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FSX > Page 1603
                  USS Ranger CV-4.
0.32Mb (4450 downloads)
FSX USS Ranger CV-4. This is a static scenery model of the USS Ranger, CV-4. The Ranger was the first US ship designed as an aircraft carrier from the start. The model is a true FSX project; it was compiled with Xtomdl into FSX SP-2. It has an exact shape hard deck, rotating radar dish, rotating beacon, dual smoke effects and a ship wake effect. It has a night texture for night carrier ops. It is located just south of Long Beach, Ca. harbor. The necessary files needed to relocate it to other places are included. These files work with Bglcomp which is not included. By Paul Clawson. 329K
Posted May 20, 2010 09:08 by archive
                  Rocky Mountains Scenery Package Part 4: Stevens (2V1), Colorado
93.62Mb (3379 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Rocky Mountains Scenery Package Part 4: Stevens (2V1), Colorado (CO). This is the fourth part of the Rockies project and it extends the third part to the east. It contains the area around Pagosa Springs, the San Juan Mountains and extends down to the northern shores of Navajo Lake. All four parts provide a rectangular area covering 14,000 sq km of beautiful soutwestern Colorado landscape. By Gottfried Razek. 95.8MB
Posted May 20, 2010 09:08 by archive
                  Terrain patch for CFB North Star - CYNS
0.41Mb (1174 downloads)
FSX Terrain patch for CFB North Star - CYNS (here). . Addresses ground flattening problem evident when using FS Genesis, with alternate styles of flatten plateaus included. Also features minor airport modifications, although layout/3-D scenery remains unchanged. By Brian Sturton. 417K
Posted May 20, 2010 09:08 by archive
FSX - RAF Halton  UK
FSX - RAF Halton  UK
0.00Mb (975 downloads)
RAF Halton airfield. Situated just south of Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, Halton airfield is home to RAFGSA Chilterns Gliding club, Halton AeroClub (HAC) and Halton Microlight Club (HMC). Brought to FSX by the new Virtual Flying Club. Future updates and more available from
Posted May 19, 2010 19:15 by Jon Davidson
FSX PIA Boeing 777-300ER
FSX PIA Boeing 777-300ER
69.46Mb (9941 downloads)
PIA Boeing 777-300ER, registration AP-BHV, in the current cultural promo livery of Pakistan Int'l and christened "Thar - Colours of the Desert". Texture features include completely photorealistic hand painted textures; alpha channel and tail extures have been extracted out of a real life photograph. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted May 19, 2010 18:16 by saad hasan
Alphasim Westland Lynx Modified for FSX
Alphasim Westland Lynx Modified for FSX
20.68Mb (27816 downloads)
Alphasim Westland Lynx Modified for FSX. This is the recently released Lynx from Alphasim with some minor modifications to the 2d panel and VC files so it is more compatible with FSX. The Westland Lynx is a British multi-purpose military helicopter designed and built by Westland Helicopters at its factory in Yeovil. Originally intended as a utility craft for both civil and naval usage, military interest led to the development of both battlefield and naval variants, which went into operational usage in 1977 and were later adopted by the armed forces of over a dozen nations, where it primarily serves in the battlefield utility, anti-armour, search and rescue and anti-submarine warfare roles. In 1986 a modified Lynx broke the airspeed record for helicopters, which still stands today. The helicopter is now produced and marketed by AgustaWestland. FS2004 Model by Alphasim. Updates by Danny Garnier.
Posted May 19, 2010 06:52 by GARNIER D
Lord Howe Island Air Race 2010 For Aerosoft
Lord Howe Island Air Race 2010 For Aerosoft
0.84Mb (303 downloads)
This is a fictional scenery for Lord Howe Island. This scenery works with the payware scenery of Lord Howe Island by Aerosoft.
Posted May 19, 2010 05:03 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Fairchild A10 Thunderbolt 2D panel
Fairchild A10 Thunderbolt 2D panel
1.70Mb (3596 downloads)
2D panel for the Fairchild-Republic A10 Thunderbolt. Based on real pictures with original gauges in xml. Please consider instructions for installation and settings in the readme.txt file.
Posted May 19, 2010 02:44 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX  Husbands Bosworth - UK
0.00Mb (806 downloads)
Husbos For FSX. Husbands Bosworth is located between Leicester and Northampton in the UK and is home to the UK gliding centre. Created by Virtual Flying Club team. future updates and more available at
Posted May 18, 2010 17:41 by Jon Davidson
Alfs UK Airfields Volume 18
Alfs UK Airfields Volume 18
33.83Mb (1948 downloads)
FSX Alfs UK Airfields Volume 18. Upgrades many small UK airfields whose default versions have little or no detail. Based on Google Earth and airport guides. This volume includes Baxterley X3BX, Fowlmere EGMA, Wolverhampton/Halfpenny Green EGBO. By Alf Denham
Posted May 18, 2010 06:28 by Alf Denham