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FSX > Page 1563
A2A Piper Cub Israeli AF
7.30Mb (515 downloads)
A US registered Piper Cub in Israeli AF colors. Requires the payware A2A Piper Cub. Skin made by Tom Weiss.
Posted Aug 8, 2010 20:42 by Tom Weiss
Airbus A319-100 Delta Airlines 2007
Airbus A319-100 Delta Airlines 2007
68.37Mb (15854 downloads)
Airbus A319-100 Delta Airlines 2007 Colors. Model by Project Airbus. Edited by Rob "Ace Pilot Rob" McAlister. This plane includes: Wingviews Working Dynamics Default A321 VC.
Posted Aug 8, 2010 06:45 by Rob McAlister
EDDM  Munich Airport, Germany
0.05Mb (8489 downloads)
EDDM: Munich for FSX. This archive contains BGL-files for Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2) to improve original Airport Design on EDDM airport. !This enhancement is rather intended for usage by purists, since it does not contain any further scenery, apart from the original, delivered by FSX! You can expect RWYs, Aprons, TWYs, parking pos., etc with a high accuracy according to the real world (AIP GERMANY AD 2 EDDM; effective: 03 JUN 2010)
Posted Aug 8, 2010 05:23 by Michael Henseler
PC-7 KLu 131 EMVO Royal Netherlands Air Textures
0.71Mb (1500 downloads)
PC-7 KLu 131 EMVO Royal Netherlands Air ForceL-07, 131 sqn EMVO Woensdrecht Textures for Tim Conrad's PC7. Swiss turboprop basic and advanced training aircraft. In service throughout the world my many air forces. Several can found on the civil registries of several countrie. This is a repaint for the newly released PC-7 V.20 by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. Thanks to Piglet for this wonderful model and great paintkit. Repainted by Vincent van Yperen.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 8, 2010 05:19 by Vincent van Yperen
PC-7 Swiss Air Force Textures
0.79Mb (1216 downloads)
This is a repaint for the newly released PC-7 V.20 by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. Thanks to Piglet for this wonderful model and great paintkit. Repainted by Vincent van Yperen.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 8, 2010 05:03 by Vincent van Yperen
C172 N172DM Textures
C172 N172DM Textures
6.28Mb (1545 downloads)
Based on the real N172DM, a C172N model. Textures for the default C172. The cockpit is a yellow/orange mix based on the real N172DM cockpit. The real 172DM was modified to carry a 180HP engine instead of the default 160HP Lycoming engine. By Anthony Celentano
Posted Aug 7, 2010 19:32 by Anthony Celentano
Aerosoft DHC-2F Floats Nuttin Textures
1.95Mb (200 downloads)
This is a fictional texture for the payware Aerosoft DHC-2F Floats 8 seat Beaver. I first created this texture for a freeware Cub and have modified and improved it for the Beaver. Repaint by L.T. 'patchz' Davis.
Posted Aug 7, 2010 03:13 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis
Nicaragua Air...Flights in Nicaragua on Weekends
Nicaragua Air...Flights in Nicaragua on Weekends
0.98Mb (6040 downloads)
FSadventureSky FSX/FS9 Flight. Its raining in Managua and its hot, really hot and humid. Your Islander is ready and Jose, the mechanic, has finished placing new plugs on the little plane. Five women tourists are entering the craft so you finish the fried "Mojarra" your wife placed in your lunchbox, and looking at the beautiful Maria Ernesta, the Company only woman stewardess, you walk to the plane, Flight 559 to Puerto Cabezas is all set to fly....The Puerto Cabezas flight 449 will be early tomorrow to San Andres and then back to Managua....Yes sir, flying in Latin America is unique, so what are you waiting for, Fly Man...Fly!!
Posted Aug 7, 2010 00:47 by Gera Godoy Canova
FSX F-35A RNLAF Textures
38.36Mb (1539 downloads)
This is a (yet) fictional RNLAF livery (textures only) for the payware FSX F-35A by Dino Cattaneo. While the Dutch government still debates if and when the F-16AM/BM in the RNLAF fleet will be replaced by either the F-16 advanced, the SAAB Gripen NG or the LM F-35A, the government already approved the purchase of a single F-35A for test and training purposes. The current government agreement talks already mention the purchase of a second test-vehicle. However, due to the global financial crisis the government possibly won't decide to purchase the F-16 replacement batch for another 4 years. In order to provide the current FSX owners a peek into the future (by the time the first F-35 rolls out on Dutch soil, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and FSX are already long obselete), i already made my first F-35A by Dino in a RNLAF livery. It represents a F-35A in Volkel based 312 Sqn colours.
Posted Aug 6, 2010 13:44 by Rene Spaan
7.01Mb (8411 downloads)
This is an experimental plane that has foward swept wings and no tail. It is very manueverable and some times hard to control. It has a slight tendency to pitch up at low speeds, so look out... Enjoy! Made by Ricardo Batalha. Gauges from Kirk Olsson's F-16.
Posted Aug 6, 2010 10:47 by Ricardo Batalha