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FSX > Civil Jets > Page 551
Boeing 727-100 and 727-200 Package
Boeing 727-100 and 727-200 Package
113.24Mb (17783 downloads)
Boeing 727-100 and Boeing 727-200 including cargo versions. Lufthansa, Air France, Kittyhawk and UPS models for FSX only. Model with diffuse, bump spec and nightmap. Comes with working virtual cockpit and panel. Needs SP1 or SP2. Testet with DX10. Multiplayer compatible by default. Repaint sources included. (see update below)
Posted Feb 6, 2011 12:32 by Thomas Ruth
0.00Mb (2206 downloads)
Missing effect file texture for my B727-100 and B727-200 package.
Posted Feb 6, 2011 12:31 by Thomas Ruth
Bombardier CRJ-200 G-MKSA Coldplay Jet
Bombardier CRJ-200 G-MKSA Coldplay Jet
104.28Mb (2194 downloads)
ProjectOpensky) CRJ-200 'Coldplay textures by Billy Nguyen™ along with T. Jacobs. This Bombardier CRJ-200 G-MKSA is the one Coldplay used during their 2008 Viva la Vida Concert Tour. The plane is the FS9 CRJ-200 from ProjectOpenSky adapted to work with FSX. Custom CRJ-200 soundset by Adam Murphy - Skyhigh Sound Sy. The VC isn't the best and if someone would like to help re-model the VC with the default FSX CRJ-700 VC, please do so! Billy N. & T. Jacobs
Posted Feb 6, 2011 10:34 by Billy Nguyen™
FSX Boeing 737-200 KLM Textures
FSX Boeing 737-200 KLM Textures
1.84Mb (3005 downloads)
Textures only for the TinMouse 737-200 in the colours of KLM Airlines (Chartered from Transavia). By Marius Kramer
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 2, 2011 13:05 by archive
Skybus Airbus A319-112
Skybus Airbus A319-112
87.55Mb (3897 downloads)
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you another famous creation; the Skybus A319. Skybus went bankrupt a few years ago, but I know there are many people who miss and love this plane, so I decided to recreate it and possibly better it. This aircraft uses the default A321 vc, excellent flight dynamics, awesome soundset, wingviews, and much more. Presented by ace_pilot_rob. Original model by Project Airbus.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 18:58 by Rob "Ace_Pilot_Rob" McAlister and Kriss "AvationMadman" Armstrong
Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200 Package FSX Redux
Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200 Package FSX Redux
57.94Mb (20695 downloads)
Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200 package modified for FSX. This amazing model was released as ex payware for FS2004. Tested OK in FSX Gold. It's fine for me. I changed many things to make it work ok. Liveries: Air Canada, Air France, America West, BA, China Cargo, Continental, ELAL, Flying Tigers, JAL Cargo, KLM, Lufthansa, Qantas Old, RFP, SAS new, Swissair, United old, Virgin old, SND. In this model you can walk around - go back into the passengers area. Go down the stair into different areas of the aircraft. So much like the real plane! Superb! I also changed the air file so it can fly without crashing and will now take off on a normal runway. Original aircraft by the RFP team (could not be contacted). FSX Modifications by Danny Garnier
Posted Jan 28, 2011 14:13 by GARNIER D
Posky 737-800 Air Jamaica
13.01Mb (4443 downloads)
Air Jamaica textures for the Posky 737-800. This is Air Jamaica's new livery painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Jan 28, 2011 13:05 by Stephen Browning
American Airlines Boeing 797
1.75Mb (5117 downloads)
FSX American Airlines Boeing 797. The B797 should become, with a design based on the Boeing 787, the Boeing 737 replacement. The shining aluminium look will be miss with a composite fuselage. This CamSim aircraft also has an Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) features. No VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jan 28, 2011 12:41 by Camil Valiquette
Boeing 787-8 V2 Japan Airlines new colors
5.10Mb (1774 downloads)
FSX Japan Airlines new colors (Return of the red-crown crane) Boeing 787-8 V2, This CamSim Version 2 feature an improve aircraft's design with new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). No VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jan 28, 2011 12:26 by Camil Valiquette
FSOpen (VA) POSKY Boeing 757-200
23.79Mb (2744 downloads)
This is the new livery for the Virtual Airline FS Open for the POSKY 757-200. Based in Birmingham in the UK FSOpen Virtual Airlines operate flights all over the globe.
Posted Jan 27, 2011 12:29 by Paul Humphries