121.14Mb (3068 downloads)
McCoy Ground Landing Effect v4.1B for both FSX & P3D v4.1. This package replaces six effects, Dirt, Touchdown, WheelWetSpray, WheelSnowSpray, WetEngineWash & SnowEngineWash. Five levels of intensity are offered for the first four effects, the last two EngineWash effects come in one, two & four engine adjustable configurations for both jet & propeller aircraft. Improvements include wind effect for secondary snow & rain mist, thrust EnginWash effects for dirt, softened dust & mist effects with lenghtened lifespans, reworked vortex effects, engine & emitter numbers are now the same, simplified instructions, corrected typos in v4.1 & six more pre-sets have been added. I'm now including pre-sets for the 737, 747, 777, 787, A380, Baron 58, DCH-6, F-16, F-35A, KingAir 350, L-049, Lear 45 and the Skyhawk 172. Single engine aircrafts should work well with out any adjustments. Wheel Effects have been re-positioned, Blast & some Wheel Effects have been adjusted for color, size, density & speed. These effects can be used in any combination so every aircraft can be easily dialed-in. By Vince McCoy, © Copyright 2017 all rights reserved. Previous versions 14632 downloads
Posted Dec 18, 2017 18:29 by Vince McCoy

17.96Mb (1452 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration Package Destroyer Charles F. Adams Class. This ships were a guided missile destroyer class of 23 ships for the US Navy, 3 for the Royal Australian Navy and 3 for the West German Bundesmarine; built between 1958 and 1967. The ships were powered with 2 steam turbines a 26.000 kW and armed with 2x127 mm guns, a launcher for 8 ASROC missiles and a single or double launcher for Tartar or Harpoon missiles. Only Charles F. Adams and Moelders survived as museum ships, but all of the others have been sunk as targets, sunk for diving wrecks or sold for scrap. The package contains pilotable- and ai-versions of Charles F. Adams and Moelders in the style of the 70th. The FSX version has twenty two camera views whilst the FS9 version has sixteen panel look around views. Both versions has many animations with animated guns, radars, ASROC and Tartar launchers with missile launches. The weapon control switchboard and most of the gauges are made by Pierre Carosin, the FSDS 3.5 models with the photoreal 2D navigation bridge are made by Erwin Welker.
Posted Nov 22, 2017 02:54 by Erwin Welker
21.75Mb (1186 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 package salvage tug boat OCEANIC with freighter in emergency. The OCEANIC is in service since 1969. Most of the time under German flag. She was and is one of the biggest and most powerful offshore salvage tugboats worldwide. She is almost 88 m long, 17.500 HP strong and more than 20 knots fast. The freighter is one of the German Cap San-class vessels from the same era. The package contains two pilotable versions (solo and towing a vessel) with 2D navigation bridge and VC and two ai-versions. The freighter of the pilotable version is animated with three different key commands. It is in the users hands if the towed vessel will stay in a modest emergency or if the ship will capsize and sink. FSDS 3.5 models by Erwin Welker
Posted Oct 8, 2017 07:00 by Erwin Welker

2.48Mb (774 downloads)
These documents updates and supersedes my previous offering 'Documents-1.zip'. Credit to Mr. Chicilo for the use of his 'Bob's Flight Dynamics Revised2.pdf' document.
Posted Sep 28, 2017 23:44 by Andre Ludick
19.11Mb (1636 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 (probably also P3Dv3) German U-Boat Type XXI. It was a class of German diesel-electric submarines from 1943-45 with a length of 76.7 m. It was the most sophisticated submarine that time with a great hydrodynamical design for conning tower, hull and guns which allowed up to 17 knots submerged speed, improved batteries and powerfull 3.700 kw electro motors allowed a range of 15500 nmi. The technic included snorkel, sonar- and radar detectors and a radar transmitter plus an electric torpedo-reloading system. The boat entered the war too late to succeed in any battle but the design directly influenced advanced post-war submarines of nations like USA, UK, France and Soviet Union. The only surviving boat is Wilhelm Bauer (ex. U-2540) which is now a museum ship in Bremerhaven/Germany. The FS-model has many animations including sub merging. 2D periscope panel graphics combined with camera views allows 360° look around and zoom functions plus watching the submerging from the eyepoint of the commander. From the attack periscope a torpedo, with a delayed explosion effect, can be launched. Optional ten more original submarine sounds can be activated by R.L. Clark's sound switches like: Rough sea, hatch, merging, diving, submerging, sonar-pings, torpedo launch and attackes by depth charges; even movie soundtrack is possible. Some extra sounds are included but due to the copyrights some specials sounds are not included but they can all easyly downloaded at boataces.com. FSDS 3.5 model with 2D panel view and a simple virtual central by Erwin Welker.
Posted Sep 24, 2017 05:50 by Erwin Welker

0.01Mb (238 downloads)
This hotfix is only for the Project Opensky A321 if you installed my recent Airbus Megapack Modified Configs v20170921 for FSX/P3Dv4.
This hotfix addresses the NAV/GPS button not working correctly on the dash.
Posted Sep 22, 2017 08:29 by JackRiordan

0.27Mb (521 downloads)
This package contains ALL of my updated Aircraft and Panel config files for the A318, A319, A320CFM, A320IAE, and A321 included in the Airbus A320 Family Megapack by Project Airbus. I rewrote these files to fix various issues that my VA members and I found when flying them. The Morse code sound now works properly. A321 deicing is working again. I have also integrated a few addons into the Panel config as well, including the freeware Flightdeck SFX Panel, the payware EasyFMC, and the payware REX Advantage Radar. You must have legit versions of the payware installed to see those popup panels. No aircraft are included. This is just the config files. Installation instructions are in the README. Change notes are in the config files. This download replaces ALL previous config packages uploaded by me. FSX and P3Dv4 compatible. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 21, 2017 21:48 by JackRiordan

20.39Mb (1557 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Cruise ship package Disney Magic. She was the first cruiseship of the Disney Cruise Line. She sails under the flag of Bahamas since 1998. She has a length of 294 m, a power of 57600 kw allows 24 knots of speed and the ship carries 945 men of crew and up to 3600 passengers, mostly families with children. The colors of the boat and the two chimneys honors the classical style of the trans Atlantic liners like "Queen Elisabeth" or "United States". The package contains a pilotable version with 2D navigation bridge and a ai-versions. UPDATED to include FS2004 specific files. FSDS 3.5 models and 2D panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Sep 17, 2017 05:16 by Erwin Welker

0.19Mb (1410 downloads)
GPWS is an option in my of my uploads but sometimes missed out of the file. This should be unzipped and the GPWS FOLDER placed in the MAIN SOUNDS folder in FSX or P3D
Posted Sep 8, 2017 07:08 by chris evans

0.04Mb (490 downloads)
This package contains ALL of my updated Aircraft and Panel config files for the A318, A319, A320CFM, A320IAE, and A321 included in the Airbus Family Megapack by Project Airbus. I rewrote these files to fix various issues that my VA members and I found when flying them. The Morse code sound now works properly as well. I have also integrated a few addons into the Panel config as well, including the freeware Flightdeck SFX Panel, the payware EasyFMC, and the payware REX Advantage Radar. YOU MUST HAVE LEGIT VERSIONS OF THE PAYWARE INSTALLED TO SEE THOSE POPUP PANELS. No aircraft are included. This is just the config files. Installation instructions are in the README. Change notes are in the config files.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 1, 2017 20:28 by JackRiordan