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FSX > Page 1604
FSX Mission "Tourist Flight to Jungle Lodge"
18.72Mb (5995 downloads)
FSX Mission Specially made for Flight1 New Islander, but you can use any freeware for which many are in this site...." The Tenth and last passenger just boarded your 30 year old Islander. Full House! La Paz, Bolivia airport is IFR and you have been cleared to take off. The flight takes you from 13000 ft Sierras to the fertile Matto Grosso, the jungle. Weather is pretty bad and you will make two stops before reaching the Tourist Lodge. An easy flight?....try it.
Posted May 17, 2010 13:29 by Gera Godoy Canova
FSX Vautour IIN - Israeli Air Force Textures
4.76Mb (1827 downloads)
This is a variant (model and texture) of the "Vautour" used by the Israeli Air Force with the 101 Squadron during the Six Days War. For this model you will need VIIN FSX By Philippe Penot
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required file
Posted May 17, 2010 12:45 by Philippe PENOT
Arunchal Pradesh DeLuxe...
Arunchal Pradesh DeLuxe...
11.64Mb (1033 downloads)
Scenery and Flights: Arunachal Pradesh is a federated state of India, located in the far northeast. It borders the states of Assam and Nagaland to the south and southeast, and shares borders with Burma/Myanmar in the east, Bhutan in the northwest, and Tibet (part of China) in the north. Arunachal Pradesh means 'land of the dawn lit mountains' in Sanskrit. You have answered Numa Airlines ad looking for experienced pilots and got the job!!. Now after a week of studying the mountain charts and the location of the airfields and towns you have been called to take tomorrow's flight. Includes New Airfields, AFCADS, Land Class, Various airport objects, Flights and lots of adventure flying. You must be able to 'read' Maps, many airfields have not been registered in the aeronautical controls!!!Suggest you have experience in STOL aircraft. Use your bright purple socks for luck!!!
Posted May 17, 2010 12:28 by Gera Godoy Canova
FS2004/FSX Mesa Verde National Park, Cortez (KCEZ), Colorado (CO) Photo Scenery
92.87Mb (2595 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Mesa Verde National Park, Cortez (KCEZ), Colorado (CO) photo scenery. Mesa Verde National Park is famed for its numerous ruins of cliff dwellings built in the 12th century by ancient Pueblo people called Anasazi. Cliff dwellings are highly defensible stone villages situated under aloves (rock overhangs) along the canyon walls. The largest cliff dwelling in the park is Cliff Palace, which is the largest cliff dwelling in North America. Cliff Palace contained 150 rooms and housed approximately 100 people. Unfortunately you won't see the cliff dwellings from the air, because they are under the cliffs but you will see everything else like all roads, trails and facilities. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted May 17, 2010 06:23 by Gottfried Razek
VF-103 FLIRCAT Textures for IRIS Tomcat
2.47Mb (731 downloads)
Textures are for the payware IRIS F-14B, VF-103 "Sluggers" FLIRCAT.
Posted May 17, 2010 03:24 by Tim Brennan
FSX Easterton - UK
FSX Easterton - UK
0.00Mb (718 downloads)
Easterton airfield for FSX. Situated just south of the town of Elgin in Scotland, Easterton is home to both the RAF Fulmar and civilian Highland gliding clubs who share the use of facilities and aircraft. Updates for this scenery and more can be found at
Posted May 16, 2010 17:15 by Jon Davidson
Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2010 Update without Corniche
0.59Mb (782 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2010 Release without the scenery of the Corniche of Abu Dahbi with new pylons for default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 14:28 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Pilatus PC12 Range Fix
0.00Mb (1871 downloads)
Hi, It has been noticed that my FSX modified version of the PC12 has twice as much range as it should have. Its easy to fix, just edit the fuel flow scalar in the General engine date section as shown: [GeneralEngineData] fuel_flow_scalar= 1.500 Sorry about missing that. Thanks to Paul H. for spotting it. Craig
Required files:
required file
Posted May 16, 2010 13:10 by Craig B.
Red bull Air Race Windsor-Ontario 2010
0.43Mb (1116 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Windsor-Ontario 2010,this scenery work with default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 08:13 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Red Bull Air Race Rio De Janeiro 2010
0.53Mb (1332 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Rio De Janeiro 2010,this scenery work with default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 08:11 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves