FSX > Helicopters > Page 37
4.25Mb (44373 downloads)
AH-64D Apache Longbow USAF
Package includes virtual cockpit, firing guns and cannon. Press 'o' and 'i' to fire.
Enclosed effects must be added.
AH-64 Apache By Tom Woods and Mark Adams. Features: model, panel, Dynamic Virtual Cockpit, sounds, special effects like red smoke, gunship, hellfires etc.
Original FS2004 Model: Tom Woods and Mark Adams
Sound: Manuel Gonzalez
Hud Gauge: Steve Hanley
USAF repaint by Chris Evans
Posted Sep 7, 2009 09:48 by Chris Evans
8.91Mb (3281 downloads)
The Screaming Mimi from the Riptide television show. Original model by: Paul Bradshaw. Repaint by John Hauck.
Posted Sep 6, 2009 22:35 by John Hauck
1.40Mb (1530 downloads)
HCI texture for Gmax Bell 430. Repaint by John Hauck.Original work for FS2004 done by Keith Devins, Brian McIntyre, George Arana, Lynn Rogers, and Zack Schwendenman. Original model by Alan Devins and Rory Kelly.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 6, 2009 18:22 by John Hauck
2.58Mb (5067 downloads)
Unfortunately, this was already highly charged "OEAMTC Pack unavalibil because the files were written with" Ö "... and these letters do not exist in English ... so the download function, the file could not be found. Now, the file name begins with 'O is written "and there is even a" Paint "more ... so now 4 PaintsrnrnEC-135 OAMTC Texture Pack. A Repaint of Heiko Richter's beautiful EC-135
Posted Sep 4, 2009 18:51 by benimix
0.82Mb (2861 downloads)
This is a BlackOps texture for Heiko Richter's, Samy Fay's, Sebastian Hecker's, and Danny Garnier's EC135 Package. The Pilots now have Black, Blue, and White Camo with new faces. It is Off-black so that I was able to make it not look flat and thus has the markings of the non-repainted ones.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 2, 2009 11:55 by Jonathan Lawrence
3.46Mb (7137 downloads)
Original by Greg Pepper, Repaint by Ray Brower. Updated for FSX by John Hauck. Added local information gauge for those off airport landings. This helicopter has great visibility from the virtual cockpit.
Posted Aug 29, 2009 18:56 by John Hauck
1.00Mb (8234 downloads)
Original by Vladimir Zhuhylskiy. Updated for FSX by John Hauke
Posted Aug 23, 2009 21:23 by John Hauck
26.86Mb (39664 downloads)
Original by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. 2D panel image by Lasse Lindh. Updated for FSX by John Hauck.
Posted Aug 23, 2009 21:03 by John Hauck
4.45Mb (7353 downloads)
Original by Lasse Lindh. Updated for FSX by fixing contact points and placing in a thumbnail. Uses FSX Air Creation and King Air gauges, so you may have to move yours from aircraft panel folder to gauges folder. Improved VFR capabilities by ownaheli.com
Posted Aug 23, 2009 15:20 by John Hauck
10.35Mb (4353 downloads)
Textures only for the Nemeth Design MD500E updated for FSX (above).
HC-119 is a fictional paint, Jet Systems paint is a real world livery, and a privately owned Hitachi Capital N500SY , also a real world paint.
Feature custom Alpha channels for high shine.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 21, 2009 06:11 by T.Marson/Thunder