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Nieuport 28C.1 95th Aero Squadron USAS
8.81Mb (163 downloads)
The Nieuport 28 C.1, America’s First Fighter for CFS2 The Nieuport 28 C.1 was developed in France but was America's first fighter aircraft. It entered service in March 1918. France originally ordered it into production in 1917 only to cancel the order shortly thereafter in favor of the SPAD XIII as the standard French fighter. It was given a new lease on life when the United States Air Service (USAS) ordered 297 of them as it was available when the SPAD XIII could not be procured due to the SPAD production commitment to the French Air Force. It was intended as a stop gap fighter until enough SPAD XIII's became available. Deliveries - without guns - to the USAS 94th and 95th Aero Squadrons began in February and March 1918. By the end of March a limited number of Vickers machine guns were delivered to the 94th for combat patrols to begin. In June, the 27th and 147th Aero Squadrons were also equipped with the Nieuport 28. The Nieuport 28 in combat proved to have outstanding maneuverability and rate of climb with decent speed, but had a weakness on the upper wing where the leading edge could fail, tearing the upper wing fabric off with it when it was pulled out of a high speed dive. This led to a number of incidents in combat causing losses. Some pilots were able to limp back to base with the damage, like Waldo Heinrichs, Jimmy Meissner, and Eddie Rickenbacker, but others were not so lucky. This led to more cautious flying by the pilots and probably hindered the overall combat performance of the Squadrons. Even so, the USAS fighter squadrons turned in an acceptable record with the Nieuport for the four months they flew it in combat until SPADS became available to replace the Nieuports beginning in August, 1918. FSDS 2.24 Model, textures, and flight files by Captain Kurt (Kurt Schwabauer), freeware pilot figure source file by Wolfi – modified by Captain Kurt, and prop spinning texture by Kelticheart.
Posted Jan 12, 2021 14:29 by Captain Kurt
Nieuport 28C.1 147th Aero Squadron USAS
8.80Mb (71 downloads)
The Nieuport 28 C.1, America’s First Fighter for CFS2 The Nieuport 28 C.1 was developed in France but was America's first fighter aircraft. It entered service in March 1918. France originally ordered it into production in 1917 only to cancel the order shortly thereafter in favor of the SPAD XIII as the standard French fighter. It was given a new lease on life when the United States Air Service (USAS) ordered 297 of them as it was available when the SPAD XIII could not be procured due to the SPAD production commitment to the French Air Force. It was intended as a stop gap fighter until enough SPAD XIII's became available. Deliveries - without guns - to the USAS 94th and 95th Aero Squadrons began in February and March 1918. By the end of March a limited number of Vickers machine guns were delivered to the 94th for combat patrols to begin. In June, the 27th and 147th Aero Squadrons were also equipped with the Nieuport 28. The Nieuport 28 in combat proved to have outstanding maneuverability and rate of climb with decent speed, but had a weakness on the upper wing where the leading edge could fail, tearing the upper wing fabric off with it when it was pulled out of a high speed dive. This led to a number of incidents in combat causing losses. Some pilots were able to limp back to base with the damage, like Waldo Heinrichs, Jimmy Meissner, and Eddie Rickenbacker, but others were not so lucky. This led to more cautious flying by the pilots and probably hindered the overall combat performance of the Squadrons. Even so, the USAS fighter squadrons turned in an acceptable record with the Nieuport for the four months they flew it in combat until SPADS became available to replace the Nieuports beginning in August, 1918. FSDS 2.24 Model, textures, and flight files by Captain Kurt (Kurt Schwabauer), freeware pilot figure source file by Wolfi – modified by Captain Kurt, and prop spinning texture by Kelticheart.
Posted Jan 12, 2021 14:25 by Captain Kurt
Nieuport 28C.1 94th Aero Squadron USAS
8.94Mb (81 downloads)
The Nieuport 28 C.1, America’s First Fighter for CFS2 The Nieuport 28 C.1 was developed in France but was America's first fighter aircraft. It entered service in March 1918. France originally ordered it into production in 1917 only to cancel the order shortly thereafter in favor of the SPAD XIII as the standard French fighter. It was given a new lease on life when the United States Air Service (USAS) ordered 297 of them as it was available when the SPAD XIII could not be procured due to the SPAD production commitment to the French Air Force. It was intended as a stop gap fighter until enough SPAD XIII's became available. Deliveries - without guns - to the USAS 94th and 95th Aero Squadrons began in February and March 1918. By the end of March a limited number of Vickers machine guns were delivered to the 94th for combat patrols to begin. In June, the 27th and 147th Aero Squadrons were also equipped with the Nieuport 28. The Nieuport 28 in combat proved to have outstanding maneuverability and rate of climb with decent speed, but had a weakness on the upper wing where the leading edge could fail, tearing the upper wing fabric off with it when it was pulled out of a high speed dive. This led to a number of incidents in combat causing losses. Some pilots were able to limp back to base with the damage, like Waldo Heinrichs, Jimmy Meissner, and Eddie Rickenbacker, but others were not so lucky. This led to more cautious flying by the pilots and probably hindered the overall combat performance of the Squadrons. Even so, the USAS fighter squadrons turned in an acceptable record with the Nieuport for the four months they flew it in combat until SPADS became available to replace the Nieuports beginning in August, 1918. FSDS 2.24 Model, textures, and flight files by Captain Kurt (Kurt Schwabauer), freeware pilot figure source file by Wolfi – modified by Captain Kurt, and prop spinning texture by Kelticheart.
Posted Jan 12, 2021 14:20 by Captain Kurt
Nieuport 28C.1 27th Aero Squadron USAS
8.81Mb (70 downloads)
The Nieuport 28 C.1, America’s First Fighter for CFS2 The Nieuport 28 C.1 was developed in France but was America's first fighter aircraft. It entered service in March 1918. France originally ordered it into production in 1917 only to cancel the order shortly thereafter in favor of the SPAD XIII as the standard French fighter. It was given a new lease on life when the United States Air Service (USAS) ordered 297 of them as it was available when the SPAD XIII could not be procured due to the SPAD production commitment to the French Air Force. It was intended as a stop gap fighter until enough SPAD XIII's became available. Deliveries - without guns - to the USAS 94th and 95th Aero Squadrons began in February and March 1918. By the end of March a limited number of Vickers machine guns were delivered to the 94th for combat patrols to begin. In June, the 27th and 147th Aero Squadrons were also equipped with the Nieuport 28. The Nieuport 28 in combat proved to have outstanding maneuverability and rate of climb with decent speed, but had a weakness on the upper wing where the leading edge could fail, tearing the upper wing fabric off with it when it was pulled out of a high speed dive. This led to a number of incidents in combat causing losses. Some pilots were able to limp back to base with the damage, like Waldo Heinrichs, Jimmy Meissner, and Eddie Rickenbacker, but others were not so lucky. This led to more cautious flying by the pilots and probably hindered the overall combat performance of the Squadrons. Even so, the USAS fighter squadrons turned in an acceptable record with the Nieuport for the four months they flew it in combat until SPADS became available to replace the Nieuports beginning in August, 1918. FSDS 2.24 Model, textures, and flight files by Captain Kurt (Kurt Schwabauer), freeware pilot figure source file by Wolfi – modified by Captain Kurt, and prop spinning texture by Kelticheart.
Posted Jan 12, 2021 14:17 by Captain Kurt
Salmson 2A2, Escadrille SAL 40
3.38Mb (148 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, French Escadrille SAL 40, France 1918. The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:19 by Captain Kurt
Salmson 2A2 91st Aero Sqd USAS
3.37Mb (94 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, 91st Aero Squadron, USAS American Expeditionary Force, France 1918. The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:16 by Captain Kurt
Salmson 2A2, Escadrille SAL 18
3.42Mb (84 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, French Escadrille SAL 18, France 1918. The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:13 by Captain Kurt
Salmson 2A2 1st Aero Sqd USAS
3.66Mb (85 downloads)
Salmson 2A2 WWI French / American reconnaissance biplace, 1st Aero Squadron, USAS American Expeditionary Force, France 1918 The model, textures, panel and air files are by Captain Kurt. The pilot figures were developed from Wolfi's freeware Japanese pilot .fsc source file. The prop spinning texture is by Kelticheart. RIP Kelti, you are still contributing.
Posted Dec 20, 2020 01:08 by Captain Kurt
B-25G 75mm
3.81Mb (896 downloads)
The G was essentially a C model with a shortened solid nose housing .50 cal machine guns and the Colt M4 75mm cannon. The nose .50s were primarily used for ranging and targeting the 75mm. In the field the ventral turret was removed, extra nose, tail and waist guns were added, as well as added armor plate protection for the cockpit. The 75mm was deadly against ships and enemy ground installations. This is an original model of the North American B-25G. The aircraft features a shined and multi-LOD MDL and full animation. Textures by the incomparable Sopwith Chameleon. She carries standard bomb armament (Dbolt's), my B25 AI Bombs, as well as torpedo and an aux fuel tank by Pen32@Win. All included in the download. A set of blank textures has been included for repaints. The active MDL file is shined, but an unshined version (extension MNS) has been provided in the Model folder for those who prefer a flat weathered finish.
Posted Dec 17, 2020 18:17 by Tom Sanford
Parseval-Sigsfield Balloon
0.45Mb (143 downloads)
Designed for Microsoft's 'Combat Flight Sim 2' representing a World War One German Artillery Observation balloon, captured balloons were used by Allied forces just swap out the German cross with the french roundel supplied in the texture folder. A French Caquot balloon has been uploaded, available on Simviation. title=Parseval Sigsfield Observation Balloon sim=Parseval-Sigsfield_Balloon model= copyright not to be used to make money without permission, refer to: this is an original model. Thank you for downloading, permission is granted to reskin, alter the DP file and the cfg.
Posted Oct 25, 2020 14:20 by Peter Jonathan Walker