650.01Mb (12259 downloads)
Andorra Photoreal – FSX
Officially the Principality of Andorra (Catalan: Principat d'Andorra), also called the Principality of the Valleys of Andorra is a small country in southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France. It is the sixth smallest nation in Europe having an area of 468 km2 (181 sq mi) and an estimated population of 83,888 in 2009. Its capital, Andorra la Vella, is the highest capital city in Europe, being at an elevation of 1023 metres
I have added 2 Heliports & 1 small runway to the scenery and those that love VFR or Chopper flying will love this scenery very much.
By Andy Aundrias
Posted Sep 13, 2010 23:05 by Andy Aundrias

153.25Mb (8550 downloads)
Andorra Photoreal Version 2 Update for FSX. This files adds about another 650 sq kms of photoreal Scenery to the areas around "LESU & LECD"(Spain) as well as fixes for both Airports. Also you MUST have "andorrax.zip" installed before using this Update and is available here. You MUST install the "Scenery Objects Libray" for this to work and you can download this from my website http://andorrax.com By Andy Aundrias
Posted Sep 13, 2010 20:07 by Andy Aundrias

7.56Mb (766 downloads)
This is the first part of the Series "Central America Airports and airfields". Here in Part I you will be able to fly to the Western part of Guatemala. New AFCADS, new objects and Land Class as well as some out of the way Bush airfields. Enclosed also several Flights under all kinds of weather like: Very Dangerous Helicopter flight to a truck accident, Vaccine flight to a flew infested town, a tourist flight to a Mayan complex with no airfield!! and others.
Posted Sep 13, 2010 12:39 by Gera Godoy Canova

134.53Mb (1744 downloads)
A complete Photoreal scenery representation of The Commonwealth of Dominica. Over 750 sq. km. of phototextures, hand placed autogen, scenery objects and traffic, and fully-AI compatible accurate representations of the airports using custom made GMAX buildings. Prepare to enjoy a magnificent Freeware scenery package that aims at making it real. By: Zev C. Richards ("MOUSY" on SimV) and Jean Louis Valladier
Posted Sep 12, 2010 18:14 by Zev Richards

4.55Mb (1309 downloads)
Biarritz Anglet Bayonne Airport (LFBZ)
this first release integrates :
- Gmax models with photo-realistic textures of the Terminal, Dassault Aviation facility and Control Tower.
- complete redesign (with ADE) of parking areas, the 2 jetways, the taxiways and the runway (included 2 u-turns).
Christophe DERAMAIX
Posted Sep 10, 2010 08:53 by Christophe DERAMAIX

0.74Mb (1788 downloads)
FSX Scenery
Approaching the ninth anniversary of the
attacks of September 11th, 2001, the construction
of 1 World Trade Center is currently underway.
By Andy Johnston.
Posted Sep 10, 2010 08:48 by Andy Johnston
0.30Mb (678 downloads)
This update is for users who downloaded my Monterey Peninsula Airport KMRY Version 2 file. This will fix 2 missing hangars, and correct any visual issue with the animated windsock. Its been reported that the windsock is extremely large and/or the pole is lying on the ground.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2010 17:56 by Eric McCloud

0.29Mb (1673 downloads)
Sanford Orlando International Airport (KSFB), Florida (FL). This is a complete overhaul of the default KSFB airport. All gates are correct and assigned, added the scrap yard, extended 9R-27L to it current length of 6000+ feet and added its ILS. Also added parking for Delta Connection Flight Academy training aircraft plus alot of other goodies. By Ryan Cobb.
Posted Sep 8, 2010 05:35 by Ryan Cobb

0.23Mb (1385 downloads)
Cork FSX.
FSX compatible only
Includes: South Apron, T2 with jetway to gate 10, Holding short positions on runway 7/25, New tower and Updated parking positions on main apron.
Created using ADEX v01.47.07
Created from default scenery.
By Padraic O hEithir.
Posted Sep 4, 2010 03:21 by Padraic O hEithir

0.50Mb (1239 downloads)
Dublin 2010 Update 2
FSX compatible only
Updates: GA Parking, Updates to the north apron, updates to runway 23/5 and real life vehicle paths all over the airport.
Created using ADEX v01.47.07
Created from default scenery.
By Padraic O hEithir.
Posted Sep 4, 2010 03:18 by Padraic O hEithir