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FSX > Utilities > Page 9
FSX AI Carriers 2 .NET version
0.05Mb (28644 downloads)
FSX AI Carriers 2 .NET version. This version targets the .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile and supports Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Acceleration and SP2, Microsoft ESP, Lockheed Martin Prepar3D and Prepar3D v2, and Dovetail Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. This is a small software that allows you to place and control single ships or complete naval fleets in Flight Simulator X. Unlike previous software concerning AI ships and carriers, or missions, it doesn't need complex edit of traffic files or mission files. Just add when you are in free flight, anywhere you want. * AI Carriers .NET by Orion Lyau * Original AI Carriers utility by Lamont Clark
Posted Nov 9, 2014 01:16 by Lamont Clark
Quick Replay FSX
0.20Mb (858 downloads)
Sick of using your keyboard to change the 60 second default replay value to something longer? This Add On provides menu options for 120, 180 and 240 second replays so that you can activate your desired replay quickly and without the keyboard. Also allows controller buttons to trigger your favorite replay duration. Richard Barry Nov 2014
Posted Nov 8, 2014 02:19 by Richard Barry.
FSX Native 3D - v2
3.02Mb (381 downloads)
True Native 3D for use with Side by Side and Top Bottom (Over Under) 3D capable monitors, TV's and projectors. Not reliant on 3D graphics cards as 3D is generated from two offset FSX views. v2.0 : stability improved, head tracking support, various bug fixes. By Richard Barry in conjunction with a utility from ToCAEDIT. Sept 2014.
Posted Sep 17, 2014 07:54 by Richard Barry
FSX Native 3D
0.97Mb (247 downloads)
True Native 3D for use with Side by Side and Top Bottom (Over Under) 3D capable monitors, TV's and projectors. Not reliant on 3D graphics cards as 3D is generated from two offset FSX views. Not for P3D.
Posted Sep 2, 2014 00:46 by Richard Barry
FSX Metric to Imperial  Converter
FSX Metric to Imperial  Converter
0.20Mb (862 downloads)
Program to convert FSX feet to meters and convert flight level to meters.
Posted Jul 23, 2014 02:09 by laki944
Smoke 5
0.05Mb (1925 downloads)
Smoke5 is a smoke system with 5 colors, White, red, green, blue and yellow which allows the choice of smoke emission for single color but does not allow the issue of the 5 colors at once. The operation is not structured on the lights in FSX to have no effect with the lighting system of the veivolo. It often happens that when we turn the lights on aircrafts "L" smoke effects are activated or part of the lights as "Strobe, logo etc etc" do not work, this is because codes relating to their operation have been used to activate the other effects. All this with Smoke5 does not occur. Smoke5 says the lights are lights and the smoke is smoke and are 2 separate things.
Posted Jul 20, 2014 05:15 by Voyager
0.42Mb (4716 downloads)
DX10 Shader Fixes V3.2.3. These are a set of shader fixes for DX10 Preview mode in FSX. The patch should not effect DX9 in any way. It addresses the following bugs in the DX10 preview: 1) Flashing runways/taxiways 2) Yellow/white runway markings transparency 3) Opaque chain fences 4) Progressive Taxi markings missing 5) Missing night scenery/semi-transparent dusk scenery (often misdescribed as missing night textures) 6) Some addon cars with black headlights 7) Softer VC shadow 8) Eliminates false sun on VC roof and side wall 9) ORBX FTX Global lights with black background rectangles fixed Also included are an optional replacement water shade, aircraft lights package and an optional replacement background texture. This can replace the light blue DX10 uses and is close to what DX9 uses in the same circumstances.
Posted Jul 16, 2014 05:48 by Steve Parsons / Steve Waite
4.95Mb (342 downloads)
FStarToFS2K provides the possibility to convert Jeppesen FliteStar/FliteMap(R) 8.x/9.x Version Flight Plans to Microsoft Flight Simulator(R) 2000/2002/2004/FSX or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D(R) Flight Plans, thereafter called MS FS or LM P3D Flight plans. Meanwhile Flight plans for Ted Wright's NAV3.x, Alessandro Antonini's Super Flight Planner, Radar Contact, SquawkBox and Alain Captain's ACS-GPS can be produced as well. It provides an intuitive interface and an extensive help system. See Readme.txt for Changes!
Posted Jun 28, 2014 02:14 by Conrad F. Staeheli
Flight Sim Model Converter FSMC
0.17Mb (593 downloads)
This is a little GUI a wrote for compiling .X files into MDL files. For those of the community who have made use of Prepar3D's v2.2 SDK, there are compatibility issues with the MDL's created for Prepar3D and FSX. The Prepar3D v1.4 SDK XtoMDL compiler correctly writes the MDL files which work in FSX. To use this program, you need to point the GUI to the location of the v1.4 SDK XtoMDL.EXE file and your .X file for your model. You can select the switches which you would normally enter on the command line, from the GUI and it will compile the .MDL with them.
Posted May 1, 2014 10:04 by uploader
0.15Mb (1471 downloads)
FS Scenery Manager is a little tool to manage easily sceneries of FSX. The main particularity is the possibility to classify scenery into folder, for a simplified management of several sceneries in one click. The scenery.cfg file is found automatically using the registry base.
Posted Jan 14, 2014 05:16 by simviator