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28.04Mb (261 downloads)
Detailed user manual included. For each aircraft control surface selected, AxisViewer will show the position of the joystick axis attached to the control surface, and the actual position of the control surface according to FSX/P3D. The benefits are: * Positive feedback on Control Surface Position. Ever ask yourself "Self, just what is that autopilot/autothrottle doing, anyway?!" * Allow you to manually adjust the Axis Positions to match the Control Surface Positions, so that you don't get a nasty surprise (for example, sudden change in thrust) when the autopilot and/or autothrottle is disengaged. * Verification of joystick functioning and range of motion. * Clear indication of when "dead zones" are entered. You will see the Control Surface Position "snap" to a particular value as the Axis Position approaches the dead zone. Version 1.5 adds minor fixes and transparency. See the user manual for details.
Posted Nov 11, 2019 08:18 by william ruppel
FCA - Flight Connection Analyzer
FCA - Flight Connection Analyzer
1.14Mb (188 downloads)
Flight Connection Analyzer is an easy and comfortable tool to extract and present data like airport visiting frequencies, connected airport pairs, and use of aircraft models and airlines from your flight record, either directly from the FSX logbook or from an external source.
Posted Nov 4, 2019 11:54 by Mario Kassmann
FSX/Prepar3D/X-Plane Little Navmap Free Flight Planner
137.82Mb (2208 downloads)
FSX/Prepar3D/X-Plane Little Navmap Free Flight Planner. Navigation tool and moving map. Shows airports and navaids using OpenStreetMap background. Features: Airport traffic patterns, holdings, approach and departure procedures and much more. All FSX versions from SP2 up to P3D v4 and X-Plane 11. Windows 7-10, Apple macOS and Linux. By Alexander Barthel.
Posted Oct 22, 2019 00:38 by Alexander Barthel
FSX/P3D/Xplane/FS9 Flight Simulator First Officer (FSFO) V3
FSX/P3D/Xplane/FS9 Flight Simulator First Officer (FSFO) V3
0.18Mb (2602 downloads)
Flight Simulator First Officer (FSFO) V3 is a generic copilot designed to work with aircraft that conform to Xplane (via XPUIPC), FS9, FSX and P3D SDK; in short, it adds a touch of realism while providing a copilot to share cockpit responsibilities. FSFO V3 does not require strict adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (i.e. scripts), reading lengthy manuals or precise speech. To that end, it can be as complex or simple as you want; for example, FSFO can complete the entire Before Start Checklist, or only those functions you chose not to accomplish. Regardless, he will check every switch to ensure it's placed in the correct position. Just hit connect and fly with confidence that your First Officer is helping you fly your complicated aircraft.
Posted Jul 14, 2019 20:59 by Matthew King
Weather Explorer
0.49Mb (755 downloads)
This program is for getting weather reports (METARs) and forecasts (TAFs) from NOAA servers. It was built on Windows 10 1903 and tested on Windows 8.1. It should also work on Windows 7 SP1 with .Net Framework updated to v4.8.
Posted Jul 14, 2019 12:50 by Staz Neznamov
FSTramp Free 7.26 for P3D, FSX, FSX-SE, X-Plane 11
347.68Mb (1472 downloads)
FSTrampFree 7.26 for P3D, FSX, FSX-SE, X-Plane 11 FSTrampFree is a moving map and derived from the flight management system FSTramp. It shows, without internet access, the world map with mountains, airports, navigation aids and aircrafts. In addition to the mouse pointer, the surface elevation is displayed. The app is an integrated module for the simulator and can be activated by pressing Ctrl+F12. Use the context menu to move the aircraft to any point in the world.
Posted Jun 27, 2019 05:43 by uploader
Gate A Nator Flight planner
22.06Mb (1159 downloads)
Gate A Nator is a freeware pre-flight tool for FSX and Prepar3D that allows to customize a flight plan before starting a flight simulation session. Can set departing Gate position and can load flight plans from FSX/FS2004, Prepar3D, LEVELD, PMDG, Quality Wings and Flight Sim Commander, or from an ICAO route, and using Airac cycles (FSBuild2 format) to read navaids from. Installation package installs Airac Cycle 1904, that can be after updated from Navigraph. Gate/parking database is auto created and updated from FSX or Prepar3D scenery base. It supports file save and export to FS2004, FSX, Prepar3D, LEVELD, PMDG, Quality Wings, Flight Sim Commander, XPlane 11 and Aerosoft Airbus/X extended. Complete instructions guide is included in the help file.
Posted May 22, 2019 03:16 by uploader
FSX Shareware Utility - V7.6.5 Addit! Pro For Flight Simulator X
FSX Shareware Utility - V7.6.5 Addit! Pro For Flight Simulator X
28.33Mb (800 downloads)
Demo - Free for limited time use. Addit! Pro is a comprehensive addon manager for Flight Simulator X. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft, adventures, flights, flight plans, gauges, missions, panels, A.I. airport and facilities data, scenery, sounds, textures, videos, weather and more! Archive add-ons to Addit! Pro's File Cabinet or recreate them in zip files. Modify your aircraft, panels and sounds. Automatically update FS's Scenery Library. Includes FS Configuration Manager, complete scenery library editor, ZIP/RAR support and much more! See Readme.htm for details. Requires Flight Simulator X: Standard, Deluxe, Gold or Steam Edition. By Joseph Stearns. Shareware - Requires paid registration to install an unlimited number of add-ons. See Register.htm.
Posted May 9, 2019 13:05 by Joseph Stearns
P3D FS2004 FSX Flight Analyzer Utility V5.10
P3D FS2004 FSX Flight Analyzer Utility V5.10
4.07Mb (420 downloads)
P3D FS2004 FSX Flight Analyzer Utility V5.10 Flight Data Recorder - Logbook. NOW also P3D supported. Very easy to use, just make a flight plan in the simulator or in this utility. What this program does: - quickly change the settings of FSX/Fs2004, such as time, date, fuel, weight, traffic etc. - start a failure sytem, such as gear, flaps, engine, etc. - freeze the time, so you can fly in a for everlasting sunset. - runway detecting system to see wich runways are in use. - flight analyzing/data recording from departure to parking at the gate. - When flight analysis is finished you can print a report, the report is automaticly saved as pdf File. - graphical landingchart. - record all your flights - quickly look to your FSX display settings (only FSX) and change them even before the flight simulator is running. - After a flight is finished FsQC saves your flight automaticly as 'FsQC last Flight', so you can continue the next day or hour.
Posted May 3, 2019 06:35 by Evander Tholen
FS2004/FSX Flight Analyzer, Logbook Utility V4.09
FS2004/FSX Flight Analyzer, Logbook Utility V4.09
3.35Mb (742 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Flight Analyzer Utility V4.09 Flight Data Recorder - Logbook. NOW WITH STATISTICS TOP 5 AIRPORTS, CITIES AND COUNTRIES. Very easy to use, just make a flight plan in the simulator or in this utility. What this program do: - quickly change the settings of FSX/Fs2004, such as time, date, fuel, weight, traffic etc. - start a failure sytem, such as gear, flaps, engine, etc. - freeze the time, so you can fly in a for everlasting sunset. - runway detecting system to see wich runways are in use. - flight analyzing/data recording from departure to parking at the gate. - When flight analysis is finished you can print a report, the report is automaticly saved as pdf File. - graphical landingchart. - record all your flights - quickly look to your FSX display settings (only FSX) and change them even before the flight simulator is running. - After a flight is finished FsQC saves your flight automaticly as 'FsQC last Flight', so you can continue the next day or hour. Flight analysis start recording at the moment when you begin taxiing. It gives you huge information such as: - takeoff- and landing-weight. - takeoff- and landing-roll in m. and ft. - separate fuel consumption in taxi, climb, cruise and descent. - maximum banking in flight. - which speed you using the flaps and gear. - when autopilot on or off. - vertical speed on touchdown. - reverser set after landing. - wich speed you cancel reverser. - bouncing at landing. - graphical landingchart. - and lots of more. You can better look the example of the pdf document located in the 'Flight Reports' folder. Logbook records: - fuel consumption. - payload. - distance. - number of different airports. - flight hours. - landings. - flaps. - speed. - and lots of more. - quickly show touchdown wind information in a picture. - quickly show the graphical landing chart. - Now with statistics: top 5 Countries, Cities and Airports Requirements: Computer with vista or higher and internet access. Microsoft .net framework 4.6 or higher.(free download on Flightsimulator FSX or 2004 and FSUIPC installed. Note: requires paid activation for full use. Register and you have 1 month free. Program fully works without registration at airport Athens and Iraklion (Greece)
Posted Mar 2, 2019 14:01 by Evander Tholen
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