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FSX > Page 1828
Tibet - Forbidden Land
Tibet - Forbidden Land
1.18Mb (2591 downloads)
Tibet for FSX........ The Great Territory of TIBET was all but forgotten in FSX....its there but there is nothing in it!!!!So I decided to add some flavour to it! This is my version of the great country. I placed the three real world airports plus 5 more fictional airports! Great for VFR flying.....Locations of real airports are approximate ..the others, well I like where I placed them.....Hope you enjoy this "artistic" representation of a great place to go and fly in FSX! Updates may follow. I added a flight plan (PLN file) to the "non existent airports which you might like to fly to" just drop it in your FSX flights folder, load and fly.
Posted Mar 19, 2009 12:49 by Gera Godoy Canova
Boeing  737-900 KLM with VC
10.82Mb (14972 downloads)
Here is the Boeing 737-900 by Project Opensky updated for FSX with KLM textures. It includes a VC (virtual cockpit) and thumbnail. Works in SP2/Acceleration.
Posted Mar 19, 2009 07:53 by Akshay Chiwhane
FSX, Ndola International Airport, Zambia
FSX, Ndola International Airport, Zambia
0.23Mb (1029 downloads)
A more realistic AFCAD for Ndola International Airport, Zambia. Improved features on the default.
Posted Mar 18, 2009 17:27 by Bashir Ismail
Boram Scenery, Papua New Guinea
Boram Scenery, Papua New Guinea
0.21Mb (1266 downloads)
Boram Airport in Papua New Guinea. Additions with some carriers, F-18's and a hangar.
Posted Mar 18, 2009 10:20 by Marcel Koops
0.01Mb (1399 downloads)
Enhancement for MCAS Futenma (ROTM) Okinawa, Japan from Andrew Stevens "Steves" of the Virtual Marine Corps. There will be more enhancements for other Marine Air Bases. coming soon.
Posted Mar 18, 2009 08:49 by Andrew Stevens
FSX Skysim Dassault Mirage IIIE, EC 1/2 "Cigognes" Textures
3.02Mb (510 downloads)
Twextures for the new payware Skysim Mirage III/5 package. It is painted as Dassault Mirage IIIE No.501 of Escadron de Chasse 1/2 "Cigognes" of the Armée de l'Air. A few of the initial Mirage IIIE of EC 1/2 were delivered in bare metal. EC 1/2 operates from Dijon-Longvic AB and shares the base with EC 3/2 "Alsace". Repaint by Frank Safranek, details by Jens-Ole Kjølberg, base textures by Mark Harper.
Posted Mar 17, 2009 20:07 by Frank Safranek
FSX Convair CV-640
FSX Convair CV-640
15.30Mb (6752 downloads)
The Convair 640 was an American twin-engined medium-range airliner first flown in 1965. The Convair 640 was a turboprop conversion of the Convair-Liner 340 and was powered by two Rolls-Royce Datrt Rda.10 Mk 542-4 turboprops providing a top speed of 482 kmh and a range of 4835 km. Caribair CV-640 update for FSX
Posted Mar 17, 2009 19:29 by Carlos Marrero
African Export Alphasim Hunter Pack
6.87Mb (566 downloads)
This is my second pack of textures of exported Hawker Hunters for the Alphasim Hawker Hunter, This one covers the African continent, Countries included are Kenya, Rhodesia, Somalia and Zimbabwe. FSX only
Posted Mar 17, 2009 07:43 by Bruce Martin
South American Export Alphasim Hunter Pack
5.77Mb (687 downloads)
This is my third pack of Textures for the Alphasim Hawker Hunter, this comprises of the South Americas, Chile and Peru. FSX only
Posted Mar 17, 2009 07:30 by Bruce Martin
FSX Qantas Airways New Colours MD-83 Textures
1.14Mb (3285 downloads)
Textures for the FSX AI Default MD-83. This is a fictional repaint because no MD-83 was in service for Qantas Airways. The predecessor, the Boeing 717-200, was currently in service for QantasLink. A repaint is portrayed to see if an MD-83 was in service today. Splash screen included. This repaint requires the MD-83 Flyable pack by Braden Peters. By Victor Vu.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 16, 2009 18:36 by Victor Vu