6.28Mb (1331 downloads)
FSX/Accel//P3dv3 Pilotable Norwegian Roayal Yacht NORGE. The ai-ship is made by Henrik Nielsen in native FSX format and belongs to his huge ai-fleet traffic package "Global_AI_Ship_Traffic_V2.zip" which contains almost 1100 AI ships and AI ship traffic routes for the entire globe for P3D and FSX. This pilotable version has a 2D panel and as interior a virtual navigation bridge, twelve camera views, sound, effects and airfiles. The modifications for a pilotable vessel are done by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 26, 2019 03:18 by Erwin Welker

52.96Mb (1005 downloads)
FSX/Accel//P3dv3 Pilotable Australian patrole boat HMAS Armidale. It is one of thirteen ships of this class. The ai-ship is made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his huge ai-fleet traffic package "Global_AI_Ship_Traffic_V2.zip" which contains almost 1100 AI ships and AI ship traffic routes for the entire globe for P3D and FSX. This pilotable version has a 2D panel, a virtual navigation bridge, a few animations, sound, effects and airfiles. The modifications for a pilotable vessel is made by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 26, 2019 02:38 by Erwin Welker

36.73Mb (801 downloads)
FSX/Accel/FS2004/P3dv3 Pilotable polar science and research icebreaker Polarstern (Polar star). This German vessel of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research/Bremerhaven was commissioned in 1982 and is mainly used for research in the Arctic and Antarctica. On 17th October 2008, Polarstern was the first research vessel ever traveled through both the Northeast Passage and the Northwest Passage in one cruise plus circumnavigating the North Pole. The model has a 2D panel and a complete virtual navigation bridge and a lot of very special animations: Breaking ice at the bow, a splitted ice wake behind the stern, a Bell 206B Jetranger helicopter can be pushed out of the hangar to the heli deck, four animated cranes, one is lifting a container onto the ice field and a polar bear mother with its child is walking near the ship. Twentyfive cameras let you watch all those animations and explore the ship. Original icebreaker sounds let you enjoy discovering ice fields. Saved flights for FSX and P3dv3 at northern Canada on an icefiled approaching open sea are included. Special ship gauges are made by Jean Pierre Carosin, FSDS model and animations by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 17, 2019 06:15 by Erwin Welker

18.66Mb (1276 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/P3dV3 Lamborghini Countach LP500S. This was one of the most exiting serial produced super sport cars of that era, built between 1982 and 1985. The model has a photorealistical 2D panel and a matching VC. The special gauges, effects and lights are made by Pierre J. Carosin. The FSDS 3.5 models with panels is made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jun 23, 2019 07:10 by Erwin Welker

44.62Mb (766 downloads)
This is a VERY large carrier. Bigger then most airports. It was originally made for FSX but works in P3D 4 if you use the FSX to P3D Migration tool. This was the "SERVER" aircraft used on the Black Ice Air server several years ago. Be prepared to add lot of down trim when spawning. After it settles down it flies SLOW but smooth. Landing on it is sketchy due to FSX issues I haven't worked out ...Yet
INSTALLER SET FOR P3D Uninstaller available after install. (This files is a self installing .exe file which simviation has scanned with Norton and found to be safe).
Posted Jun 2, 2019 17:07 by GEORGE VENTURINI

3.79Mb (575 downloads)
FSX - Tall Ship Bermuda.
Credits to Ian Thatcher for the Cfg sources and wake effect to compile all the models..thanks so much!!
Visit FSX-Shipyards.com for large collections of freeware ships and boats and submarines..
Don't forget to Copy and Paste the "Effects" into your main Effects Folder.
Updated for FSX by Ewin Sheridan (fsx-shipyards.com).
Ron Jeffers
Posted May 18, 2019 21:18 by Ewin Sheridan

2.90Mb (743 downloads)
FSX - Oscar Class Submarine
This is a detailed version of the "Oscar Class Submarine" and comes with a Basic 2D Cockpit & 3D Views, Animated Flag, etc.
Includes 2 Versions and both have their own "Sound Files".This version also has a basic working "Autopilot".
Also included are the FSDS Source Files for those that might like to learn more about Designing or for those that might like to upgrade what work I have already done.
Posted May 10, 2019 03:41 by James Harris

2.59Mb (1054 downloads)
FSX - Nimitz-Class Carrier Version 4 (Pilotable Version).
Compatible with FSX and P3D up to V3 (Not V4).
This New Version comes in 4 Models, 2 with Clear Flightdecks and 2 with FA-18's on the Flightdeck. Also included is Animated Flag, Radar, Blast Shields, Carrier Side Lifts, Updated Flightdeck, Updated Hull, Updated Textures, AutoPilot and much more.
Posted May 7, 2019 20:56 by James Harris

11.10Mb (1209 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004/P3dV3 Nissan Pathfinder Military SUV. This models despicts the German version used by the "Feldjaeger", the military police of the German forces. The animations can be controled using a police feature switch console which allows to turn on the blue strobe lights, a toggling text display, a Stop board comes together with a patrolling soldier and an opening tail door. The car has a photorealistical 2D panel and a matching VC. The FDE and the police effects are made by Mitsuya Hamaguchi (Hama), the other effects and lights are made by Pierre J. Carosin. The FSDS 3.5 models with panels are made by Erwin Welker.
Posted May 5, 2019 04:09 by Erwin Welker

115.46Mb (1387 downloads)
FSX Javier's Carriers Nimitz Class Updated for FSX. Here you have an update for all the CVN-70 to CVN-77 With many configurations. Don't mix with the original Javier's models CVN-68-69. All the models have been modified with Gmax, to put the numerals in the bow, and always with the permission of Javier Fernandez. The speed has been lowered to 20 knots, for more realistic and easy for trap, not 50 as in the FSX. By Antonio Diaz.
Posted Apr 9, 2019 04:27 by uploader