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FSX > Missions > Page 48
Lunch in Huesca Mission
Lunch in Huesca Mission
6.86Mb (5044 downloads)
ENGLISH VERSION.You may think that one flight from Pamplona ( Spain) to Huesca, is easy.But when you have to take photos near ground, and your plane is a little old! This flight would be a challenge! Will you accept it? Requires FSX Acceleration.
Posted Feb 7, 2009 14:10 by Jose Enrique Ariño
Where is the Yowie
Where is the Yowie
15.23Mb (4126 downloads)
Australia Today News Agency: For Centuries "The Yowie" a creature of huge size and horrible odor has been seen by a few all over the Continent Island. Now, a beauty Queen (Miss Southern Italy-2002) and Master Anthropologist has embarked into a dangerous expedition to find it and dissipate once and for all the Mistery. She is accompanied by six other women scientists a local guide and You!!!! pilot and gentleman. The Mission starts in Melbourne and will travel to many places in Australia where danger will be looming and waiting to strike if you are not careful. This is an "Episode Driven Mission" it has Three episodes that must be completed in order to accomplish the Goal. Here you will fly the first TWO (2), the third, if you survive these will be in a Sim near you soon....So, put on your outback Ausie Hat and fly into the winds of the Sky of Australia and hope you survive the Flight and Adventure. Important: You will need the following aircraft: ( by Alejandro Rojas and Pemaircraft ( found here. I have used the wonderful FTX scenery of Australia as background and recommend it for best viewing of this wonderful country.
Posted Jan 27, 2009 14:29 by Gera Godoy Canova
Cellular Madness
15.57Mb (9293 downloads)
You have been hired by CelCab, Panamanian cellular provider to take some badly needed parts to their four antenna locations in Chiriqui Province in the north of Panama. It is the rainy season so expect rain all the way. The mission is for "intermediate pilots" so if you follow instructions you will be OK... It would be a good idea to wear yellow socks for good luck. Good luck piloto! By Gera Godoy Canova. 16 mb
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:43 by Blackhawk
12.39Mb (5960 downloads)
This mission is a sightseeing tour that covers the San Francisco Bay Area. For the best experience, fly the mission with the cockpit in the "mini-mode" (From the default virtual cockpit hit F10, then hit "W" three times). It's not necessary to fly directly into the waypoint markers, they are only for reference. Follow the mission waypoint markers and compass headings and enjoy the flight. Estimated time of completion is 35 minutes. Compatible with all versions of FSX Deluxe.Wes Jones
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:42 by Blackhawk
3.35Mb (5803 downloads)
Enjoy the beautiful Islands of the Aleutian chain on this cold weather flight. Estimated time to complete: 60 minutes. Aircraft: Beech King Air. Includes intro, music, briefings, map, audio and a reward.3.5mb
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:38 by Blackhawk
Operation Bible Sweep V2
8.53Mb (7184 downloads)
Pilot a De Havilland Beaver into the heart of mainland China in a clandestine Bible Smuggling operation that will keep you guessing at every turn. Evade patrol ships, radar and the Chinese Air Force in a mission created with multiple variations generated from random variables and further modified by the way you fly. The mission comes with quality custom audio tracks and has been comprehensively beta tested. This release of the mission is now compatible with all FSX Service Packs. By Matthew and Sean Devenish.
Posted Jan 10, 2009 20:34 by Matthew Devenish
0.04Mb (7177 downloads)
These flights allow you to take off and land on a static aircraft carrier located off the coast of Texas near Galveston Bay. I have included two AFCAD files, one for the ship and one for an airfield located in Freeport, Tx. Also included is the GPS Oil Rigs File that will have the carrier and surrounding ships located in it. It is suggested that you fly a plane like the Cessna 172 from the airfield and a helicopter from the carrier to practice chopper landings on the surrounding ships. If you have any problems feel free to let me know.
Posted Sep 23, 2008 16:49 by Don Harris
SimWesterly Simcopter Remake
28.04Mb (6497 downloads)
SimWesterly This is a remake of a popular emergency flight simulator game called SimCopter by Maxis. Each city will increase in difficulty as you advance to different levels. David J Crandall
Posted Sep 22, 2008 04:38 by Uploader
ATR Delta Fight KGON to KALB
12.86Mb (7274 downloads)
You are a commercial pilot for Delta Air Charter Serves. You are scheduled for a flight from Groton/New London Airport in Connecticut to Albany International in New York. You will need to use Navigational aides to complete this mission. This mission uses the ATR 72-500, Delta Connection, by F. Sánchez-Castañer and can be downloaded from on Prop page 13 (see link).
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 9, 2008 17:54 by archive
Frankfurt to Kuala Lumpur
4.52Mb (12816 downloads)
FSX Mission: You start in Frankfurt(Germany) an land in Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia) Aircraft:DC-10 airline:Swissair this mission is with real voices. By Olivier Mannaerts
Posted Jun 24, 2008 13:51 by archive