0.89Mb (3018 downloads)
XBirds FSX & P3D autogen bird life
Bring some more life into your sky with XBirds and see the difference.
Bird models by Ivar Danielsen from his Animals of the World series.
Customisable for frequency, number of birds, height range etc
Posted Aug 9, 2015 03:36 by Richard Barry

0.89Mb (936 downloads)
XBirds FSX & P3D autogen bird life
Bring some more life into your sky with XBirds and see the difference.
Bird models by Ivar Danielsen from his Animals of the World series.
Customisable for frequency, number of birds, height range etc
Posted Aug 9, 2015 03:33 by Richard Barry

1.06Mb (578 downloads)
Jaipur International Airport (VIJP) Scenery for FSX/P3D. Contains latest ground layout with Terminal ESDG Ramp Lights and extended primary runway.
Posted Jul 23, 2015 23:11 by Shrikar Galgali

101.92Mb (5381 downloads)
This package contains 80 new AI Ships including cruise ships, frigates, patrol vessels, LNG tankers, fishing boats, bulk carriers, and sail ships. Several of these have heli pads with hard surface and most have lights, small animations, and smoke and wake effects. This package also contains new AI shipping routes for most of the world, but in particular for the North American continent including Greenland and the Great Lakes. Ships visit among other places Toronto, Chicago, Duluth, Trois Rivieres, Vancouver, Valdez, Anchorage, Una Alaska, Boston, New York, Miami, Panama, Caracas, St.Thomas, St.Croix, Saint Martin, Natal, Fortaleza, Belem, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Singapore, Jakarta, Wenzhou, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Cork, Oslo, Bergen, Lagos, Dakar, the Galapagos, Antarctica, Greenland including Nuuk and many more.
This package will work in both P3D and FSX. It has been tested with several freeware and payware sceneries and default. This package requires prior installation of the other ship packages by Henrik Nielsen to achieve full benefit with the more the 520 ships included in the project to date. Models, effects, and textures by Knud Kristoffersen, Milton Shupe, Manfred Siedler, Jean-Pierre Fillion, Erwin Welker, Bernardo Barroso, and Henrik Nielsen.
Posted Jun 27, 2015 08:22 by Henrik Nielsen

190.57Mb (1580 downloads)
This package contains autogen (agn) files for your photoscenery of Austria. This autogen, besides trees and houses, depicts also row houses, churches, gas stations and appropriate type of forests (subject to information available). Height of buildings is also adjusted for larger urban areas. Data as of June 2015.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 16:07 by Milan Smid

153.12Mb (730 downloads)
This package contains autogen (agn) files for your photoscenery of the Slovak Republic. This autogen, besides trees and houses, depicts also row houses, churches, gas stations and appropriate type of forests (subject to information available). Height of buildings is also adjusted for larger urban areas. Data as of June 2015.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 15:34 by Milan Smid

225.74Mb (1616 downloads)
This package contains autogen (agn) files for your photoscenery of the Czech Republic. This autogen, besides trees and houses, depicts also row houses, churches, gas stations and appropriate type of forests (subject to information available). Height of buildings is also adjusted for larger urban areas. Data as of June 2015.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 10:12 by Milan Smid

10.79Mb (3567 downloads)
This package will place into your FSX / Prepar3D hazard objects (chimneys, antennas, windmills, TV towers...) as listed in the ENR 5.4 section of the Czech, Slovak, Austrian, Luxembourgish, French, and Belgian AIPs. These objects are usually depicted also on VFR 1:500 000 aeronautical charts of these countries.
Posted Jun 21, 2015 03:49 by Milan Smid

59.02Mb (772 downloads)
FSX and Prepar3D scenery for KTME.
Houston Executive Airport in Brookshire,Tx.
Freeware.Includes photo-terrain and AI traffic.
It was developed to serve west Houston area.
It is a sister airport to Austin Executive.
By James Shaddox
Posted Jun 7, 2015 02:23 by James Shaddox

59.23Mb (262 downloads)
Prepar3d scenery for Houston Executive Airport in Brookshire, Texas. Includes photoreal terrain, AI traffic, and day and night effects. Also works in FSX.
Posted Jun 4, 2015 16:22 by James S. Shaddox