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FSX > Page 1559
0.05Mb (1653 downloads)
FSX Bahamas Scenery. Default scenery for nine airports in the Bahamas and south Florida Keys. Does not impact frame rates and adds to the flight sim experience.
Posted Aug 16, 2010 09:04 by Uploader
Cathay Pacific Airbus A350-900
5.14Mb (8453 downloads)
FSX Cathay Pacific Airbus A350-900 XWB V2. Versions 2 is an all new version of the A350-900 seen at the Paris Air Show 2009, with a new nose, new cockpit windows,new wings and winglets. This CamSim Version 2 is also including an updated new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Aug 16, 2010 08:59 by Camil Valiquette
Tronquenec for France VFR
0.74Mb (763 downloads)
This scene has been designed as a complement for France VFR FSX Britany. It adds ruins of the castle of Tronquenec. Closest airport LFRO Lannion Just copy and paste the scenery and texture folders the usual way, then declare the scene. It should have a higher Priority than France VFR FSX Britany. All the elements were developped in the "instant scenery" library framework, so you can modify the scena as you wish. For feedback use the france vfr forum (english tab) and contact me ( alias Etien ) From the same author: France VFR FSX Britany Complements: Ouessant, Fort Cigogne, Fort de la Latte, Tour Solidor, Concarneau, Palais,Trevarez (including Guilguiffin Nessay and Largoet), Bienassis.Fly Tampaa Grenadines complement: Savans island
Posted Aug 16, 2010 02:01 by Etienne V
Tupolev Tu-114 Package for FSX
Tupolev Tu-114 Package for FSX
30.17Mb (20048 downloads)
Samdim Design Tupolev Tu-114 adapted for FSX. Featuring DDS textures, full virtual cockpit (VC), custom gauges, custom sounds, passenger cabin with camera definitions. 1959 Khruschev livery. Also includes Soviet Army Tu-126 Moss AWACS variant. Adapted by B. Jansik
Posted Aug 15, 2010 15:44 by Branislav Jansik
FSX Finnair Concorde Textures
7.15Mb (7719 downloads)
Finnair Concorde texture for FSX By:Jope1511 Requires Concorde Collection by Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 15, 2010 07:14 by Jope1511
FSX Dino Cattaneo F-35A RNLAF 313 Standart "Tiger" livery
20.54Mb (1388 downloads)
Lockheed Martin F-35A for FSX by Dino Cattaneo in (yet fictional) RNLAF livery. My seventh paint resembles a future 313 Sqn livery, located at Volkel AB, The netherlands. Nowadays the 313 sqn is a fully apreciated Volkel AB inhabitant and will host the NATO Tiger Meet 2010. With the 313 Sqn in F-35A colours hope is set the Sqn will survive along with the other remaining RNLAF Sqns in a cloudy, uncertain and troubled future. This livery is in regular 313 Sqn colours. You need the excellent payware Lockheed Martin F-35A by Dino Cattaneo in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 14, 2010 20:41 by René Spaan
FSX F-35A F-35A Dino Cattaneo RNLAF 311 "Bald Eagle" Textures
20.80Mb (406 downloads)
Lockheed Martin F-35A for FSX by Dino Cattaneo in (yet fictional) RNLAF livery. My sixth paint resembles a future 311 Sqn livery, located at Volkel AB, The netherlands. 311 Squadron is an old occupant of Volkel airbase soil. The squadron logo represents a North-American bald eagle in attack position. The predator bird is know for it's agility. Combine that with the squadrons task and aircraft flown in history (all agile fighters) and you will soon conclude to the squadrons motto; "Ut Aquila Praedans", which translates to "within agility lays our strength". You need the excellent payware Lockheed Martin F-35A by Dino Cattaneo in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 14, 2010 20:21 by René Spaan
Lockheed L1011 Tristar 2D panel
Lockheed L1011 Tristar 2D panel
2.07Mb (4653 downloads)
2D panel for the venerable Lockheed L1011 Tristar. This old lady was in competition with the MD DC10 and was a very nice aircraft (some of them are still in service). Please follow instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file (FS9 included). Enjoy!
Posted Aug 14, 2010 14:18 by Philippe Wallaert
Boeing 747-400 Alitalia Textures
Boeing 747-400 Alitalia Textures
6.44Mb (6376 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Alitalia textures for the default Boeing 747-400. Textures by Edoardo Ammannati.
Posted Aug 14, 2010 12:29 by Edoardo Ammannati
Boeing 737-800 Southwest Airlines New Mexico One
8.52Mb (3507 downloads)
My second paint texture. The texture is of the Southwest Airlines New Mexico variant. This is for the default Boeing 737-800.
Posted Aug 14, 2010 12:09 by Jordan Vaughn