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FSX > Page 1606
Flight 1 BN-2 Islander Gray Instrument Panel
3.02Mb (583 downloads)
Alternate panel backgrounds for the payware Flight1/Virtavia BN-2 Islander -- Gray
Posted May 15, 2010 03:55 by Frank Safranek
FSX DC9 2D Panel
FSX DC9 2D Panel
1.77Mb (4498 downloads)
FSX DC9 2D Panel. Panel designed: Enrique Medal, using the following: 1 Bitmaps: David Durst's panel. 2 Gauges: DC9 gauges's panel by Philippe WALLAERT.
Posted May 14, 2010 17:27 by Enrique Medal
 MI-24 LAF Textures
2.96Mb (592 downloads)
MI-24 LAF (Lebanon AF) Textures. LAF MI-24 given by Russia to Lebanon,
Required files:
required file
Posted May 14, 2010 13:52 by Farid SAAYBI
Iris Simulations YF-22A Lightning II Package adapted for FSX
Iris Simulations YF-22A Lightning II Package adapted for FSX
53.41Mb (32818 downloads)
Freeware release of the Iris Simulations YF-22A Lightning II adapted to work in FSX. Updated effects, and panel. Includes VC. All credit goes to Iris Simulations for this aircraft file! And a big thanks to them for thier their generosity!!! Information on flying this aircraft if available may be found on the Flight SimulatorIRIS Manuals. Please note that this product is freeware and no longer supported by IRIS Flight Simulation Software.
Posted May 13, 2010 22:38 by T. Marson
FSX/FS9 Mil Mi-24 Hind E Gun Effects
FSX/FS9 Mil Mi-24 Hind E Gun Effects
4.33Mb (4314 downloads)
You can use this effect with any helicopter/plane but this is designed specifically for the Hind E. Works in FS2004 and FSX. By Claudio Pizzirani The link to the Hind E''''''''
Required files:
required file
Posted May 13, 2010 04:49 by Claudio Pizzirani
SDky Sim Saudi Hawks Textures
SDky Sim Saudi Hawks Textures
2.62Mb (1266 downloads)
Skysim BAe Systems Hawk T1 - Saudi Hawks aerobatic team textures only. This repaint represents Saudi Air Force No.88 Squadron aerobatic team based at King Faisal Air Base (Tabuk), The squadron is known as the "Saudi Hawks" Flying 9 BAE Hawks Mk.65 and 65A. this repaint and model were the most difficult and complicated once I've ever came across, I hope you"ll enjoy the end result, this repaint requires the payware Skysim BAe Systems Hawk T1 developed by Rick Piper.
Posted May 12, 2010 17:08 by Emad Qtiefan
FSX Classic Wings "Luscombe 8A Silvaire"
FSX Classic Wings "Luscombe 8A Silvaire"
8.32Mb (7949 downloads)
FSX Classic Wings "Luscombe 8A Silvaire" Package. The Luscombe Model 8 was one of those classics in aviation that was recognized for its nice lines, good performance, and excellent flying characteristics from its inception 1n 1938. A two-place side-by-side aeroplane, the Model 8A was re-marketed shortly after World War II with the intention of fulfilling the “aeroplane-in-every-garage” ideal. This Aircraft features all the usual animation, dynamic shine and click able Virtual Cockpit, Converted to fully FSX native format with permission from Lynn & Bill Lyons. Craig Richardson.
Posted May 12, 2010 11:54 by Craig Richardson
Airbus A330-300 Olympic Textures
3.76Mb (845 downloads)
Olympic air textues only for Thomas Ruth's A330-300 package.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 12, 2010 06:34 by lee roy
Airbus A330-300 Fly Emirates Textures
Airbus A330-300 Fly Emirates Textures
3.83Mb (4159 downloads)
Fly Emirates textures only for Thomas Ruth's A330-300 package.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 12, 2010 05:21 by lee roy
0.62Mb (3009 downloads)
ATC Browser has been written for flightsim enthusiasts to create an audio link to the real world. ATC Browser provides a database of live ATC audio feeds from the Internet and makes these feeds interactive with FSX. The previous evaluation version has expired, this version of the program will run for 15 minutes per session. Comes with frequencies for the KPIT area pre-installed. Written by D.Lowey
Posted May 12, 2010 03:16 by Indigo Blue