12.21Mb (2995 downloads)
FSX native conversion of the full original Alphasim Skyknight with VC. All functions and animations correct in sense and direction, per original FS2004 release.
Conversion facilitated by a terrific set of freeware tools; Arno's MDLX with a breakthrough set of new XML definitions by Henk-BRAVO ZULU! Textures in
DDS DXT3 format with Martin Wright's DXTBMP, file structure in FSX format. Skullsweat and conversion by LLS. While the model comes in a bit heavier,
the frames are buttery, the glass is c'est bon. Note: The VC was modeled without interior glass at the factory, no cure for that.
While bump and spec textures cam be assigned to the model now via MDLX to take advantage of all those FSX goodies. Made possible with the kind support and encouragemant of Phil at Virtavia.
Posted Dec 26, 2015 03:48 by LLS

12.40Mb (2257 downloads)
Alphasim CF-105 Arrow in FSX native format.
Made possible with the kind support and encouragement of Phil at Virtavia.
Posted Dec 26, 2015 02:41 by LLS

6.16Mb (1780 downloads)
FSX native conversion of the full original Alphasim CF-100 Clunk with VC. All functions and animations correct in sense and direction, per original FS9 release. MDLX interior and exterior models and materials, file structure.
Made possible with the support and encouragement of Phil at Virtavia http://www.virtavia.com, and their old ex-payware library made graciously available.
For FSX acceleration.
Posted Dec 26, 2015 02:23 by LLS

27.70Mb (2701 downloads)
Another long lived bomber, this lineal illegitimate descendant of the B-29 via a drunked-up kamchatka saturday night serves on as the Xian H-6D maritime strike bomber and the heavily modernized H-6K ALCM platform.
Alphasim's classic TU-16, updated to FSX Native standard, MDLX interior and exterior model format and materials, added Xian H-6 paint
Update with the encouragement of Phil at Virtavia' www.virtavia.com
Merry Christmas
Posted Dec 26, 2015 02:09 by LLS

19.10Mb (2972 downloads)
Alphasim's Lockheed Starlifter converted to FSX native format.
External and internal model amended to MDLX from MDL7, FSX animation definitions and materials.
While bump and spec maps are not assigned, maps may be created and assigned to the model now via MDLX.
More can be done with materials and maps, bearing in mind this is originally a MDL7, FS2002 model, the old girl looks
pretty good out of the box.
Conversion to FSX MDLX std, LLS, 2015, with the kind encouragement of Phil (www.Virtavia.com), and Hscuit (Henk), who's hard and brilliant
model definition work has made this little exercise possible.
Posted Dec 25, 2015 08:20 by LLS

0.64Mb (2565 downloads)
An FSX user has reported an issue with opaque vc glass of the Iris Phantom Air Superiority, recently posted by Michael Pook. So here is the fix for those who may also have that problem.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 9, 2015 09:20 by Michael Pook

44.96Mb (4332 downloads)
The Antonov AN12 was a cargo aircraft similar to the Lockheed C130 Hercules. Original model by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. VC, Panel and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Dec 8, 2015 05:08 by Philippe Wallaert

102.56Mb (6793 downloads)
This is a Megapack of the Iris Phantom Air Superiorty Ground Attack with multiple beautiful paints, compiled by David Robles and uploaded by permission from Iris
Simulations. The package features 13 textures with two model variants. All effects as well as smoke configuration included. Tested in FSX/ Acceleration but may also work in FS2004 and Prepar3D. Slight FDE and panel modification as well as all new thumbnails by Michael Pook. Thanks to David Robles for his compilation and Iris Simulation for their permission. Uploaded with permission and on David Robles' behalf by Michael Pook. Included video links and videos by David Robles.
Glass fix (If required)
Posted Dec 5, 2015 06:27 by Michael Pook

0.71Mb (1271 downloads)
Currently they are operating in the Cartographic and Photographic Center of the Air Force (Air Force 409 Squadron) from the Getafe air base (Madrid), serving as liaison and transport authorities. Henry Tomkiewicz AI model, No VC, with Dee Waldron's (Michael Verlin) 2d panel (No VC). Texture by Juan Villamor.
Posted Nov 19, 2015 08:48 by Juan Villamor

92.80Mb (8774 downloads)
IRIS F-4K / FG.1 Phantom for FSX/P3D (WIP) uploaded by permission from Iris Simulations with multiple paints and working VC only panel. In the following national liveries: Australia, Canadian, Germany, Greece, United Kingdom, and the United States Blue Angels. Native FSX/P3D model will not work in FS2004 or earlier flight simulators. All effects included with package. Tested on: FSX, Prepar3Dv2, and Prepar3Dv3. Flight model by Iris Simulations, VC model by Tim Conrad. Camera views added.
Posted Nov 17, 2015 15:22 by David Robles