FSX > Helicopters > Page 20

17.14Mb (6577 downloads)
Complete package.FSX/FS9 Aerospatiale/Sud Aviation SA-316B Alouette III of Olympic Aviation SX-HAC. Olympic had already owned the Alouette II Astazu SA318c before bying the more advanced III Version.This specific helicopter the SX-HAC was piloted many times by Alexander Onasis himshelf the son of Aristotelis Onasis the Greek Tycoon owner of the company. I have included very rare historic B&W photos of him refuling the craft at the Olympus mountain in 1976 along with all the info. Alexander was killed soon after in a private plane crash. All animated parts full working VC and 2D panel.Model by Alan Davis. Repaint and modifications for FSX by Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Posted Apr 3, 2013 11:47 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

19.40Mb (13290 downloads)
FSXA/FS9 Agusta Bell Twin AB 212 ASW Hellenic Navy multi Livery complete package. This is the first ASW Bell 212 model for FSX. It is a twin engine UH-1N type unarmed version equiped only with submarine sonar radar of the H.N.H.C.( Hellenic Navy Hellicopter Command) that operates a fleet of 12 of this variant.As a tribute to the Lost PA-21 that was sent in 1997 by the Hellenic Hqs to check if Turkish commandos have landed on one of the Imia small Greek islands in the Aegean boarder and the three Lost brave Hellenic Navy Airmen.I have included photos of real Navy crafts,logos and detailed info of the Imia Incident. I have completely changed the texture details and interior look of the craft, redesigned the Virtual Cockpit panel and Gauges, reworked the configuration and camera views and tested it on FSX Acceleration. Animated parts full new V.C. 2D panel and sound.Original Fs2002 model by Jordan Moore/Nate Rosenstrauch. New textures and adopted for FSXA by Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
Posted Mar 29, 2013 12:34 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

19.41Mb (6491 downloads)
FSX/FS9 Aerospatialle SA-319B Alouette III Hellenic Navy complete package.Triple Livery of PN02/03/04.I have included photos of real Navy crafts .Animated parts full working VC and 2D panel and sound.Tested in FSX Acceleration.Model by Alan Davis.Repaint and modifications for FSX by Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Posted Mar 20, 2013 11:16 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

8.60Mb (1826 downloads)
I updated Predrag Filipovic's FS2004
Mil Mi-10K Hark by adding the Mil Mi-26 Halo Panel I Updated from Vladimir Zhyhulskiy, Kazunori Ito's MI-12 Homer sound and thumbnail texture. 2d panel but no vc.
Posted Feb 28, 2013 20:41 by Michael E. Roberts

66.61Mb (7159 downloads)
Rugged and dependable, the Hiller Model UH-12 Helicopters first flew in 1948, and also entered U.S. Army service as the OH-23A through G. They served until the late '70's as trainers, utility and liason, and as medi-vac helos. Always overshadowed by the more famous Bell Model 47, the Hillers gave sterling service throughout their careers. Also saw service with the US Navy and dozens of forces around the world
Posted Feb 18, 2013 08:53 by uploader

15.47Mb (2563 downloads)
This scenery is a compliment to the first bigdawg helicopter practice course. This included Furgeson(82J) and Wolf/Midway (KNHL). I have enhanced the two airports for helicopter use. These two airports are short flying distance from the first scenery in a west direction. If you include the two BGL files from the zip "flightplan" folder in the FSX "scenery\world\scenery" folder, both airports spring to life with AI traffic. 82J is a DC-3 freight hub and KNHL has 737 traffic and a tower. Included is a timetable for each airport.
Posted Feb 4, 2013 01:11 by BigDawg 205

0.07Mb (2545 downloads)
Your own house and hanger and your own private practice area for helicopters. By BigDawg205.
Posted Jan 3, 2013 00:08 by BigDawg 205

6.28Mb (2082 downloads)
FS2004/FSX texture repaints, panel and cameras for Alphasim Westland Lynx Navy helicopters. One paint is for the HMA8 model in a "Black Cat" paint scheme of the Royal Navy. Another paint is for the MK95 model in a "Fat cat" paintscheme of the German Navy. Compared with my previous uploaded repaints in those special paint schemes I Have found now the apropraite FS-models. Repaint by Erwin Welker.
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Posted Dec 21, 2012 18:56 by Erwin Welker

1.95Mb (1122 downloads)
FS2004/FSX texture repaint, a modified glass cockpit panel plus FSX-cameras for Alphasim Westland Future Lynx helicopters. The Lynxupdate.zip from Bob Chicilo is required. My repaint is a fictional South Korean "Tiger" paint scheme for the Lynx Army version. Repaint by Erwin Welker.
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Posted Dec 21, 2012 09:04 by Erwin Welker

4.78Mb (884 downloads)
FSX Alphasim Westland Lynx GLYnX-variant in the "Fat cat" textures. The paint scheme of a German Lynx (Requires LYNXAH7AH9FSX.zip). The combination of the helicopter model and that paint scheme is not realistic, because the real Lynx-variant is a WK88a with wheels, but the beautiful paint scheme is realistically. I could not find an appropriate FS-flight model in a high quality. There are Alpasim variants, very close to the German Navy WK88a, but that textures does not allow separate paintings for the left and right side. Reworked camera definitions are included. Repaint by Erwin Welker.
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Posted Dec 17, 2012 06:01 by Erwin Welker