2.47Mb (1537 downloads)
These are textures ONLY for FSX or FS2004 and are applied to Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's C-123 This is C-123B USAF Nr 57-6289 Military Air Transport Service (MATS) custom textures, by Enrique Medal, for Vladimir Zhyhulskiy C-123.
Posted May 12, 2011 16:47 by Enrique Medal
2.32Mb (1070 downloads)
Textures only for FSX or FS2004 for the Vladimir Zhyhulskiy C-123 Package. This is USAF Nr 40624 custom textures, by Enrique Medal.
Posted May 10, 2011 18:59 by Enrique Medal
0.00Mb (4200 downloads)
This file will correct the overpassed weight that appears when loading the Airbus A-400 M from Patrick Le Luyer. The weight will now reach 100% between payload and fuel. Need the updated version by Chris Evans of the Airbus A-400 M.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 10, 2011 07:21 by loic lelievre
0.08Mb (7316 downloads)
This is a correction for my update of the
Virtavia F-22A for FSX. I forgot to include the hud
gauge in the panel along with the other
gauges. This is that gauge. Sorry about the
Required files:
required file
Posted May 8, 2011 22:57 by Bob Chicilo
22.26Mb (13333 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Virtuavia
F-22A. I have updated the flight dynamics,
added a trim gauge to both of the panels,
added a white nav light, changed the others
to smaller lights, and added afterburner
flames. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted May 7, 2011 15:34 by Bob Chicilo
0.14Mb (1404 downloads)
This is an update to the .cfg file for Ricardo Batalha's F22 Raptor Beta 2 Version. This update modifies control surface size, sensitivity and effectiveness to allow increased manoeuvrability through the vertical plane, allowing manoeuvres such as Pugachev's Cobra and the J-Turn. Credit to Ricardo Batalha for the excellent F22 pack! Instructions included in the pack. Check out Nova Simulation on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nova-Simulation/197255286978353
Required files:
required file
Posted May 4, 2011 03:09 by Nova Simulation
31.65Mb (6135 downloads)
Dutch Fokker F-27 Troopship Package.
Several skins, No VC, only 2D Cockpit. Skins and 2D cockpit made by Arthur Vince. Model by Mike Stone.Flight Dyamics updated by Arthur Vince.
Posted May 2, 2011 18:10 by Arthur"Vince"Gilhuys
26.12Mb (5880 downloads)
Brett Hoskins Myasishchev 3MS Bison updated for FSX. 2D and 3D panels updated with FSX compatible gauges. I also added Danny Garnier's TU-16s sound files and added the texture thumbnail. Has working VC panel.
Posted Apr 27, 2011 23:15 by Michael E. Roberts
17.70Mb (5968 downloads)
I Updated Kazanori Itu's TU-22P Blinder.
I updated the gauges, and added Iraq, Libya, USSR, and Ukraine textures. Works with SP2. No VC.
Posted Apr 27, 2011 22:28 by Michael E. Roberts
23.72Mb (2297 downloads)
I Made the Samdim AI M3 tanker flyable in FSX. I used Brett Hoskins 3MS panel and replaced the gauges with FSX compatible ones. I also added Danny Garnier's TU-16s sound files and added the texture thumbnail. No VC.
Posted Apr 27, 2011 15:05 by Michael E. Roberts