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FSX > Page 1561
Big Bear, California
1.14Mb (1169 downloads)
Big Bear, California. Created using rwy12 objects and program. Adds static aircraft, buildings, cars and people. Important landmarks: Big Bear Dam, Observatory.
Posted Aug 12, 2010 17:12 by aaron bennett
FSX Dina Cattaneo F-35A RNLAF 322 Sqn Textures
20.80Mb (602 downloads)
Lockheed Martin F-35A for FSX by Dino Cattaneo in (yet fictional) RNLAF livery. My fourth paint resembles a future 322 Sqn livery, located at Leeuwarden AB, The Netherlands. The Leeuwarden based "Polly" Squadron has a long tradition of having a live parrot as the unit's mascotte, ever since it was founded during WW2. You need the excellent payware Lockheed Martin F-35A by Dino Cattaneo in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 12, 2010 00:01 by René Spaan
FSX  Boeing 737-800 Alitalia Textures
FSX  Boeing 737-800 Alitalia Textures
1.35Mb (8809 downloads)
FSX Boeing 737-800 Alitalia textures for the default Boeing 737-800. By Edoardo Ammannati
Posted Aug 11, 2010 21:14 by Edoardo Ammannati
FSX Dino Cattaneo F-35A RNLAF 323 Sqn Textures
19.22Mb (794 downloads)
Lockheed Martin F-35A for FSX by Dino Cattaneo in (yet fictional) RNLAF livery. My third paint resembles a future 323 TACTESS Sqn livery, located at Leeuwarden AB, The Netherlands. The Leeuwarden based "Dirty Diana" Squadron is dedicated to assess and develope fighter combat tactics, to lecture them and most important, to improve them. 323 TACTESS Sqn is also home of the annual Frisian Flag and FWIT programs. You need the excellent payware Lockheed Martin F-35A by Dino Cattaneo in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 11, 2010 20:26 by René Spaan
Northland, New Zealand, v2.2
45.05Mb (2414 downloads)
FSX Northland, New Zealand, v2.2. 5m photoreal layed down for part of the top of the North island of New Zealand. Freeware coverage 200 square miles of the 600 square miles available. Features enhanced recoloring and water masking. By
Posted Aug 11, 2010 11:11 by Michael Allen-Andrews
FSX RAAF F/A-18F Julia10 Textures
FSX RAAF F/A-18F Julia10 Textures
4.52Mb (5640 downloads)
Enclosed is a repaint to show what a Royal Australian Air Force/RAAF F/A-18F would appear if it was Aussie Prime Minister Julia Gillard's mount in KBT Super Hornet body. Created in Abacus Repaint V2, full details in readme file in TXT or PDF. By Josef
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 11, 2010 08:29 by Josef of FSXTipline
Mississippi Queen Textures Aerosoft DHC-2 Beaver Amphibian
2.30Mb (434 downloads)
This is a fictional repaint for the Aersoft DHC-2 Beaver Amphibian, based on the riverboat, Mississippi Queen. Repaint by L.T. 'patchz' Davis.
Posted Aug 11, 2010 06:20 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis
Aerosoft DHC-2 Floats Nuttin Textures
1.95Mb (243 downloads)
This is an update for the fictional texture Nuttin' Special for the payware Aerosoft DHC-2F Floats 8 seat Beaver. I left out the thumbnail for the Selection screen in the first upload. This is the same file but with the thumbnail added to the texture file. Repaint by L.T. 'patchz' Davis.
Posted Aug 11, 2010 02:07 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis
Western Airlines DC-3 Textures
Western Airlines DC-3 Textures
2.33Mb (1216 downloads)
Western Airlines textures for the FSX default DC-3 aircraft by Microsoft/Aces and modified by James Eden and Jon Murchison. These textures require modification to the default FSX DC-3 Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 10, 2010 21:25 by Gary Harper
FSX Iris F-20C RNLAF Textures
2.20Mb (377 downloads)
The Northrop-Grumman F-20C in a fictional Netherlands Antilles based RNLAF livery. Despite the fact the F-20 never became an operational fighter it could have been an option for a low cost multi-role fighter for small countries, in addition for a more "all round" fighter fleet, especially in a more low risk environment. For such ordeal, the F-20 could have proven usefull for the RNLAF, ideal for remote areas such as the Netherlands Antilles. You need a copy of the payware F-20C by IRIS for FSX in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 10, 2010 16:23 by Rene Spaan