6.67Mb (1241 downloads)
SimMiles LogoJet textures for the CLS A340-300
Posted Apr 10, 2009 17:31 by Daniel Higgins

3.00Mb (683 downloads)
A repaint for the awesome Skysim Mirage III/5 package. It is painted as Dassault Mirage IIIE No.502 of Escadron de Chasse 1/4 "Dauphiné" of the Armée de l'Air. The unit initially operated the Mirage IIIE in this bare metal scheme. EC 1/4 operated from Nancy-Ochey AB and shared the airbase with EC 2/4 "La Fayette". Repaint by Frank Safranek, details by Jens-Ole Kjølberg, base textures by Mark Harper.
Posted Apr 10, 2009 17:11 by Frank Safranek

6.32Mb (866 downloads)
Focke Wulf FW 190A-4, Fw. Ludwig Seig, 11./SKG 10, Tunisia, 1943. Historical repaint for the payware Classics-Hangar Focke Wulf FW 190A early series. Textures by Alessandro Biagi of Italian Wing
Posted Apr 10, 2009 14:24 by Alessandro Biagi (alx)

6.18Mb (466 downloads)
Focke Wulf FW 190A-3/U3 - 10.(jabo)/JG 2 "Richtofen", Cean-Cariquet, France, Summer 1942. Historical repaint for the payware Classics-Hangar Focke Wulf FW 190A early series. Textures by Alessandro Biagi of Italian Wings.
Posted Apr 10, 2009 14:20 by Alessandro Biagi (alx)

0.16Mb (365 downloads)
Focke Wulf FW 190A - Texture file with stencil script fot Bomb and Drop tank. Historical repaint for the payware Classics-Hangar Focke Wulf FW 190A early series. Textures by Alessandro Biagi of Italian Wings.
Posted Apr 4, 2009 05:38 by Alessandro Biagi (alx)

5.51Mb (466 downloads)
Focke Wulf FW 190A-4, Lt. Horst Hannig, Staffelkapitan of 2./JG 2, France, 1943. Historical repaint for the payware Classics-Hangar Focke Wulf FW 190A early series. Textures by Alessandro Biagi of Italian Wings.
Posted Apr 4, 2009 05:36 by Alessandro Biagi (alx)

6.20Mb (421 downloads)
Focke Wulf FW 190A-3, Hptm Heinrich Krafft, Kommandeur of I./JG 51, Russia, Autumn 1942. Historical repaint for the payware Classics-Hangar Focke Wulf FW 190A early series. Textures by Alessandro Biagi of Italian Wings.
Posted Apr 4, 2009 05:31 by Alessandro Biagi (alx)

15.80Mb (1799 downloads)
This is my 6th Texture Pack of the Alhasim Hawker Hunter, there are 8 repaints covering Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.
Posted Mar 26, 2009 19:27 by Bruce Martin

3.79Mb (1379 downloads)
EC-505 Tiger UHT Demo Version with Banners. The UHT (from Unterstützungshubschrauber Tiger; Ger. supporting helicopter Tiger) is a medium-weight multi-role fire support helicopter built for the Bundeswehr (German Army).The Tiger UHT is a multi-role fire support helicopter. The Trigat Fire and Forget missiles and/or the Hot missiles it carries offer anti-tank capability, while 68-mm rockets ensure air-to-ground fire support. A 12.7 mm air-to-air gun pod and air-to-air Stinger missiles can also be installed. The helicopter also features a mast-mounted sight with a second-generation IRCCD infrared channel and a TV channel, as well as a nose-mounted IRCCD control FLIR for the pilot. Countermeasures include radar/laser/missiles launch/missile approach warning receivers and decoy launchers.
Posted Mar 26, 2009 17:04 by Andreas Meyer

23.93Mb (904 downloads)
This is my 5th texture pack for the Alphasim Hawker Hunter, This pack covers British FGA.9 (x10 repaints)and FR.10 (x2 repaints) variants . For FSX Only.
Posted Mar 26, 2009 05:32 by Bruce Martin