FSX > Helicopters > Page 6

19.16Mb (1559 downloads)
The A129 MANGUSTA is the most advanced combat helicopter currently in service in Western Europe.
It was designed to guarantee the maximum operational efficiency and flexibility to perform missions such as anti-tank, escort and armed scout, air support, and air-to-air combat. The A129 MANGUSTA is fitted with the most up-to-date mission equipment packages. Native FSX model, FPS friendly and easy to fly. 3D, Panel and Texture Designer: Giovanni Clemente. Sound set is aliased to the Bell 206B. This is the orginal package. I will post an update to fly this helicopter in 64-bits Prepar3D.
Posted Jun 2, 2021 02:00 by Flanker256

31.48Mb (2897 downloads)
Rory Kelly's H-53E package FSX-P3D native version 2021. Straight out-of-box convert, some quickie skins.
It looks great, flys well, easy to hover and sling, has superb deck manners.
Basic VC, but the externals are much nicer than I recall.
Texture mapping is adequate for repainting.
2 versions - MH-53E and CH_53E.
In truth, I like it better than the Nemeth payware offering...have fun
Posted Feb 6, 2021 01:44 by Equis Richard

66.70Mb (1875 downloads)
Vlad's 2013 FSX-P3D Mi-6 HOOK 'BFRH' (Bol'shoy grebanyy russkiy vertolet) in FSX native, should be GTG in P3D.
New 2013 build. this is a really cool model, probably Vlad's finest work.
It's like a locomotive with a dynamic system...
See readme file for details, have fun.
Spaceba, Vadimir!
Posted Feb 5, 2021 10:14 by Zhirnyy Ublyudok

27.13Mb (2990 downloads)
FSX/P3D. Deadly looking, and just as lethal, the Mil MI-24 series of Helicopter Gunships are perfect Cold War images of the Soviet concept of a "Flying APC"
Armed with AT Missles, Rockets and Cannon, and capable of transporting 8 Troops in its cabin. Caused much concern in the West, where there was no counterpart,
and given the NATO code-name "Hind" MI-24's were first built with conventional flightdeck-type cabin,as the MI-24A,
then redesigned with the stepped, armored cockpits for pilot and weapons systems operator (wso), as the MI-24D.
Later improvements resulted in the V, VP, P, and Recon versions. Was, and still, in service with over 20 nations.
2020 FSX native conversion of Tim`s excellent HIND-A and HIND-F. The usual animations, VC`s, and a nicely done animated dynamic system on about 12 texture sheets and 24 drawcalls.
This is where Tim`s modelling shines. He could pack his models with high detail and many features, yet still keep the file size and
drawcall count down to nothing. The net result: great looking models that run ultra-fast on a soup-can-and-string setup, with a minimal
HD foorprint.
FSX Native up-convert with all the materials and tags to FSX standard, re-wrote the cfg file for a fsx helicopter.
Hope you enjoy this timeless classic for many more years to come.
Models by Mr. Tim (Piglet) Conrad, weapons by Y.T.
Posted Jan 11, 2021 13:24 by Bruno Sluggoro

52.33Mb (2936 downloads)
FSX and P3Dv4/5 Sikorsky S-92A HM Coast Guard.
6 variants of S-92A deployed the UK
Coast Guard. Full 2D cockpit. Full virtual
cockpit and cabin, including crew station in
the cabin. Includes floation system,
engine covers, emergency exits, and many
other details. Complete package except for
sound (sound via alias). Full PDF manual.
By David Allan
Posted Nov 30, 2020 02:01 by David Allan

6.35Mb (19006 downloads)
- fully Native FSX
- forgiving and stable yet nimble flight dynamics
- Animated pilot , pedals , sticks and doors
- multiple paints with a repainters master texture included
- Dynamic VC
*Tested using Acceleration and DX9 ;
compiled with the FSX SDK for FSX ONLY *By Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Oct 2, 2020 19:58 by Bruce Fitzgerald

40.98Mb (3577 downloads)
FSX/P3D Eurocopter EC-120B Pack 2. Liveries: BB (Flycom), Eagle Flight, ERA Helicopters, PH-RBC (Private).
Original Nemeth Designs FS2004 payware EC120B converted to FSX native by Eagle Rotorcraft Design.
Textures: Tony Cannon, N. Lepelaar.
FSX and Prepar3D v5 and previous compatible.
Posted Jul 30, 2020 09:09 by anon

39.89Mb (3179 downloads)
FSX/P3D Eurocopter EC-120B Pack 1. Liveries: Helistar, South African National Parks, OE-XOO Euro Heli, F-GJIR.
Original Nemeth Designs FS2004 payware EC120B converted to FSX native by Eagle Rotorcraft Design.
Textures: Vincent Ghyssens, Mangiavcca, Chris Brisland.
FSX and Prepar3D v5 compatible.
Posted Jul 23, 2020 13:17 by anon

35.54Mb (2593 downloads)
Originally for FS2004. Now available as FSX native taking advantage of specific features such as bump mapping, specular mapping and self shadowing. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Jun 16, 2020 12:25 by George Arana

48.30Mb (2883 downloads)
Originally for FS2002, then FS2004. Now available as FSX native taking advantage of specific features such as bump mapping, specular mapping and self shadowing. Includes a separate installer for P3DV4. Converted using Model Converter X. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Jun 11, 2020 13:14 by George Arana