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FSX > Military > Page 71
FS2004/FSX Dassault MD.450 Ouragan
FS2004/FSX Dassault MD.450 Ouragan
9.58Mb (1736 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Dassault MD.450 Ouragan The Dassault MD.450 "Ouragan" (meaning "Hurricane") became France's first home-grown operational, jet-powered, military combat fighter, eventually being produced in several hundred examples during her active tenure. While not a wholly exceptional "fighter" when compared to her contemporaries, the type served particularly well in the fighter-bomber role and saw extensive combat actions with India, El Salvador and Israel. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 6, 2016 15:19 by A.F.Scrub
EF-18A Hornet FAE Package
EF-18A Hornet FAE Package
34.41Mb (7754 downloads)
The McDonnell Douglas / Boeing F / A-18 Hornet is a twin-engine multirole fighter fourth generation of American origin with all-weather capability, to be embarked on aircraft carriers. Model by Daisuke Yamamoto and Hiroaki Kubota, texture for F/A 18 Hornet FAE by Juan Villamor.
Posted Jul 3, 2016 10:46 by Juan Villamor
FS 2004/FSX Lockheed T-33A C-FRGA
FS 2004/FSX Lockheed T-33A C-FRGA
3.24Mb (879 downloads)
FS 2004/FSX Lockheed T-33A C-FRGA textures only for Tim Conrad's T-33A
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 26, 2016 19:40 by Hartmut Hekmann
FSX/P3D C-133B Cargomaster (Reworked 2.0)
FSX/P3D C-133B Cargomaster (Reworked 2.0)
69.90Mb (4761 downloads)
I have reworked the overhead and the flight engineer 2d panels and added more switches and warn lights to them! I have reconfigured some gauges in the VC, reworked a bit the flight behavior, added three fictitious textures, the new model modification by LLS and a "Flight engineer mod" as a selection to this version! Please take a look in the respective "Read me" file to get more info! Many thanks to Tim Conrad for his great C-133 sim, Philippe Wallaert and all the other unknown guys for the xml gauges I could use in the main and VC panel, LLS for the new FSX model modification, Dietmar Loleit for the TCAS, Halcyon Skies for the great C-133 main/overhead photos and Ken LaRock for the really nice C-133 flight engineer station photo (Sorry, I have forget him last time)! This is the whole aircraft, only tested in FSX + Acceleration!
Posted Jun 26, 2016 12:35 by Andiroto
British Aerospace BAC 167 (updated and gauges included)
British Aerospace BAC 167 (updated and gauges included)
14.46Mb (2874 downloads)
This is a revised update of the Alphasim British-Aerospace BAC 167 Strikemaster recently uploaded by Michael Pook. It now includes all the necessary gauges as well as a corrected sound file. Credits go to Alphasim for the original model and to Philippe Wallaert for his FSX conversion. New panels by Michael Pook.
Posted Jun 18, 2016 16:12 by Michael Pook
FSX BAC 167 Strikemaster
FSX BAC 167 Strikemaster
2.81Mb (1465 downloads)
The BAC 167 Strikemaster is an evolution of the jet Provost. First flight in 1967 and still in service in some countries as a low altitude attack fighter. Original aircraft by Alphasim. Adaptation to FSX, VC, panels for wide and standard screen, gauges and GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Jun 13, 2016 05:53 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX BAe T-45C Goshawk package
FSX BAe T-45C Goshawk package
9.65Mb (2489 downloads)
The BAE T-45C Goshawk is a trainer aircraft used by many countries. Original aircraft design by David Brice & David Friswell. VC, panels for wide and standard screen, gauges and GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file for installation and configuration.
Posted Jun 4, 2016 11:58 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX Native North American OV-10D (v2)
FSX Native North American OV-10D (v2)
12.04Mb (5361 downloads)
The final service version of the OV-10 Bronco was a development of the highly successful OV-10 NOGS (Night Observation Gunship) trials series. An out growth of Vietnam-era Trail and Roads interdiction Multi-sensor program, the OV-10D served long and faithfully, and is the subject of a Boeing proposal for a 21st century super-Bronco. Originally a FS2004 model from master Tim Conrad, presented here in FSX native, MDLX format. (v2 - now includes missing gauges)
Posted Jun 2, 2016 10:08 by LLS
FSX/P3D SAAB JA-37 / AJ-37 Viggen V.2
FSX/P3D SAAB JA-37 / AJ-37 Viggen V.2
115.91Mb (9106 downloads)
FSX/P3D Native SAAB JA-37 / AJ-37 Viggen V.2. This update of the Virtavia/Alphasim Freeware Collection FS2004 Viggen features AJ37 and JA37 native FSX models with new hi resolution paintwork, updated panels, FSX FDE/gauges, and configurable load-outs. Original package by Virtavia/Alphasim. FSX conversion/paintwork by Jens-Ole Kjolberg, Dave Quincey, Henk Schuitemaker.
Posted May 22, 2016 16:49 by uploader
FSX Northrop YF-17 Cobra
FSX Northrop YF-17 Cobra
14.45Mb (2862 downloads)
This is an FSX/Acceleration update for the FS2002/2004 Northrop YF-17 Cobra. The package includes the default livery and two repaints and features a highly detailed static VC (non-functionalgauges)and the default 2D panel with FSX compatible gauges, most of them FSX standard. It also includes smoke and burner effect. Thanks to JR Lucariny for the original model and to Juan Antonio Martinez for the two additional repaints. New static VC, updated 2D panel and smoke and burner effect configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted May 22, 2016 13:23 by Michael Pook