84.19Mb (314 downloads)
Textures for Roland Laborie A400m FSX-P3D , Spanish Air Force , 50 Years Ala31
This plane is the last delivered.
Based in Zaragoza AB. Spain
Posted May 3, 2023 09:14 by Antonio Diaz
9.12Mb (116 downloads)
Repaint done up in Santa Barbara colors for the Cerasim UH-60. You will need the payware from Cerasim and Jagl04's Firehawk mod.
Posted Apr 18, 2023 13:35 by Delta

37.56Mb (157 downloads)
This pack adds 5 aircraft that I had missed on my initial release. It contains both CDF and Department of Forestry liveries. You will need the Carenado 337 payware for these to work. Tested and working in both FSX and P3D. Added are CDF: AA34, AA43 and DOF: AA34, AA44, AA53
Posted Mar 22, 2023 06:18 by Delta
12.60Mb (159 downloads)
This is a repaint I did for the freeware Nemeth/Milviz Uh-1H. The repaint is based on ZS-HGU stationed in Cape Town South Africa.
UH1 Redux (FSX/PdD4+)
Posted Mar 18, 2023 06:47 by W Visagie

5.59Mb (148 downloads)
FSX/P3D Iris Simulations Alenia C-27J in Romanian Air Force livery. Texture only for Bear Studio model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket: http://secure.simmarket.com/paintsim.mhtml
Posted Mar 12, 2023 03:24 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

5.65Mb (57 downloads)
This is a fictional paint of N161CG of Coulson Aviation,if it was converted to a Shortsky. This is what it might look like, within the limitations of the paint kit.Coulson Aviation is located in Port Alberni B.C.
Posted Mar 2, 2023 01:51 by Bruce G Miller

5.60Mb (30 downloads)
This is a fictional paint of C-FIRX of Coulson Aviation,if it was converted to a Shortsky. This is what it might look like, within the limitations of the paint kit.Coulson Aviation is located in Port Alberni B.C.
Posted Mar 2, 2023 00:09 by Bruce G Miller

6.73Mb (44 downloads)
This is a fictional paint of C-GYCL of Cougar helicopters if it was converted to a Shortsky. This is what it might look like, within the limitations of the paint kit.Cougar is located in Newfoundand and nova Scotia and serves the offshore Oil and gas industries.Not sure if Sikorsky 61N is still on the fleet roster.
Posted Feb 28, 2023 01:36 by Bruce G Miller

5.78Mb (65 downloads)
This is a fictional paint Of CF-OKS ( OKANAGAN HELICOPTERS) if it was converted to a Shortsky. This is what it might possibly look like, within the limitations of the Vertavia Seaking paint kit. The Company Started in 1947 with one, 2 seater helicopter, a Bell 47-B3, CF-FZX, and 3 employees. Carl Agar, ex RCAF flight instructor, Alfred “Alf” Stringer, a 25 year old airplane mechanic, ex RCAF, and Arnold “Barney” Bent, ex RCAF flight Instructor, started the Company. Started as a Crop Dusting Operation in Penticton. Company name Okanagan Air Services Ltd. By Dec 1958 they had 54 helicopters. By the 70's they became one of the worlds largest Companies and operated aound the globe. I was fortunate enough to be employed by them for many enjoyable years. Thanks to Jeff Robinson for his assistance in these paints.
Posted Feb 26, 2023 02:25 by Bruce G Miller
3.92Mb (120 downloads)
This is a fictional paint Of C-FIBN ( Canadian Helicopters)... if it was converted to a Shortsky. This is what it might possibly look like, within the limitations of the Vertavia Seaking paint kit.
Posted Feb 21, 2023 17:00 by Bruce G Miller