44.14Mb (1902 downloads)
This package contains all current FSXCC repaints for default aircraft. This package is primarily for FSXCC members. The texture set includes textures for the default B747, B737, A321, CRJ-700, B350, B58, C208, C172, and J3. Textures by kilocharlie1.
Posted Apr 14, 2012 00:05 by kilocharlie1

2.38Mb (5717 downloads)
SAAF Cargo Drop/Parachute Addon/Effect V1.0 Fs9 (Fs2004) and FSX. Small effects file that will allow your aircraft to drop cargo or a parachute.
Created by Rynaldo Stoltz
Posted Apr 4, 2012 08:26 by uploader
0.00Mb (825 downloads)
Easy instructions to add a popup autopilot to the Aerosoft Catalina or any other aircraft.
Posted Apr 4, 2012 00:28 by Lolke Doornik

0.84Mb (2723 downloads)
Created With FSDS V3.5 used textures from the FS Shipyards Oscar class sub ,the Sub Submerges to periscope depth and has a 12 Missile compartments on the rear behind the sail.
Posted Apr 3, 2012 17:57 by Jim Abbey

1.07Mb (244 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth.
This file is for Saskatchewan. Canada.
There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details.
i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325.
Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file.
Other locator files to follow.
by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 29, 2012 08:30 by carl vokes

0.92Mb (6669 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Cargo Drop / Parachute drop addon. This small effect file is for those of you wishing to deploy cargo from your aircraft. It includes the cargo drop and open cargo drop parachute once deployed. By Rynaldo Stoltz.
Posted Mar 28, 2012 06:51 by Rynaldo Stoltz

5.83Mb (7932 downloads)
This is a a fully working Ford Crown Victoria police car in Bahamas Police colors. 2 versions are included - the old and the updated. Model by Dirk Stuck. Textures by BahamasFlyers.
Posted Mar 25, 2012 02:01 by BahamasFlyers NoSmilez

0.36Mb (1402 downloads)
For a very low price you can have a dedicated instrument panel in a separate monitor.
Posted Feb 27, 2012 13:03 by Gera Godoy Canova

32.70Mb (3255 downloads)
This is my FSX Star Wars Republic Gunship, or LAAT. I am, as far as I know, the first to make this for fsx. It is nothing real great, no vc, no animations. But on the upside it has the real gunship sounds and flight dynamics. Enjoy.
Posted Jan 31, 2012 22:31 by Skyler Henry (Original Maker)

11.46Mb (1930 downloads)
MY 1961 FMR KR-200 “Messerschmitt” Kabinenroller. All credits for this great model go to Rainer Girbig, who spend a lot of his precious time to make it as real as possible. Full working VC J. Original and great 2-stroke sounds. Originally made for FS9, now updated by me for FSX-Acceleration. See the description text for all the info about this micro-car. And keep in mind: THIS Messerschmitt should NOT fly… J . Enjoy!
You have 1 file waiting for download:
Posted Jan 24, 2012 06:17 by Erik Hertzberger