131.70Mb (2440 downloads)
Little Navmap
is a free open source flight
planner, navigation tool, moving map,
airport search and airport information
system for Flight Simulator X, Prepar3D and
A map display using the
OpenStreetMap as a background map which is
only one option of many online and included
offline maps. The map shows airports,
navaids, airways, airspaces, AI or
multiplayer aircraft and ships. A seamlessly
integrated airport diagram displays
taxiways, displaced thresholds, overrun
areas, aprons, parking spots and more
It supports approach and departure
procedures like SIDs and STARs, offers
several automatic flight plan calculation
options and multiple export formats like GFP,
FPL, GPX, RTE, FLP and X-Plane
FMS 3/11 as well as drag and drop flight
plan editing on the map.
An elevation profile is shown for the flight
Search functionality allows to look for
airports, navaids or procedures.
The program can generate an ATS route
description from flight plans and vice versa.
The nav database can be updated by the
Navigraph FMS Data Manager. A cycle 1307
database is included.
Supported Flight Simulators: All FSX
versions from SP2 up, Flight Simulator -
Steam Edition, Prepar3D v2, v3, v4 and
X-Plane 11.
Supported platforms: Windows 7/8/10, macOS
(10.10 or newer only) and Linux (64 bit
only). Previous version had 2348 d/ls. https://albar965.github.io/.
Posted Dec 26, 2017 07:37 by Alexander Barthel

0.00Mb (356 downloads)
This TrackIR Profile was created for FSX/P3D to give the user a full range of motion in order to
maximize his or her field of vision. I recommend using this profile along with all of my EZDok Aircraft profiles available on Simviation.
Posted Dec 9, 2017 00:54 by JackRiordan

26.24Mb (848 downloads)
Addit! Pro is a comprehensive addon manager for Flight Simulator X. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft, adventures, flights, flight plans, gauges, missions, panels, A.I. airport and facilities data, scenery, sounds, textures, videos, weather and more! Archive add-ons to Addit! Pro's File Cabinet or recreate them in zip files. Modify your aircraft, panels and sounds. Automatically update FS's Scenery Library. Includes FS Configuration Manager, complete scenery library editor, ZIP/RAR support and much more! See Readme.htm for details. Requires Flight Simulator X: Standard, Deluxe, Gold or Steam Edition. By Joseph Stearns. Shareware--please register to install an unlimited number of add-ons. See Register.htm.
Posted Dec 7, 2017 15:56 by Joseph Stearns

2.34Mb (518 downloads)
This utility allows you to point to a folder with your stored music and play it with any button of your pit / sim, using FSUIPC. You can control the playlist, you can also choose the audio output target if you have many soundcards (I.E. play music to your passengers, why not ?).
Posted Aug 31, 2017 11:57 by Mario Dantas

0.34Mb (1078 downloads)
AGIMSearch provides data such as:
-General Information:(E.g Long, Lat, Elevation, Time Zone etc).
-Runway Information:(Length, Heading, ILS Frequency etc).
-Communication Information:(ATIS, ARR, GND, TWR etc).
-NavAids and Current weather
*data provided by smithplanet
Posted Aug 16, 2017 04:38 by Chris Hall

0.02Mb (1000 downloads)
HUD Parameters for FSX
HUD_Parameters.lua is a Lua script that displays flight parameters in a small text window that pops up when the script is selected by an assigned key or button if the aircraft is in the air.
Parameters displayed are:
• Indicated Airspeed (IAS. Kts)
• True Airspeed (TAS, Kts)
• Ground Speed (GS, Kts)
• Mach# (when above a user settable altitude, currently 25000ft)
• Altitude (ALT, ft)
• Radio Altitude (RA, ft)
• Vertical Speed (VS, ft/min)
• Vertical Speed per Nautical Mile (VS/NM, ft/NM)
• Attitude Indicator pitch (AI, degrees)
• Flight Path Angle (FPA, degrees)
The top of the script contains user settable values for the size and location of the display, the altitude above which the a/c Mach# will be displayed (default is 25000ft), the data update interval in milliseconds (default is 2000),
and whether or not data is to be logged in HUD_Parameters.log (default is 0, off). These values can be set using a text editor like NotePad.
A registered copy of FSUIPC is required to execute the Lua script. Simply copy the script to the Modules folder of FSX and use FSUIPC4 to assign a key, button or switch to toggle the script on and off.
The script turns off if the aircraft is on the ground.
Al Klayton
Posted Jul 20, 2017 16:32 by Al Klayton

0.10Mb (407 downloads)
FlyLive is a fully free and fully featured* flight simulation streaming suite. Looking to beef up your FSX/P3D livestream for zero charge? You're at the right place! FlyLive is dedicated to satisfying even the most serious flight simulator streamers. The features are packed together in a sophisticated yet simple and user friendly interface - making it surprisingly easy to set up, with the help of the documentation. The purpose of FlyLive is to inject flight data from your simulator into your livestream, so your audience don’t have to look at the tiny numbers on the flight instruments to know what’s going on. It is designed specifically for streamers who want to “up their game” in Flight Simulation streaming, but don’t have the knowledge to code something. Perquisites FlyLive relies on FSUIPC to extract data from the Simulator. You MUST have FSUIPC installed (free or registered) on your computer to use this software. FSUIPC can be downloaded from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html You must have a broadcaster/recorder that can read from text files constantly. OBS Studio is an excellent, open source free broadcasting suite which FlyLive supports. OBS can be downloaded from https://www.obsproject.com A *legal* working copy of any FSX version or P3D (except v1) with FSUPC must be installed on your computer. *compared to similar programs
Posted May 19, 2017 12:21 by uploader

16.29Mb (7762 downloads)
FsGoogleEarthView v3.0.
FsGoogleEarthView enables Flight Simulator flight with realistic Google Earth view!
With FsGoogleEarthView, you can take both :
- Google Earth's great photoreal ground, 3D Buildings, detailed terrain mesh
(No need of FS's ground textures or autogen buildings)
- Flight Simulator's great flight model, flight instruments, add-on aircrafts, add-on airport sceneries
with no downloading and very short loading time, anywhere in the world!
It will provide more enjoyable VFR flight than any other sceneries.
Now with v3.0, additional functions such as VDGS, Landing Report, Airport Moving Map, Route Visualization and Flight Logging are also included.
And it's freeware now.
It works with FSX, FS2004, Prepar3d, X-plane all.
Posted May 6, 2017 03:51 by uploader

4.05Mb (806 downloads)
If your FS9, FSX or P3D is slow to start because you have a lot of sceneries, FsLaunchpad (FSL) is for you.
FSL allows to Select your Sceneries, Load your Addons and Launch FSX in same time.
Visit fslauncher.com you will find videos on Youtube and more information about FsLaunchpad.
Posted Apr 25, 2017 22:44 by Pierre Legault
0.00Mb (245 downloads)
NpCmoveAircraft is a Lua script in the Numberpad Control family of FSX scripts that can be used to move an aircraft to a new position. Each step includes prompts for the required input and format. User inputs include the DISTANCE to move (NMs), the DIRECTION to move (degrees magnetic), the desired aircraft ALTITUDE (ft), the desired aircraft HEADING (degrees magnetic), and the desired aircraft IAS (Kts) along with the LANDING GEAR POSITION -- up (u), down (d) or fixed (f). Or for any of the five inputs the user can simply enter a carriage return (Enter key) to signify NO CHANGE for that particular entry.
Prior to the move the aircraft can be on the ground or in the air. So, for example, NpCmoveAircraft can be used to simply turn an a/c around, to move it to the other end of a runway, to re-position it for another approach after landing, to jump ahead in cruise, to catch up to another a/c, etc. NpCmoveAircraft works with default FSX aircraft and many add-on aircraft that adhere to the standard FSUIPC offsets.
A registered copy of FSUIPC is required to execute the NpCmoveAircraft Lua script. Simply copy the script to the Modules folder of FSX and assign a ‘hot key’, button or switch to activate the script.
Posted Feb 21, 2017 12:23 by Al Klayton