FSX > Page 1853

15.57Mb (9293 downloads)
You have been hired by CelCab, Panamanian cellular provider to take some badly needed parts to their four antenna locations in Chiriqui Province in the north of Panama. It is the rainy season so expect rain all the way. The mission is for "intermediate pilots" so if you follow instructions you will be OK... It would be a good idea to wear yellow socks for good luck. Good luck piloto! By Gera Godoy Canova. 16 mb
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:43 by Blackhawk
12.39Mb (5960 downloads)
This mission is a sightseeing tour that covers the San Francisco Bay Area. For the best experience, fly the mission with the cockpit in the "mini-mode" (From the default virtual cockpit hit F10, then hit "W" three times). It's not necessary to fly directly into the waypoint markers, they are only for reference. Follow the mission waypoint markers and compass headings and enjoy the flight. Estimated time of completion is 35 minutes. Compatible with all versions of FSX Deluxe.Wes Jones
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:42 by Blackhawk
3.35Mb (5803 downloads)
Enjoy the beautiful Islands of the Aleutian chain on this cold weather flight. Estimated time to complete: 60 minutes. Aircraft: Beech King Air. Includes intro, music, briefings, map, audio and a reward.3.5mb
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:38 by Blackhawk

7.06Mb (6054 downloads)
FSX AI RNLAF F-16AM And BM. AI F-16AM and BM fighters in 23 different Royal
Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) liveries. They represent different F-16MLU
aircraft currently operated by the RNLAF. The package contains the original
AI aircraft models by Henry Tomkiewicz (with permission) so therefore no
additional aircraft downloads are necessary. It is highly recommended that
you read the included readme document for needed/suggested scenery
(generating enough military parking spaces). Also included are basic flight
plans for the F-16's flying in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the
USA. The package has a self-installer for your convenience. By Rene Spaan.
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:03 by Rene Spaan

3.31Mb (4474 downloads)
FSX Embraer Phenom 300 Paint Kit Biz Jet by CamSim, with a new MDL file featuring a new animation (pilot moving arm) and the original PP-XVJ exterior and interior Animation.Also include the Effect.zip file missing with PP-XVL. Model design and paint: Camil Valiquette - http://pages.videotron.com/camsim
Posted Jan 23, 2009 03:55 by Camil Valiquette

0.63Mb (2120 downloads)
Global Air Virtual Airlines textures only for the default Boeing 747-400
Posted Jan 22, 2009 18:54 by Zach Lach

0.71Mb (1354 downloads)
Global Airâ„¢ Virtual Airline Beech Baron 58 Textures only for the default B58. By Zach Lach
Posted Jan 22, 2009 15:22 by Zach L.

14.23Mb (20251 downloads)
This paint is for the Project Opensky 737-800WL model (included). It is the new paint based on the D-ABKC Boeing 737. I also added the Virtual Cockpit from the default 737 from Microsoft. There are two repaints: one is brand new and one has a little bit of dirt on it. This model is only working with FSX. Model designers: Hiroshi Igami, Giles Hacon and Felipe Falanghe Paint: Misha Grift
Posted Jan 22, 2009 09:26 by Misha Grift

11.09Mb (7757 downloads)
BSG Viper Mark II.
From Battlestar Galactica. Version 1.0 This fighter was made
as the one restored for the Galactica's war museun showed on
the pilot movie. It flyes like a Colonial fighter and includes
gun effects. No Radar in this version. 11.3MB
Posted Jan 22, 2009 09:12 by archive

5.17Mb (10214 downloads)
Home World 2 - Higaran Carrier .
Features: - Hardened top deck, landing bays with connecting
tunnel to hangar deck - pilotable and extremly slow and stable
for multiplayer action - amphibious - specular and self illumination
maps - 2d panel radar (FSX only) This model was ported from
the game "Home World 2" and given hardened decks and
blimp like flight dynamics. It is meant for multiplayer mid-air
landings by other players while you fly it . it was compiled
using the FSX SDK and as such ,The .mdl file may be used to
convert it to scenery or AI for FSX ONLY by Bruce Fitzgerald.
Posted Jan 22, 2009 09:12 by archive