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FSX > Page 1605
Red Bull Air Race Perth 2010 update
0.55Mb (848 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Perth 2010 on the Sawn Bay central of the city of Perth Australia work with default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 08:08 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi with Corniche update
0.63Mb (845 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2010 Release with the scenery of the Corniche of Abu Dahbi By Carlos Santos thank you to him for this scene from the Corniche!! and New PylĂ´nes colors.
Posted May 16, 2010 08:04 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Boeing 737-800 SAS Textures
9.66Mb (1348 downloads)
Sandinavian Airlines System textures only for the default B737.
Posted May 16, 2010 07:41 by Henrik.I.L.
Combat In Afghanistan Ops Pkg. V.1.2
12.10Mb (3203 downloads)
Scenery for those who want to do combat ops in FSX it includes variouis locations in Afghansitan and Pakistan where I place camps, convoys, SAM sites and other targets of opportunity. If you have the Superbug by VRSimulations there are target aids for you to lock on to. Hope you all enjoy this package
Posted May 15, 2010 20:23 by Albert Wydeen
Airbus A310 Package
Airbus A310 Package
40.90Mb (26546 downloads)
Classic short to midrange Airbus for FSX only. Comes with 2D panel plus virtual cockpit in five liveries. GE and PW models as Pax and Freighter plus German Airforce MedEvac MRTT. Needs SP1 or SP2. All mdls are multiplayer compatible by default.
Posted May 15, 2010 16:34 by Thomas Ruth
DH-Dash 8 100 Caribean Textures and Traffic
21.87Mb (6107 downloads)
This is the default Dash 8 100 with Caribbean Airlines and Island Airways textures and AI traffic.
Posted May 15, 2010 15:20 by fsxpilot100
FS9/FSX Apache AH64 Longbow Flare Effect
FS9/FSX Apache AH64 Longbow Flare Effect
0.00Mb (3338 downloads)
Designed specifically for the AH64 Apache longbow. Works in FS2004 and FSX. By Claudio Pizzirani The link to the Apache.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 15, 2010 10:06 by Claudio Pizzirani
BN-2 Islander Gold Instrument Panel
3.17Mb (689 downloads)
Alternate panel backgrounds for Flight1/Virtavia BN-2 Islander -- Gold
Posted May 15, 2010 05:17 by Frank Safranek
US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker
12.64Mb (27043 downloads)
FSX US Navy Boeing KC-135T Drogue Tanker. This is a KC-135 tanker with navy drogue that was adapted for use in FSX. The original FS2004 KC-135T aircraft textures/model from Rok Dolenec was combined with the FSX-ready tanker gauges from Bob Chicilo (for Mike Stone's KC-135 Tanker) to make this useable and flyable within FSX. The tanker gauges include: 2d panel clickable buttons. No VC!, B737 style radio stack, GPS9, throttle quadrant, and autopilot panel. There is also an AI traffic flight plan included within the package that has the KC-135T flight plan: Depart KSAN-KLAS, 1900L Pacific, cruise at FL230/.63 mach (within USAF tanker standards). Return leg departs KLAS-KSAN, 2040L Pacific, FL240/.64 mach. By Christian Snow. (Note: No VC)
Posted May 15, 2010 04:19 by Brandon E
Flight 1 BN-2 Islander Black Instrument Panel
2.96Mb (551 downloads)
Alternate panel backgrounds for the payware Flight1/Virtavia BN-2 Islander -- Black
Posted May 15, 2010 03:57 by Frank Safranek