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FSX Native F4U-6, AU-1, F4U-7 Corsair Package
FSX Native F4U-6, AU-1, F4U-7 Corsair Package
42.37Mb (6920 downloads)
FSX/P3D Chance Vought F4U-6/AU-1/F4U-7 Corsair package for FSX Acceleration (should work ok in basic FSX). Original Alpha Bleu Ciel Corsair updated to FSX native format. Liveries include US Marines, US Navy, Marine National. 2016 update, FSX native, MDL X animations and materials. Updated the pilot. Un mirrored tail, clean and stores pylon models for F4U-6/AU-1 and F4U-7 models. Tested in FSX Acceleration and P3D.
Posted Oct 29, 2016 05:20 by LLS
FSX Native NAA FJ-1 Fury
FSX Native NAA FJ-1 Fury
12.78Mb (1745 downloads)
The North American FJ-1 Fury by sensi Kazunori Ito. The chubby Fury was a development of the P-51,and was the direct ancestor of the subsequent F-86, FJ-2, FJ-3, FJ-4, T-2J and Sabreliner aircraft. 2016 update, FSX native, MDL X materials and animations. Bump and spec maps enabled, though these are placeholders that require the attention of a talented painter-graphics guru. Canopy; Shift E Boarding steps: Shift E2 Repaints by Mike Wilson- they're great! YT re-worked the default skin. Works in FSX and P3D
Posted Oct 22, 2016 02:51 by LLS
FSX Native Supermarine Seafire FR Mk.47 X
FSX Native Supermarine Seafire FR Mk.47 X
10.81Mb (2101 downloads)
The ultimate Spitfire development, the Seafire 47 was twice as heavy as the Spitfire I and nearly doubled every other operational parameter of the original, too. A delight in the air, the machine was a bit of a handful coming aboard and not as robust as it's contemporaries. Still, it was every inch a warplane and shouldered the load in the early part of the Korean war. AF Scrub's very sweet FR.47 has a long MSFS lineage, now in FSX native mdlX format, with Scrubby's permission. B-Z, dude! Works in FSX and P3D.
Posted Oct 13, 2016 05:43 by LLS
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) "Bluebonnet Belle" Textures
15.89Mb (833 downloads)
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) "Bluebonnet Belle" Textures. The real repaint (textures only) for Manfred Jahn's (+ the Team) model of Douglas C-47/DC-3 (Skytrain/Dakota). You need to have this great model of Douglas_C-47_V3 (V3 Beta). Textures tested in P3Dv3. The repaint of C-47B 43-49942 - N47HL, Commemorative Air Force. This C-47 was built in 1944 and was flown to Canada where it was transferred to the UK under the lend-lease program. In Britain it was assigned to the 435th Transport Squadron, a Canadian unit. It served in the China/Burma/India theater until the end of WW2. After the war the aircraft returned to Canada and in the mid-1990s the aircraft returned to the USA. The CAF acquired the aircraft in 2002 and spent 2 years on the restoration of the aircraft. Rafal "YoYo" Stankiewicz
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Posted Aug 10, 2016 16:50 by uploader
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3/R4D-6) "MAAM" Textures
5.29Mb (585 downloads)
C-47 (DC-3/R4D-6) "MAAM" Textures. The real repaint (textures only) for Manfred Jahn's (+ the Team) model of Douglas C-47/DC-3 (Skytrain/Dakota). You need to have this great model of Douglas_C-47_V3 (V3 Beta). Textures tested in P3Dv3. The repaint of former USN BuN 50819 at the Mid Atlantic Air Museum. Reading - Regional / Carl A Spaatz Field (RDG / KRDG), Pennsylvania. Reg. N229GB. This repaint responds for the famous model and skin of R4D-6 from MAAM (yes, FS2004 times!). Btw. model has a some of limitation so it isn't in 100% with the real one, something like 95%. Rafal "YoYo" Stankiewicz
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Posted Aug 10, 2016 16:43 by uploader
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) "Spirit of Middlesex" Textures
3.64Mb (581 downloads)
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) 'Spirit of Middlesex' The real repaint (textures only) for Manfred Jahn's (+ the Team) model of Douglas C-47/DC-3 (Skytrain/Dakota). You need to have this great model of Douglas_C-47_V3 (V3 Beta). Textures tested in P3Dv3. The repaint of Douglas Dakota Mk IV KN340 VM-YBN 'Spirit of Middlesex' of No 234 Sqn based at Camden NSW Australia in September 1945. Rafal "YoYo" Stankiewicz
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Posted Aug 6, 2016 03:26 by uploader
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) "Swamp Rat II" Textures
4.22Mb (856 downloads)
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) "Swamp Rat II" Textures. The real repaint (textures only) for Manfred Jahn's (+ the Team) model of Douglas C-47/DC-3 (Skytrain/Dakota). You need to have this great model of Douglas_C-47_V3 (V3 Beta). Textures tested in P3Dv3. The repaint of 41-38678 "Swamp Rat II" (374th TCG 6th TCS) Douglas C-47-DL (c/n 6073) to USAAF Nov 30, 1942 - 5th AF, Australia Jan 15, 1943 - USA Jan 20, 1944 - To RFC Oct 02, 1945. Rafal "YoYo" Stankiewicz
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Posted Aug 6, 2016 03:25 by uploader
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) "Spirit of Ostra Brama" Textures
3.67Mb (570 downloads)
FSX/P3D C-47 (DC-3) "Spirit of Ostra Brama" Textures The real repaint (textures only) for Manfred Jahn's (+ the Team) model of Douglas C-47/DC-3 (Skytrain/Dakota). You need to have this great model of Douglas_C-47_V3 (V3 Beta). Textures tested in P3Dv3. The repaint of Dakota Mk.III (C-47A) named "Spirit of Ostra Brama" (FD547) used by main commander of Polish forces general Kazimierz Sosnkowski (pilot Lieutenant Jozef Tyszko, No.216 Transport Bomber Squadron). Used in 03-08.1944. Italy. RAF, the crew from Poland. Rafal "YoYo" Stankiewicz
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Posted Aug 6, 2016 03:22 by uploader
Parachute textures fix for the C-47V3
0.04Mb (1632 downloads)
Textures fix for the parachutes in the Douglas C-47V3. Place textures into the main Effects - textures folder in FSX/P3D
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Posted Aug 2, 2016 09:55 by admin
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta
180.82Mb (10310 downloads)
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta This is the next version following Manfred's popular Douglas C-47 Skytrain V2, now featuring a 'Vintage Virtual Cockpit' (VVC), a genuine P&W R-1830 Twin Wasp soundsuite developed by Ted 'Tufun' Wolfgang as well as a fully fledged cockpit-soundsuite, crew communication and audible checklist developed by Daniel Gauthier. Also the flight dynamics have been updated by Alexander as well as some perfections done on the external model by Manfred. Repaints available for the V2 model will still work with this new V3 model although with some restrictions. Look for a new, V3 dedicated C-47 Paintkit by Gordon 'gman5250' Madison ( MJJV C-47 ) and further information about using existing C-47 V2 repaints in the C-47 V3 release thread at the Sim-Outhouse FSX forum ( ). This file now includes the parachute textures missing from the original upload.
Posted Jul 23, 2016 03:52 by uploader