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FSX > Page 1562
Westjet Boeing 737-800
16.96Mb (4436 downloads)
A repaint of Project Opensky's 737-800 in Westjet colors. As requested. Includes the default B737-800 VC.
Posted Aug 10, 2010 15:16 by Gabriel Guzman
FSX compatible Avro Vulcan Engine Smoke Effect
FSX compatible Avro Vulcan Engine Smoke Effect
0.22Mb (3405 downloads)
By request, an FSX compatible engine smoke effect for the freeware Phoenix Design Avro Vulcan, which you must have previously installed in FSX. Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 10, 2010 02:05 by Tom Tiedman
FSX Cattaneo F-35A RNLAF 313 Sqn Textures
19.38Mb (390 downloads)
Lockheed Martin F-35A for FSX by Dino Cattaneo in (yet fictional) RNLAF livery. My second paint resembles a future 313 Tiger Sqn livery, located at Volkel AB, The Netherlands. A special Tiger Meet version will follow, but this livery already honours the Tigers, hosting the NTM at Volkel AB in October 2010. "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger!...". You need the excellent payware Lockheed Martin F-35A by Dino Cattaneo in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 9, 2010 19:52 by René Spaan
CRJ-700 Alitalia Textures
CRJ-700 Alitalia Textures
0.91Mb (5410 downloads)
FSX Bombardier CRJ-700 Alitalia Textures for the default CRJ-700. By Edoardo Ammannati.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 19:07 by Edoardo Ammannati
Western Cape VFR, South Africa, Flight 1 and 2
4.39Mb (3878 downloads)
You are the chief pilot of the South African Air Force Caravan 41 Squadron, based on AFB Swartkops in Pretoria. You have been given the task by the Chief of the Air Force (CAF) to assist in a public relations exercise with the US Navy, who have an aircraft carrier docked just outside Saldanha Bay in the Western Cape, South Africa. The admiral on board with a few high ranking officers are to be entertained during their visit at Naval Base Saldanha. You are cleared to fly to AFB Langebaanweg and plan a VFR flight to show off our beautiful Western Cape country side, you are cleared to fly at any altitude you feel necessary. After consulting with the local pilots on the base you have planned the following low level route, over 2 days, which was approved by the CAF.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 17:54 by Robbie Albers
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FSX - RAF T-6 Linton Black Textures
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FSX - RAF T-6 Linton Black Textures
1.70Mb (537 downloads)
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FSX - RAF T-6 Linton Black. Colours are based on RAF Tucano at Linton On Ouse, UK. Code EGXU Web www.raf.moduk/raflintononousern. This repaint requires the IRIS T-6A Texan II. By Dave Gore.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 16:40 by Dave Gore (fooflyer)
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FSX - RAF T-6 Linton Red and White Textures
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FSX - RAF T-6 Linton Red and White Textures
2.40Mb (518 downloads)
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FSX - RAF T-6 Linton Red and White textures. Colours are based on RAF Tucano at Linton On Ouse UK Code EGXU This repaint requires the IRIS T-6A Texan II which you can purchase from Repaint by Dave Gore fooflyer
Posted Aug 9, 2010 16:13 by Dave Gore (fooflyer)
Gateway - Theatre of Shopping, Sth Africa
Gateway - Theatre of Shopping, Sth Africa
0.05Mb (1619 downloads)
The Gateway Shopping Centre is one of the largest centres in South Africa. As a pilot in Durban you will certainly fly in close proximity when flying from the Virginia Airport (FAVG), the Durban International Aiport (FADN) or the new King Shaka Airport (KSIA). Please see the Installation and Information file included in the attachment. This scenery file was created using the Abacus FS Design Studio software with the kind guidance and knowledge of Adam Howe.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 12:59 by Greg Olfin
Boeing 737-8K5 Tui Fly Package
Boeing 737-8K5 Tui Fly Package
69.32Mb (8180 downloads)
TuiFly Boeing 737-8K5. TUIfly is the third largest airline in Germany and specialises in charter and low cost flights. FSX model created by Project Opensky and uses the default Boeing 737-800 VC. Textures by Ben Jones. Includes custom Project Opensky CFM56-7B series soundset by Emil Serafino.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 06:33 by Uploader
LEAR-45 Alitalia Textures
LEAR-45 Alitalia Textures
0.52Mb (4173 downloads)
FSX LearJet 45 Repaint Alitalia textures for the default Lear45. By Edoardo Ammannati.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 04:28 by EDO76