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FS2004 > Vintage > Page 51
                  S.A.A.F. Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IX
1.97Mb (2506 downloads)
FS2004 S.A.A.F. Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IX The Spitfire was developed continuously throughout World War II, through some 24 versions. A major revision of the original Spitfire was the Mk IX, a model quickly cobbled together to meet the challenge of the newly emerging Focke- Wulf 190. The high-altitude version Mk IX was essentially a Mk V with a 1,710-hp Merlin 70 engine, capable of more than 400 mph. From 1942 to 1944 5,665 Mk IXs were built, and at war's end many were still in RAF service. Designer: Vasco Ferreira. 2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Douglas DC-6 Freighter Tired & Weathered Textures (Textures
1.18Mb (1783 downloads)
FS2004 Douglas DC-6 Freighter Tired & Weathered Textures (Textures only). This is a fictitious repaint of DC-6B. This aircraft has had a hard life as depicted by the constant respray of primers, etc. However, this airplane is also a performer and is not bogged down by maintenance problems. You will notice that it was originally used by United, but has been modified for use as a freighter and has been passed around to different companies over the years. Treat her well and she will do anything you ask. The original aircraft by Tom Gibson and Greg Pepper is required (here). By Chris Coarse. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Boulton Paul P.75 Overstrand
2.24Mb (1819 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Boulton Paul P.75 Overstrand This aircraft is a bimotored biplane bomber of Royal Air Force that develops P.29 Sidestrand. This had a lot of reformative equipment such as the nose field emplacements of the power drive, cockpit sealed up with movable windshield, heating of all seats with new heater and autopilot etc.. by Kazunori Ito. 2.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  KZ-2 Sport
11.37Mb (1131 downloads)
FS2004 KZ-2 Sport. ver.1 Skandinaisk Aero Industri KZ-2-SPORT made by Kramme & Zeuten first flown o 10 october 1938. 16 were built, including 4 for Royal Danish Navy. Only 1 is remaining and belongs to Denmark's Tekniske Museum. manufacturer=Kramme & Zeuthen. Sound by Alayn Gourio. By Tommy Petersen. 11.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Curtiss Hawk F-11 C-2 Floats Model, Colombian Air Force
2.98Mb (732 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 Curtiss Hawk F-11 C-2 Floats Model, Colombian Air Force. In 1932 the colombian government bought 30 Hawk F-11 to attend the peruvian invasion in the south of the country, this hawk fought in countless battles, since the ground and the rivers. Model fully animated, with panel and Vc. Model and textures: Eduardo Fadul. Panel: Eduardo Fadul and Warren Wright Flight Dynamics: Alejandro Villa Engine model: Tom Eads. 3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Focke-Wulf Ta-183
6.68Mb (4065 downloads)
FS2004 Focke-Wulf Ta-183. In 1945, as the Allies were overrunning Germany, many amazing discoveries were made, from torture camps, to fantastic aircraft. They included many amazing designs, such as VTOL aircraft, jets, flying rammers, etc... The Focke-Wulf Ta-183 was Kurt Tank's answer to the Luftwaffe's request for a high-power single-seat jet fighter capable of carrying 30mm cannons, air-to-air missiles, and a variety of other palyloads. In the end, the aircraft never got off paper. Some say, though, that the advancing Russians got the blueprints, and took them to Moscow. After many years of tweaking and changing, the Ta-183 finally took to the air, called the MiG-15!! The Luft '46 Project is proud to present a render of the Ta-183 that has been in the works for several years, now!. 6.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Lockheed L 1049 Constellation Varig Textures
2.62Mb (1896 downloads)
FS2004 Lockheed L 1049 Constellation Varig Textures only. Requires FSDZigns L1049 here. Repainted by Cristiano Magnani. 2.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Curtiss Hawk F-11 C-2 Colombian Air Force
2.09Mb (1138 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 Curtiss Hawk F-11 C-2 Colombian Air Force In 1932 the colombian government bought 30 Hawk F-11 to attend the peruvian invasion in the south of the country, this hawk fought in countless battles, since the ground and the rivers. Model fully animated, with panel and Vc. Model, panel and textures: Eduardo Fadul eduardofadul@yahoo.com Bogotá, Colombia Engine model: Tom Eads. 2.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Short S.17 Kent
3.03Mb (2610 downloads)
FS2004 Short S.17 Kent Four-engined, British flying boat airliner of 1931. Famous as the most comfortable and luxurious airliner of the time. Imperial Airways called it the 'Scipio' class after fhe first aircraft, G-ABFA 'Scipio'. Ready to fly from Brindisi (Italy), Athens or Alexandria harbours. Custom panel included. For more details see the included manual.By Jens B. Kristensen. 3.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                    USAF EC121 Package.
14.19Mb (4685 downloads)
FS2004 USAF EC121 Package. Reflexive and weathered textures and complete aircraft with accurate latest air file featuring reworked panel with reworked gauges, Night lighting and cockpit views. Best viewed in high resolutions: 1024X768 or higher. Aircraft from Mike Stone, panel from Hansjoerg Naegele, Jan Visser, Wolfram Beckert and Howard Sodja. Gauges from lots of brilliant and helpfull designers. By Luís da Costa Pereira. 14.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive