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FSX > Military > Page 90
Lockheed Martin F-16 KLu Retro Demo 2015 (Fictional)
Lockheed Martin F-16 KLu Retro Demo 2015 (Fictional)
67.11Mb (1469 downloads)
This is the Kirk Ollson VIPER with the fictional Royal Netherlands Airforce Retro paintscheme. this livery is never designed on the F-16 before, but it has been painted on the Fokker G1 in the WOII. The paint design is by: Peter van Stigt. This pack contains Flares, Smoke, VC, and Afterburner. Repaint by: Mees Jansen.
Posted Oct 15, 2014 04:13 by Mees Jansen and Peter van Stigt
Tutorial on how to add the ability to use the catapult to any aircraft.
Tutorial on how to add the ability to use the catapult to any aircraft.
0.86Mb (1432 downloads)
This is a Tutorial on how to add the ability to use the catapult to any aircraft. It also contains two flights that allow you to practice landing on a carrier. The 730 flight starts just after the carrier leaves Everett Washington and makes the first turn to head toward the ocean. The 1240 flight starts just after the carrier turns south to head for San Francisco. Both flights start paused. So even if you don't need, or want, the tutorial part, you might want the flights so you don't have to go looking for a carrier to practice landings on.
Posted Oct 14, 2014 16:07 by Bob Chicilo
Update for FSX of the Rafale M
Update for FSX of the Rafale M
26.29Mb (6351 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Rafale M by Cyril Pioffet. I have updated the flight dynamics from my FS9 update of the same aircraft, changed the original panel a bit, and added a second panel for those who might like it better. I am including the carrier tutorial for the Raffale as it was while trying the aircraft out in the tutorial that I found out how to make the view in the tutorial the same as the 2D view in free flight. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Oct 12, 2014 12:20 by Bob Chicilo
FSX US Air Force Mega Package
FSX US Air Force Mega Package
396.57Mb (77496 downloads)
FSX United States Air Force multi-aircraft package. This package contains the full USAF A-10, AC-130, B-52H, B-1B, B-2, Boeing E-3 Sentry, T-6 Texan II, C-12 Huron, C-5 Galaxy, C-130, C-17, C-32, C-37, C-40, F-22 Raptor E3F, F-15, F-16, KC-135, VC-25, Air Force One B747-8i (as a bonus), KC-10, Bell Huey, Northrop T-38A, U-2, RQ-1 & RQ-4 (drones), Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II (as a bonus) & the first freeware V-22 Osprey on Simviation. All aircraft are in the USAF livery! Thanks to POSKY, Alphasim, and IRIS for their wonderful and realistic models. Total Uncompressed size: 2.85 GB. Assembled by Alan de Jager (
Posted Oct 5, 2014 04:39 by Alan de Jager
Dassault Super Etendard Updated Package
Dassault Super Etendard Updated Package
29.10Mb (4007 downloads)
DASSAULT SUPER ETENDARD for FSX Two textures: French & Argentina Carrier-based fighter designed with gmax. Realistic flight dynamics. This package includes panel with radar. Authors: Model by Lucas Romain Textures by Frank Safranek Panel by Marco Spada Radar by Jonathan Koch Hougaard Updated by unknown
Posted Oct 2, 2014 08:18 by uploader
Airbus A319-115X Government of Malaysia
Airbus A319-115X Government of Malaysia
49.82Mb (1918 downloads)
Airbus A319 Malaysia VIP with added custom sound pack and improved VC from the A321 with FMC. FSX fixes by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 1, 2014 01:14 by Muiz
Boeing C17 GlobeMaster
Boeing C17 GlobeMaster
5.06Mb (9884 downloads)
The C17 is replacing the C141 and has short takeoff and landing habilities. Here is the model designed by the talented Mike Stone. Adaptation fo FSX, panels for wide and standard screen (no VC) including GPWS and warning callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file for installation and configuration. Credit: Mike Stone for the original aircraft.
Posted Sep 28, 2014 05:33 by Philippe Wallaert
Update of the FSX Acceleration FA-18 Hornet
Update of the FSX Acceleration FA-18 Hornet
18.02Mb (2203 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the default FSX Acceleration FA-18 Hornet. I have added a 2D panel and left the VC panel as workable as before. I have redone the flight dynamics, and added the 4th wheel. Included is a carrier tutorial, because the 2D panel is not visually compatible with the original tutorial. BECAUSE THIS IS A DEFAULT AIRCRAFT, BACK UP YOUR HORNET AIR AND AIRCRAFT.CFG FILES AS WELL AS THE PANEL FOLDER BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO APPLY THIS UPDATE
Posted Sep 28, 2014 02:02 by Bob Chicilo
Lockheed Martin F-16A RNLAF NTM Tigermeet 2014
Lockheed Martin F-16A RNLAF NTM Tigermeet 2014
67.69Mb (4273 downloads)
Now Fixed the Aircraft.cfg list. Everything works now. My Apoligies. This package contains: VC, All configs, Flares, smoke, and Afterburner. Model by: Kirk Ollson, Updated VC by: Daniel Garnier, Repaint by: Mees Jansen.
Posted Sep 26, 2014 14:22 by Mees Jansen
FSX Harrier GR.5/GR.7/GR.9 and T.10 Updated
FSX Harrier GR.5/GR.7/GR.9 and T.10 Updated
59.26Mb (9435 downloads)
UKMIL FSX Harrier GR.5 / GR.7 / GR.9 and T.10 Package. The British Aerospace Harrier II is a second-generation vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) jet aircraft. Update HUD and parameters by unknown.
Posted Sep 22, 2014 12:16 by uploader