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FS2004 > Payware > Page 40
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32 (YV367T) Textures
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32 (YV367T) Textures
13.02Mb (617 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32, cn 47128/210, registration YV367T, wearing the actual colors of Aserca Airlines. Fully reworked new textures only for the SkySimulations DC-9-32 model (payware package). By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jun 17, 2010 01:50 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 (YV1922) Textures
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 (YV1922) Textures
12.87Mb (378 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31, cn 48138/1021, registration YV1922, named "Santisima Trinidad", wearing the actual colors of Aserca Airlines. Fully reworked new textures only for the SkySimulations DC-9-31 model (payware package). By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jun 17, 2010 01:40 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 (YV1879) Textures
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 (YV1879) Textures
12.85Mb (232 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31, cn 48139/1024, registration YV1879, named "Virgen del Pilar", wearing the actual colors of Aserca Airlines. Fully reworked new textures only for the SkySimulations DC-9-31 model (payware package). By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jun 17, 2010 01:30 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 (YV1663) Textures
Skysim Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31 (YV1663) Textures
12.77Mb (287 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-31, cn 48144/1039, registration YV1663, named "Virgen de La Milagrosa", wearing the actual colors of Aserca Airlines. Fully reworked new textures only for the SkySimulations DC-9-31 model (payware package). By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jun 17, 2010 01:22 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Jet City Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32 YV368T Textures
Jet City Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32 YV368T Textures
4.09Mb (357 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32, cn 47518/614, registration YV368T, named "Madre Teresa de Calcuta", wearing the actual colors of Aserca Airlines. Fully reworked textures only for the Jet City Aircraft Dc-9-32, (payware package). See at for detailed info. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jun 16, 2010 02:39 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Jet City Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32 YV367T Textures
Jet City Aserca Airlines McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32 YV367T Textures
4.24Mb (239 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-32, cn 47128/210, wearing the actual colors of Aserca Airlines. Fully reworked textures only for the Jet City Aircraft Dc-9-32, (payware package). See at for detailed info. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jun 16, 2010 02:35 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Cera Bell 412VIP Policia Militar Textures
Cera Bell 412VIP Policia Militar Textures
1.24Mb (458 downloads)
Cera Bell 412EP of Venezuela army (police). Textures only for the payware Cera 412 VIP. Texture by Gustavo La Cruz (Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid)
Posted Jun 13, 2010 21:09 by Gustavo La Cruz
Cera Bell 412 military Aviacion Ejercito Textures
Cera Bell 412 military Aviacion Ejercito Textures
1.18Mb (458 downloads)
Cera Bell 412EP of Venezuela Army textures only for the payware Cera 412. Model by Cera simulation, texture by Gustavo La Cruz (Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid)
Posted Jun 13, 2010 21:07 by Gustavo La Cruz
Cera Bell 412EP Guardia Nacional de Venezuela Textures
Cera Bell 412EP Guardia Nacional de Venezuela Textures
1.20Mb (752 downloads)
Cera Bell 412EP of Guardia Nacional Bolivariana de Venezuela. Textures only for the payware Cera 412 EP ,model by cera simulation, texture by Gustavo La Cruz (Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid)
Posted Jun 13, 2010 21:06 by Gustavo La Cruz
Cera Bell 412EP Fuerza Aera Venezolana Textures
Cera Bell 412EP Fuerza Aera Venezolana Textures
1.19Mb (489 downloads)
Cera Bell 412EP Venezuela Air Force textures only for the payware Cera 412 EP. Model by Cera simulation, texture by Gustavo La Cruz (Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid)
Posted Jun 13, 2010 21:03 by Gustavo La Cruz