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FSX > Vintage > Page 41
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-96b updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-96b updated
31.14Mb (1382 downloads)
The Arado Ar-96 was a German single-engine, low-wing monoplane of all-metal construction, produced by Arado Flugzeugwerke. It was the Luftwaffe's standard advanced trainer during World War II. This package is an FSX update for a previous update by Michael Vader. It features a new VC and 2D panel, both based on the Alphasim Arado-196 floatplane. New camera views include rear-seat-view featuring the same crisp panel as the VC. According to Michael Vader, the original designer of the model is unknown, thanks to him anyway. Credits go to Michael Vader for finding this nice model on the internet and for his previous updates. Also thanks to Gary Jones for the sound. New panels and package compilation as well as new smoke effect by Michael Pook. Does not work in P3Dv4
Posted May 27, 2018 15:35 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-240 updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-240 updated
25.07Mb (1447 downloads)
The Arado Ar 240 was a German twin-engine, multi-role heavy fighter aircraft, developed for the Luftwaffe during World War II by Arado Flugzeugwerke. Its first flight was in 1940, but problems with the design hampered development, and it remained only marginally stable throughout the prototype phase. The project was eventually cancelled, with the existing airframes used for a variety of test purposes. This compilation of three variants of the Ar 240 is an FSX/P3D (version3 not 4) update of the FS2004 models by Chris Lampard, Morton and Shessy of SOH (reconnaisance, fighter bomber and nightfighter). It features FSX compatible all German gauges, a modified 2D panel and a new VC design. Smoke effect and new camera views added. New 2D panel configuration and camera views by Erwin Welker, VC design and configuration as well as smoke effect by Michael Pook. Thanks to the the designers of the model and to Erwin Welker for his cooperation.
Posted May 27, 2018 05:29 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D V3-V4 Hawker Tempest VI
FSX/P3D V3-V4 Hawker Tempest VI
12.47Mb (1976 downloads)
FSX/P3D V3-V4 Hawker Tempest VI The Tempest VI was an extremely effective air supremacy fighter, and many Luftwaffe jet pilots clearly stated it was the only Allied aircraft they feared in equal air-to-air combat. Although the Me-262 had a higher top speed, the Tempest's sheer, brute acceleration potential at low altitude enabled it to overtake a cruising Me-262 in straight level flight. The end of the war led to many aircraft programs being cut back intensively, and only 142 aircraft being completed. The Tempest VI holds the distinction of being the last piston-engined fighter in operational service with the RAF, having been superseded by jet propelled aircraft. Model by A.F.Scrub
Posted May 26, 2018 04:22 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/P3D Northrop RF-61 Reporter updates
FSX/P3D Northrop RF-61 Reporter updates
7.88Mb (1510 downloads)
A new cockpit setup and flight updates for the beautiful DC Designs RF-61 Reporter for FSX and p3D. VC gauges have been replaced with new ones. New radio, autopilot, and GPS windows for navigation. Engine performance parameters have been modified. New exterior and VC lighting. Special thanks to Dean Crawford for his support. Info and instructions in the read me file. Enjoy! -Bob Erwin
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Posted May 25, 2018 01:44 by Bob Erwin
P3D and FSXA T-6G Texan pack 4
P3D and FSXA T-6G Texan pack 4
35.36Mb (2071 downloads)
P3D and FSXA T-6G Texan pack 4. Set of 4 North American T-6 Texan's based on the following real aircraft - 41-16486 "No.1 BFTS Terrell Field", 41-15825 "No.1 BFTS Terrell Field", B190 "No.6 BFTS Ponca City Airport" and 41-15930 "No.4 BFTS Falcon Field". Please note that Fuel selector and magneto switch must be set in order to start engine. 3D model by David Eckert and Warwick Carter. Pilot 3D model by Michael Flahault. Added the superb textures by John Terrell. (details included). Please zip preview for larger images. more information included. Packaged by Chris Evans
Posted May 22, 2018 08:52 by chris evans
FSX/PD3 up to v4 Seafire MkIII
FSX/PD3 up to v4 Seafire MkIII
19.01Mb (1393 downloads)
FSX/PD3 v3-v4 Seafire MkIII The definitive naval Spitfire, the Seafire Mk.III featured manually folding wings. The Mk IIIs served in the front line until 1946 and were then rapidly superseded by Griffon engined Mks XV, XVII and 47s. France equipped some of its Aeronavale squadrons with ex-Royal Navy Seafire IIIs and these saw front line service in Viet Nam in 1946/47. It is remembered as one of the finest low level fighters afloat in 1945 and one of the few that could tackle a Japanese Zero on equal terms.. GMAX model by A.F Scrub
Posted May 17, 2018 12:29 by A.F.Scrub
FS2004/FSX Seafire MkIIIb
FS2004/FSX Seafire MkIIIb
16.39Mb (1373 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Seafire MkIIIb The Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm entered World War 2 under-equipped with modern aircraft., so a logical move was an adaptation of the RAF’s legendary Spitfire. The first Seafires, designated Mk. 1B, were rebuilds of Spitfire Vb’s and entered service in early 1942. The Mk IIIs served in the front line until 1946 and were then rapidly superseded by Griffon engined Mks XV, XVII and 47s. France equipped some of its Aeronavale squadrons with ex-Royal Navy Seafire IIIs and these saw front line service in Viet Nam in 1946/47. A handful of de-navalised MK IIIs served with the Irish Air Corps until 1960 and were almost certainly the last Seafires in service anywhere. Some historians have derided the wartime Seafire as too fragile and too sensitive to be an effective naval fighter and there is no doubt that its deck landing history reflects many accidents. It is, however, acknowledged as one of the finest low level fighters afloat in 1945 and one of the few that could tackle a Japanese Zero on equal terms. GMAX source included. Model by A.F Scrub
Posted May 15, 2018 10:17 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/P3D Northrop RF-61C Reporter Package
FSX/P3D Northrop RF-61C Reporter Package
66.35Mb (3206 downloads)
The Northrop RF-61C Reporter was the little known recon' sister of the famous P-61C Black Widow. One of the fastest airplanes of her era, the Reporter only served for a few years before being retired as the jet age was introduced. This is a comprehensive and detailed model with fully functioning Virtual Cockpit, dedicated flight dynamics, full animation and an instruction manual. Model by Dean Crawford, DC Designs. FDE by Pam Brooker. Fuel truck and engine effects by Mark Schimmer.
Posted May 9, 2018 05:29 by Dean Crawford
Ground steering fix for the Focke Wulf FW 58
0.19Mb (561 downloads)
This is a fix for the ground steering of the aircraft.
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Posted Apr 30, 2018 02:11 by Michael Pook
C47 The SNAFU Special Textures
4.36Mb (468 downloads)
This folder contains textures only for the Douglas C-47 basepack for FS9 by Manfred Jahn and colleagues as C-47 serial 43-15073, built by Douglas in 1944. Special thanks at Jan Kees Blom for permitted me to adapted this Repaint.
Posted Apr 29, 2018 12:00 by bruno munier