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FSX > Vintage > Page 120
Standard Airways Constellation Textures
Standard Airways Constellation Textures
3.79Mb (429 downloads)
FSX Standard Airways textures for L-1049G Super Constellation by Manfred Jahn. Requires L1049G.zip and L1049G_U.zip for aircraft. Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 4, 2012 04:19 by Gary Harper
FSX Do17 Accurate Bombing from 12000ft or 100ft
FSX Do17 Accurate Bombing from 12000ft or 100ft
53.06Mb (3768 downloads)
Simulating the Dornier Do17 raids on "THE HARDEST DAY" 18 August 1940 (RAF Kenley) and the "BATTLE of BRITAIN DAY" 15 September 1940 (Battersea Railway Station) but using the power station yard as a target so as not to drop bombs on people or modern day infrastructure. This Do17 is an update, with permission, of the A.F.Scrub Dornier Do17Z-2 for FSX. A bomb aimers view has been added and tools provided to achieve impact accuracy on a target 64 feet wide from +12000 feet. A low level bomb sight (+100ft) is also provided. The aircraft is set up to ONLY use a bomb from the Chris Sykes Weapons Package which must be downloaded and installed to his instructions (details and link given in the manual). IT WILL NOT WORK ACCURATELY WITH ANY OTHER WEAPON. The provided flight plans contain the necessary text to activate the bomb. A manual is provided together with a short video illustrating the technique and outcomes from the training flights. It is easy to drop a bomb in FSX but quite something else to do it with such accuracy (flying skill needed on autopilot at +12000 ft and manualy flying at +100 ft). A development of my CFS1 Lancaster ideas working in FSX. A package and update by Ross McLennan.
Posted Sep 1, 2012 08:49 by Ross McLennan
FSX/FS2004 Curtiss P-40M and P-40N
FSX/FS2004 Curtiss P-40M and P-40N
11.91Mb (2818 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Curtiss P-40M and P-40N The Curtiss P-40 was undoubtedly one of the most controversial fighters to serve in quantity during the Second World War. The P-40M, was a P-40E with a more powerful Allison engine , lenghtened fuselage and minor other improvements . The P-40N, was the final production model. The P-40N featured a stretched rear fuselage to counter the torque of the larger,late-war Allison engine, and the rear deck of the cockpit behind the pilot was cut down at a moderate slant to improve rearward visibility. A great deal of work was also done to try and eliminate excess weight to improve the Warhawk's mediocre speed. Early N production blocks dropped a .50 in (12.7 mm) gun from each wing, bringing the total back to 4; later production blocks reintroduced it after complaints from units in the field. GMAX mdls by A.F.Scrub
Posted Aug 31, 2012 18:03 by A.F.Scrub
Dart Kitten II
Dart Kitten II
14.05Mb (2021 downloads)
Dart Kitten II for FSX Full animations, 3D gauges and Baked Textures. Dart Kitten was an ultra-light single-seat low-wing aircraft, built in 1936, with a fixed tailskid undercarriage. The four examples built were powered by a variety of engines of between 27 h.p. and 40 h.p.[1]By Craig Richardson @ www.Classicwings.net
Posted Aug 20, 2012 04:47 by uploader
A6M2 Zero A1-101
12.67Mb (4289 downloads)
This is an updated version of J R Lucariny's FS2004 A6M for FSX. The Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter, which began production in 1940. It's excellent maneuverability and exceptional range allowed it to outperform all other fighters that it encountered in the first years of World War II But as the war drew longer the Zero lost it's advantage. Tail Code A1-101 Textures by Mark Rooks. 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Aug 18, 2012 21:34 by Mark Fireball Rooks
FSX Vought SBU-1
FSX Vought SBU-1
2.36Mb (2038 downloads)
The SBU-1 first entered service in 1935. It was the first scout bomber to exceed 200 mph and the first US Navy plane to use cowl flaps for better engine cooling. This is a native FSX Acceleration model. It features the usual animations plus cowl flaps. It has a specular shine and liveries for service on the US CV-2, CV-3 and CV-4 carriers. The VC is based on real photos. It has animated flight controls and back lighted gauges for night operations. By Paul Clawson
Posted Aug 9, 2012 03:40 by Paul Clawson
Curtiss Reid Rambler MK.III
Curtiss Reid Rambler MK.III
38.23Mb (3618 downloads)
Curtiss Reid Rambler MK.III Flown in the 1931 Kings Cup Air Race (Placed 13th) used as a training aircraft by the Canadian Airforce. Full animations, 3D gauges and Baked Textures. By Craig Richardson
Posted Aug 7, 2012 02:39 by df
Jeannin Taube Packge
Jeannin Taube Packge
14.38Mb (3170 downloads)
Jeannin Taube for FSX. Full animations, 3D gauges and Baked Textures. The Etrich Taube, also known by the names of the various manufacturers who build versions of the type, such as the Rumpler Taube, was a pre-World War I monoplane aircraft. It was the first mass-produced military plane in Germany. As Imperial Germany's first practical military aircraft, the Taube ("dove") was used for virtually all military aircraft applications, as a fighter, bomber, surveillance aircraft and trainer from 1910 until the start of World War I in August 1914. By Craig Richardson
Posted Aug 6, 2012 11:52 by uploader
FSX DC-3 Islands of the Bahamas
FSX DC-3 Islands of the Bahamas
23.65Mb (1214 downloads)
This DC-3 was placed at the entrance of Nassau Intl Airport in the Bahamas after being stored for some years. It was found on the ocean bed after it was bought to be used as a prop in the movie "Into The Blue" starring Jessica Alba. Uses the default FSX DC3. Textures by BahamasFlyers.
Posted Aug 4, 2012 01:16 by SHAWN PENN
L-749 Aeronaves De Mexico Textures
3.92Mb (526 downloads)
FS9/FSX L-749-1 Aeronaves De Mexico textures. Requires Lockheed749.zip and 749_models_update.zip. Model by Manfred Jahn. Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 3, 2012 18:20 by Gary Harper