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FSX > Misc > Page 49
FSX Features For Pilotable USSR Carrier Kiev
FSX Features For Pilotable USSR Carrier Kiev
2.69Mb (2332 downloads)
FSX Features for a Pilotable USSR Carrier Kiev. A download of the ai-versions from Harri Thaha and Hadi Tahir is required ( My AddOn provides a pilotable ship with bridge, sounds and special effects like forward firing guns, simulated missile launch and distant explosions. 8 camera views let you explore the ship. The VTOL-fighter Yak-38 can be set onto the deck and with a special gimmick you even can rise or lower the vertical take off or landing sequence. From the eyepoint of a gunner you can rotate the front or rear 7,5 cm twin gun. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 19, 2012 04:38 by Erwin Welker
FSX Features For Pilotable Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer
FSX Features For Pilotable Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer
4.14Mb (2254 downloads)
FSX features for a pilotable Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer. A download of the ai-versions from Lazarus Starkweather is required ( My AddOn provides a pilotable ship with bridge, sounds and special effects like forward firing guns, simulated missile lauches and distant explosions. 7 camera views let you explore the ship: F.i. standing at the flybridge, at the bow or at the stern. Here you can place a Sealynx helicopter onto the flight deck. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 17, 2012 04:30 by Erwin Welker
FSX Kiev Aircraft Carrier
FSX Kiev Aircraft Carrier
2.75Mb (3983 downloads)
FSX Kiev- aircraft carrier, with landable flight deck. To be used as AI or with AICarriers2. Kiev was a heavy aircraft carrying cruiser that served the Soviet and Russian navies from 1975 to 1993. It was built between 1970 and 1975 at Chernomorski factory in Mykolaiv and was the first ship of its class (Project 1143 Krechyet (Gyrfalcon) or Kiev class). by Harri Thaha & Hadi Tahir
Posted Oct 17, 2012 01:15 by Hadi Tahir
Flightdeck Magazin Free German and Chinese Language
29.98Mb (658 downloads)
Free Flightdeck Magazine in German and Chinese. TakeOff Climb Beispiel TakeOff iFly 738 VOR CutBack TakeOff Freeware Scenery Philadelphia KPHL Freeware Scenery Kobe Freeware Scenery Kunming ZPPP Chang Shui Headset mit FSInn und Vatsim Somali Airline Virtual Freeware Somali Mogadischu X
Posted Oct 3, 2012 12:05 by Peter Hornfeck
Flight Simulator X Service Pack 2
164.53Mb (44272 downloads)
Flight Simulator X Service Pack 2. Microsoft no longer hosts this update and many users will continue to need it into the future so Simviation is now hosting the file. English FSX Service Pack 2 addresses these post-release customer concerns (see the Readme file for details): Multiplayer compatibility with FSX: Acceleration DirectX 10 preview IMPORTANT: If you have already installed Flight Simulator X: Acceleration expansion pack, do not install Service Pack 2. IMPORTANT: You must install Service Pack 1 before installing Service Pack 2. Notes: Service Pack 2 does not include the code updates required to use the new Flight Simulator X: Acceleration aircraft. You must purchase and install Flight Simulator X: Acceleration to use those aircraft. After you have installed Service Pack 2, you will be able to play multiplayer games only with users who have installed either Service Pack 2 or Flight SimulatorX: Acceleration. Flight Simulator X Service Pack 1 addresses these post-release customer concerns: Activation and installation Third-party add-on issues Performance enhancements Content issues IMPORTANT: If you have already installed the Flight Simulator X: Acceleration expansion pack, do not install Service Pack 1. NOT REQUIRED IF YOU HAVE FSX ACCELERATION OR ACCELERATION EXPANSION PACK!
Posted Sep 30, 2012 19:22 by admin
Flight Simulator X Service Pack 1
207.79Mb (44325 downloads)
Flight Simulator X Service Pack 1. Microsoft no longer hosts this update and many users will continue to need it into the future so Simviation is now hosting the file. FSX Service Pack 1 addresses these post-release customer concerns: Activation and installation Third-party add-on issues Performance enhancements Content issues IMPORTANT: If you have already installed the Flight Simulator X: Acceleration expansion pack, do not install Service Pack 1. NOT REQUIRED IF YOU HAVE FSX ACCELERATION OR ACCELERATION EXPANSION PACK!
Posted Sep 30, 2012 18:15 by admin
Longer Jet Contrail for FSX/FS2004
Longer Jet Contrail for FSX/FS2004
0.27Mb (6297 downloads)
Longer Contrail for FSX/FS2004. I have always thought something was missing in FS and that was longer contrails. Without the need of any software you can have this effect. I have to thank Jan Rosenberg for his ai_fx that taught me how to edit the contrails in fs. These fx files have the contrails life set at 350 seconds (roughly 50 miles). I find this to be the most realistic to see your ai airplanes turn over VOR's and such. In the real world contrails can last a few seconds to hours depending on the atmospheric conditions.
Posted Sep 11, 2012 10:42 by Jeff Favignano
FSX Serbia & Montenegro Airfield Locator
2.73Mb (262 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Serbia & Montenegro. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow. by Carl Vokes
Posted Sep 7, 2012 18:02 by carl vokes
FSX Cyprus Airfield Locator
2.71Mb (435 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Cyprus. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow. by Carl Vokes
Posted Aug 28, 2012 16:07 by carl vokes
FSX DDG-51 Arlegh Burke Guided Missile Destroyers
FSX DDG-51 Arlegh Burke Guided Missile Destroyers
5.07Mb (7905 downloads)
4 FSX native AI DDG-51 'flight1' guided missile destroyers, for use with AICarriers2 utility , or other AI traffic compilers. USS John Paul Jones, USS Stethem, USS Decatur and USS Higgins.All with landable helidecks.
Posted Aug 27, 2012 06:15 by Lazarus Starkweather