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FSX > Props > Page 153
FSX C-172 Civil Air Patrol Textures
FSX C-172 Civil Air Patrol Textures
5.85Mb (2737 downloads)
Repaint of the default FSX Cessna 172. Textures for a Civil Air Patrol Cessna 172 used by the Alabama wing of the C.A.P. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted May 1, 2011 02:06 by R.E. Wyman
Pilatus PC-6C H2 'Top Gear' Textures
4.10Mb (1162 downloads)
'Top Gear' (UK Motoring Entertainment Show)fictional textures UK-TPGR for the Turbo Porter by Tim Piglet Conrad. By Jeremy Lohrentz
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Posted Apr 28, 2011 03:30 by Jeremy Lohrentz
FS2004/FSX Douglas DC-4 Alternative VC
FS2004/FSX Douglas DC-4 Alternative VC
19.65Mb (1548 downloads)
This is an optional VC panel for JB Kristensen's Douglas DC-4/C-54 aircraft. It works both in FS2004 and FSX versions. The package includes redesigned VC main panel, VC and 2D overhead panel, VC and 2D radio panel and new additional 2D fuel tank selector panel. It does not include 2D main panel. As the aircraft.cfg is also changed the staff sould be used as a standalone package.
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Posted Apr 26, 2011 23:17 by Vladimir Gonchar
Corben Baby Ace No Spats
Corben Baby Ace No Spats
47.15Mb (2926 downloads)
Corben Baby Ace No Spats for FSX. The Ace Baby Ace was the world's first aircraft to be marketed as a homebuilt aircraft when its plans were offered for sale in 1929. Plans are still available and Baby Aces are still being built today. Orland Corben designed a series of aircraft for the Ace Aircraft Manufacturing Company, the Baby Ace, Junior Ace, and Super Ace. Corben's name was associated with the aircraft, and it is commonly known as the Corben Baby Ace. Thanks to Robert Kerr for the use of his gauges from "Pete" By Craig Richardson
Posted Apr 25, 2011 08:52 by uploader
Corben Baby Ace Tundra Wheels
Corben Baby Ace Tundra Wheels
18.74Mb (3527 downloads)
Corben Baby Ace Tundra Wheels. The Ace Baby Ace was the world's first aircraft to be marketed as a homebuilt aircraft when its plans were offered for sale in 1929. Plans are still available and Baby Aces are still being built today. Orland Corben designed a series of aircraft for the Ace Aircraft Manufacturing Company, the Baby Ace, Junior Ace, and Super Ace. Corben's name was associated with the aircraft, and it is commonly known as the Corben Baby Ace. Thanks to Robert Kerr for the use of his gauges from "Pete" By Craig Richardson
Posted Apr 25, 2011 08:07 by uploader
Corben Baby Ace Floats
Corben Baby Ace Floats
24.73Mb (1506 downloads)
Corben Baby Ace Floats. The Ace Baby Ace was the world's first aircraft to be marketed as a homebuilt aircraft when its plans were offered for sale in 1929. Plans are still available and Baby Aces are still being built today. Orland Corben designed a series of aircraft for the Ace Aircraft Manufacturing Company, the Baby Ace, Junior Ace, and Super Ace. Corben's name was associated with the aircraft, and it is commonly known as the Corben Baby Ace. Thanks to Robert Kerr for the use of his gauges from "Pete" By Craig Richardson
Posted Apr 25, 2011 07:42 by uploader
Corben Baby Ace Ski
Corben Baby Ace Ski
18.45Mb (1010 downloads)
Corben Baby Ace Ski version for FSX. The Ace Baby Ace was the world's first aircraft to be marketed as a homebuilt aircraft when its plans were offered for sale in 1929. Plans are still available and Baby Aces are still being built today. Orland Corben designed a series of aircraft for the Ace Aircraft Manufacturing Company, the Baby Ace, Junior Ace, and Super Ace. Corben's name was associated with the aircraft, and it is commonly known as the Corben Baby Ace. Thanks to Robert Kerr for the use of his gauges from "Pete" By Craig Richardson
Posted Apr 25, 2011 07:40 by uploader
Cessna 172 Tasair Textures
5.69Mb (455 downloads)
Tasair is one of Tasmania's best known aircraft companies. They fly all over Tasmania and provide flight training. Textures for the default FSX C172.
Posted Apr 24, 2011 04:06 by TaZ
Spartan Executive with Extra Liveries
Spartan Executive with Extra Liveries
64.12Mb (5522 downloads)
The classic Spartan Executive with a few more repaints. This is the complete aircraft including working, FSX compatible VC. Original model by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and Urs Burkhardt.
Posted Apr 22, 2011 07:05 by Fourbee
FSX Pacific Aviation Corp. CT-4E Textures 4-pack
FSX Pacific Aviation Corp. CT-4E Textures 4-pack
4.73Mb (1178 downloads)
FSX Pacific Aviation Corp. Ltd. CT-4E repaint 4-pack for the ever so fun to fly Nigel Booth /Frat Bros freeware CT-4 E, which you must have previously installed in FSX. One blue striped model, as well as the red, yellow, and green ships of the famed "Stardusters" aerobatic trio, who, unfortunately, have not flown together nor spoken to each other since the 'incident' in upstate New York. Flies nicely in FSX-SP2 with no problems. Repaints by Tom Tiedman
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Posted Apr 21, 2011 17:12 by Tom Tiedman