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FSX > Page 1599
BM VS SBD Texture Pack01
BM VS SBD Texture Pack01
35.48Mb (666 downloads)
This pack contains 3 texure repaints for the payware Vertigo Studios Douglas SBD Dauntless for FSX.
Posted May 20, 2010 17:59 by Bruce Martin
BM VS SBD OpTorch Textures
17.09Mb (356 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Vertigo Studios Douglas SBD Dauntless representing 41-S_9, VS-41, USN, USS Ranger, OP Torch c.1942.
Posted May 20, 2010 17:54 by Bruce Martin
BM VS SBD Vendee Textures
10.94Mb (161 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Vertigo Studios Douglas SBD Dauntless representing GCB I/18 'Vendee' (Groupe de Chasse Bombardment), Armee de l'Air Serial: F/254543 (42-54543).
Posted May 20, 2010 17:52 by Bruce Martin
BM VS SBD NZ5056 Textures
11.13Mb (154 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Vertigo Studios Douglas SBD Dauntless representing NZ5056 'Kia Kaha' of No.25 Sqn, RNZAF, Bougainville, c.1944
Posted May 20, 2010 17:47 by Bruce Martin
BM VS SBD FAM Textures
10.28Mb (214 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Vertigo Studios Douglas SBD Dauntless representing 2525 of Escuadron Aereo de Pelea 200, Fuerza Aerea Mexicana, c.1946
Posted May 20, 2010 17:44 by Bruce Martin
LFDN Rochefort-Saint Agnant, France
28.79Mb (3603 downloads)
Scenery package for Rochefort-Saint Agnant in Western France. This airport has two clubs and the 721 air base's primary mission is to provide the support and the support of the Training School for officers of the Air Force. Detailed scenery with all the buildings, static planes, etc.
Posted May 20, 2010 13:12 by Alexandre Remy - FAF010
FSX SP2 Fravin C150L Prop Textures  8-Pack
FSX SP2 Fravin C150L Prop Textures  8-Pack
1.06Mb (1113 downloads)
For FSX SP2 users only. A propeller texture 8-pack for the FS2004 Fravin C150L. These prop textures come with different colored prop blade tips in order to match them with the paint scheme of the airplane you wish to use them on. Red, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange, red white and blue (Go Team America!), and of course... just plain plain for your plane. These prop textures solve the opaque FS2004 props seen in FSX SP2. They are as transparent as I could make them... one more notch down on the scale and they dissappear completely. They also work on many other FS2004 aircraft used in FSX SP2, as long as you remember to rename the file to the same name as the prop file you are replacing. A prop for a zillion different planes in one handy place! Cool beans! By Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted May 20, 2010 09:23 by Tom Tiedman
                  Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy Field (KASE)
0.28Mb (2371 downloads)
FSX Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy Field (KASE). This scenery update is for Aspen-Pitkin County airport. Located high in the Rocky Mountains, Aspen is known for it's challenging high altitude runway 15 approach. It updates various aspects of the airport, including taxiways, runways, and parking. Real world demensions were used through Google Earth. A few objects form the default FSX libraries were also added. View Readme file for installation and notes. Compiled using Airport Design Editor. By Phillip Coyle. 287K
Posted May 20, 2010 09:08 by archive
                  VYMM Mawlamyine Intl Airport V2.0 with Traffic-Pack 2
3.56Mb (2330 downloads)
FSX VYMM Mawlamyine Intl Airport V2.0 with Traffic-Pack 2 Mawlamyine International Airport in Burma, Myanmar, include Traffic-Pack 2. Traffic-Pack 1 comes with Traffic-Pack 3 comes soon too. This scenery was produced based of suppositions, stories and voices. It is therefore pure speculation. Whether this airport is ever increased, the God know. If the planned Asean-Highway leads at it past, this airport should gain importance very quickly. Version 2.0 with new docks, jetways, already extended runway, taxiways and new taxisigns. First of all we corrected the airport location to the real one. With Myanmar Air Force area, Helipads and even more parkings for civilian airplanes. You need, and (all here) to use with this. Many Thanks go to Harald Nehring and Frank Weiss, Robert Versluys, Mike Stone and the teams of HOUSE-RP in Burma, FSX Planner, SceneGenX, SBuilder X, Open Ports Scanner, AFXBgDownloader, FSUIPC, Google Earth and AI Flight Planner. This scenery is pure fiction and for FSX only, for FS2004 please download and By HOUSE-RP, Switzerland and Burma. 3.6MB
Posted May 20, 2010 09:08 by archive
                  VYYY Yangon Intl Airport Mingaladon V4.0 with Traffic-Pack 1
11.44Mb (2479 downloads)
FSX VYYY Yangon Intl Airport Mingaladon V4.0 with Traffic-Pack 1 Yangon International Airport "MINGALADON" in Burma, Myanmar, include Traffic-Pack 1. Version 4.0 with new dock "G", jetways, already extended runway, taxiways and new taxisigns. First of all we corrected the airport location to the real one. With Myanmar Air Force area, Helipads and even more parkings for civilian airplanes. This scenery was produced based of visit and on pictures of satellites. Traffic-Pack 2 comes with Traffic-Pack 3 comes soon too. Many Thanks go to Francisco Sánchez-Castañer, Fernando Martinez, Mike Stone and the teams of HOUSE-RP in Burma, FSX Planner, SceneGenX, SBuilder X, Open Ports Scanner, AFXBgDownloader, FSUIPC and Google Earth. This scenery is only for FSX, for FS2004 please download (here). By HOUSE-RP, Switzerland and Burma. 11.7MB
Posted May 20, 2010 09:08 by archive