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FS2004 > Helicopters > Page 8
ICARO EC135 EXT4 Package
ICARO EC135 EXT4 Package
132.88Mb (2650 downloads)
This fourth and last ICARO extention pack requires the installation of the ICARO EC135 Base pack, EXT1 EXT2 and EC135 EXT3 in order to work correctly. Included are 14 new models and repaints like MIL winter camu, Transport, VIP and new HEMs models.
Required files:
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Posted May 17, 2012 10:19 by Thomas Roehl
Eurocopter EC145 World Aviation
Eurocopter EC145 World Aviation
2.95Mb (3517 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 World Aviation Eurocopter EC145 RP-C8226. The Eurocopter EC 145 is a twin-engine light utility helicopter manufactured by Eurocopter. Originally referred to as the BK 117 C2, the EC145 is based upon the MBB/Kawasaki BK 117 C1, which became a part of the Eurocopter line-up in 1992 when the company was formed through the merger of the Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm helicopter division of Daimler-Benz and the helicopter division of Aerospatiale-Matra. The EC145 is a twin-engine aircraft and can carry up to nine passengers along with two crew, depending on customer configuration. The helicopter is marketed for passenger transport, corporate transport, emergency medical services (EMS), search and rescue, parapublic and utility roles. The virtual cockpit is fully instrumented and all of the moveable parts are animated. The passenger doors can be opened via the shortkey. With auto-pilot and auto-hover controls. Thanks to Franz Haider who developed the gauges. Original aircraft by Guenter Kraemer and Franz Haider. Easy HAP autopilot, coordinates display, multiplayer radar, and ServInfo toggle by Ray Brower. AIBridge 1.0 by Jose Oliveira. Repainted by Gerard G. Olvis.
Posted May 7, 2012 14:26 by Gerard G. Olvis
Eurocopter AS350 Subic Air
Eurocopter AS350 Subic Air
10.06Mb (3070 downloads)
FS2004/fs9 Eurocopter AS350 B2 RP-C2343 Subic Air. The Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil (Squirrel) is a single-engined light helicopter originally manufactured by Aérospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group). The AS350 is marketed in North America as the AStar. AS350 B2- Higher gross weight version powered by one Arriel 1D1 engine over the B1 version with aerodynamic strake fitted to tail boom along the starboard side and angled engine exhaust duct for better yaw control.This is one of the most popular light utility helicopter due to its proven design and effective multi-role chopper. The sim model aircraft is has a very accurate flight dynamics and controls. Can hover and make a spot landing. Model by Aurélien Terriere Gauges & Panel by Cyril Pioffet Repainted by: Gerard G. Olvis
Posted May 1, 2012 20:07 by Gerard G. Olvis
Eurocopter AS350 ABS-CBN
Eurocopter AS350 ABS-CBN
10.96Mb (1857 downloads)
FS2004/fs9 Eurocopter AS350 B2 RP-C2294 ABS-CBN Ecureuil (Squirrel) The Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil (Squirrel) is a single-engined light helicopter originally manufactured by Aérospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group). The AS350 is marketed in North America as the AStar. AS350 B2- Higher gross weight version powered by one Arriel 1D1 engine over the B1 version with aerodynamic strake fitted to tail boom along the starboard side and angled engine exhaust duct for better yaw control.This is one of the most popular light utility helicopter due to its proven design and effective multi-role chopper. The sim model aircraft is has a very accurate flight dynamics and controls.Can hover and make a spot landing. CREDITS: MODEL by Aurélien Terriere Gauges & Panel by Cyril Pioffet Repainted by: Gerard G. Olvis
Posted May 1, 2012 16:12 by Gerard G. Olvis
Eurocopter AS350 B2 Package
Eurocopter AS350 B2 Package
18.80Mb (3513 downloads)
FS2004 ABS-CBN Eurocopter AS350 B2 RP-C2294 Ecureuil (Squirrel). The Eurocopter AS 350 Ecureuil (Squirrel) is a single-engined light helicopter originally manufactured by Aerospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group). The AS350 is marketed in North America as the AStar. AS350 B2 higher gross weight version powered by one Arriel 1D1 engine over the B1 version with aerodynamic strake fitted to tail boom along the starboard side and angled engine exhaust duct for better yaw control. This is one of the most popular light utility helicopter due to its proven design and effective multi-role capable chopper. Model by Aurelien Terriere. Gauges and panel by Cyril Pioffet. Repainted by Gerard G. Olvis.
Posted Apr 29, 2012 15:25 by Gerard G. Olvis
Enstrom 280FX
Enstrom 280FX
50.50Mb (2310 downloads)
For the first time in the history of Microsoft Flight Simulator, a developer has created and released an Enstrom helicopter add-on. Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations is proud to be the first developer to give the flight simulation community a high quality Enstrom 280FX for FS2004. Features include FS2004 native models with animations, custom avionics, multiple liveries and model configurations, and much more. Tested in Windows Vista and Windows 7 with no issues. FSX native version also available.
Posted Apr 16, 2012 02:39 by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
FS2004/FSX Icaro BK-117 DRF Texture Pack
FS2004/FSX Icaro BK-117 DRF Texture Pack
102.26Mb (1682 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Textures for the Icaro BK117. DRF -Christoph 42, 47, 51, 54, Dortmund, Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, Weser, Europa 5. Requires the wonderful freeware Icaro BK-117
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required file
Posted Mar 25, 2012 20:18 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich
FS2004 (FSX) Icaro BK-117 ADAC Texture Pack
FS2004 (FSX) Icaro BK-117 ADAC Texture Pack
100.41Mb (1716 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Textures for the Icaro BK117. ADAC -Christoph 1, 22, 26, 32, 62, Leipzig, Rheinland, Murnau, Westfahlen
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 24, 2012 00:16 by benimix-Benedikt Fröhlich
Icaro BK-117 Pelikan 1 Texture
11.08Mb (745 downloads)
This Texture is for the Icaro BK-117 avalible here. This Model is freeware like the Icaro EC-135
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 23, 2012 16:58 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich
ICARO BK117 Final Edition Package (FSX Compatible)
ICARO BK117 Final Edition Package (FSX Compatible)
118.94Mb (10369 downloads)
FS2004 (also works in FSX) ICARO Aircraft Development proudly presents the BK117 Final Edition 2009. Included are different models like HEMS, auxtank, winch, passenger and radarnose. Comes with 2D cockpit and fully workable VC with click- and warning sounds, accurate airfile and five repaints. Please read included flight manual. (also will work ok in FSX)
Posted Mar 23, 2012 16:26 by uploader