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FSX > Military > Page 78
Lockheed Martin F-35A 3 livery pack
Lockheed Martin F-35A 3 livery pack
85.07Mb (4317 downloads)
FSX/P3D Lockheed Martin F-35A 3 livery pack Package. This is the wonderful ex payware F-35A from Dino Cattaneo with 3 liveries by Andy Nott included. Swedish AF Splinter, Israeli DF and Royal Saudi AF. . Please read the 'Docs' to get the best out of this fantastic aircraft. Custom packaged for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 22, 2015 09:40 by chris evans
Restauravia Mirage IIIB Polish Textures
8.12Mb (443 downloads)
Polish Air Force textures for the Restauravia Mirage IIIB. Repaint by Voiteh.
Restauravia Mirage IIIC (external site)
Posted Oct 19, 2015 21:27 by Voiteh
North American F-86F Sabre USAF Package
North American F-86F Sabre USAF Package
60.41Mb (8672 downloads)
North American F-86F Sabre USAF Package. SectionF8 North American F86 USAF liveries package: F-86F 388th FBW 563rd FBS 53-1111, F-86F Bob's Buggy, F-86F Mig Poison, 19213 and USAF F-86A-5 91st FIS. Complex and very high quality model created by SectionF8 team. Thank you to Steve Bryant, Cliff Presley and Don Feeley for the great textures and aircraft details. . IMPORTANT: You must read the manual to fly and use this wonderful aircraft properly! Custom packaged for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 16, 2015 12:12 by chris evans
Canadair F-86F Sabre RCAF Canadian Package
Canadair F-86F Sabre RCAF Canadian Package
53.72Mb (2908 downloads)
Canadair F-86F Sabre RCAF Canadian Package. Canadair Sabre CL-13B Mk. 2 with RCAF liveries: No.430 "Silver Falcon" Squadron, CL-13 MK.2, 413 "Tusker" Sqdn, 19213, 'Red Knight' 19415 and 439 'Tiger' Sqdn 19188. Complex and very high quality model created by SectionF8 team. Thank you to Grant MacLean for the great textures sets. . IMPORTANT: You must read the manual to fly and use this wonderful aircraft properly! Custom packaged by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 15, 2015 05:36 by chris evans
Alpha B-1B Lancer Updated
Alpha B-1B Lancer Updated
32.62Mb (3711 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Alpha B-1B bomber. I have updated the flight dynamics, added the other 4 wheels, added a pitch trim and another autopilot to the panel so you don't have to try and figure out the autopilot that is with the aircraft, and changed the size and position of the GPS. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Oct 14, 2015 09:15 by Bob Chicilo
North American/Canadair F-86EF Sabre FU-385 Luftwaffe
North American/Canadair F-86EF Sabre FU-385 Luftwaffe
47.00Mb (2141 downloads)
North American F-86EF Sabre FU-385 Luftwaffe. SectionF8 F-86 Sabre. Canadair Sabre CL-13B Mk. 6. Complex and very high quality model. Painted in the Lufthwaffe BB-277 theme used during the 1950s. 225 Canadair Mk 6 Sabres were exported to the West German Luftwaffe airforce. I used the great textures by W. Wollschlaeger . IMPORTANT: You must read the manual as this is a complex aircraft to fly! Custom packaged by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 14, 2015 06:25 by chris evans
North American F-86F Sabre FU-385 USAF Wolfhounds
North American F-86F Sabre FU-385 USAF Wolfhounds
49.18Mb (3185 downloads)
North American F-86F Sabre FU-385 USAF Wolfhounds. SectionF8 F-86 Sabre. Canadair Sabre CL-13B Mk. 6. Complex and very high quality model. Painted in the USAFE 32nd TFS Wolfhounds Soesterberg during the early 1950s. Textures by Richard Wisman. IMPORTANT: You must read the manual as this is a complex aircraft to fly! Custom packaged by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 13, 2015 05:04 by chris evans
 Airbus A310-300 Luftwaffe Package
 Airbus A310-300 Luftwaffe Package
36.55Mb (3512 downloads)
Airbus A310-300 Luftwaffe package for FSX. German Air Force, Luftwaffe, currently (2015) operate 6 Airbus A310 aircraft. Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. I included the nice textures by Thomas Siegmann. Includes FMC by Garret Smith, working wipers and more. A330 sounds and manual included. Please read the manual to understand the panel! Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 5, 2015 08:45 by chris evans
LTV XC 142 Tiltwing for FSX
7.60Mb (3997 downloads)
I originally offered this update for FS2004 to Richard Alexander van Hien's LTV-Ryan XC142 for FS2000/2002 because it's a beautiful model of a very unusual aircraft, but which didn't fly properly in FS2004, due mainly to attempts to mimic VTOL simply with extremely high-lift flaps, although the old airfile also didn't seem to suit FS2004 at all. Now I'm offering this FSX version because the .gau gauges used before don't work. I've also changed the flight characteristics and the sounds a little from the FS2004 version. Unfortunately the 'FS2004 propdisk in FSX' problem still exists (you can see trees and clouds through the disk), it seems not too intrusive to me.
Posted Oct 5, 2015 05:41 by Brian Sharpe
DHC-4 Caribou Spanish Air force UPDATE
1.28Mb (1360 downloads)
Missing gauges fore the Spanish Caribou
Posted Sep 26, 2015 04:50 by Juan Villamor