", Republica Argentina. This is an evolution of BsAs_08.2 (previous version). Errors were corrected and they incorporate 3D photoreal objects. The scenery covers the following area: end of the Delta of Parana, coastal area from Buenos Aires, from Escobars north, until the south of Quilmes, Capital Federal, Area West, the routes arrive until Campana and La Plata, and much more. It is completely integrated with La Plata_X. By Pablo Contouris, Guillermo Posadas and Javier Paissan.
Posted May 27, 2009 04:23 by Pablo
Quad City International Airport IA / IL
4.71Mb (2104 downloads)
FSX Quad City International Airport IA / IL. The Quad City International Airport serves the Quad City area of Davenport and Bettendorf Iowa and Moline and Rock Island Illinois, surrounding communities, plus areas of eastern Iowa and western Illinois. This scenery includes many improvements over the default version, including a completely new passenger terminal, modeled after the real life facility, using custom textures; the John Deere facility, Elliott Aviation facility, and the U. S. Postal Service Processing and Distribution facility, all on the south side of the airport, also using custom textures; a modified landclass file, which eliminates any autogen objects displaying within the airport grounds; completely rebuilt vehicle paths, which do not allow airport vehicles to access any taxiways; an option to use the scenery with the crosswind runways activated or not activated; and accurate parking assignments for commercial and GA aircraft. Also included are Henry Tomkiewicz's Gufstream G-II and Learjet 35 AI aircraft repainted in John Deere Corporate colors. There are also flight plans included for the John Deere aircraft, as well as additional GA flight plans using various default FSX aircraft. An auto installer is also included for ease of installation. By Patrick Finch.
Posted May 27, 2009 03:38 by Patrick Finch