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FSX > Military > Page 182
MiG-21 F-13 Package Update
0.01Mb (7199 downloads)
I saw this Mig-21 F-13 by Ivan Jurcaga with an amazing sound set and model. The VC is okay, but not fully clickable. I've been reworking .air files and .cfg files for a few demo teams and an Abacus add on pack and decided to do this for fun. It flies much more accurately than the default flight dynamics for the aircraft and I've changed everything from the flight dynamics themselves to the rate of animation and fuel flow.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 13, 2009 00:29 by John Corsi
Su-47 Berkut update
5.16Mb (7722 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the Alphasim Su-47 Berkut. I have updated the flight dynamics, added switches and toggle icons to the panel, removed the spoiler, and changed the afterburner effects. This aircraft has both a 2D and 3D cockpit. This is the whole aircraft. The flight dynamics and panel will not work in FS 9.
Posted Aug 8, 2009 21:14 by Bob Chicilo
F-86a panel Update for FSX Acceleration
0.17Mb (3265 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the F-86 panel for the F-86a aircraft by Kirk Olsson (above). I have added a nav/GPS switch to the 2D panel and made the autopilot at the top of the radio stack deeper so the numbers are easier to see. You need my other update of the hard wing and/or slats version of the aircraft for this to work. Bob Chicilo.
Posted Aug 2, 2009 18:35 by Bob Chicilo
FSX E-4b Offut AFB
10.92Mb (8431 downloads)
The Project Opensky E-4B model. This particular E-4b is currently stationed at Offut AFB in Omaha, Nebraska August 1st 2009
Posted Aug 1, 2009 21:45 by Hex Isuno
F-86a Slats Updated Package for FSX
F-86a Slats Updated Package for FSX
37.68Mb (93568 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the F-86a (Slats) by Kirk Olsson. I have updated the flight dynamics, changed the vclight, and added or changed gauges as necessary. This aircraft has both 2D and virtual cockpits. This is the whole aircraft. The VC has a black rectangle where the gunsight should be. I am including an alternate aircraft.cfg file that eliminates the black rectangle, but the cost is the loss of the slats. So you have to choose whether the slats are more important or the virtual cockpit is more important. Bob Chicilo.
Posted Jul 31, 2009 16:01 by Bob Chicilo
F-86 hard wing FSX Updated Package
F-86 hard wing FSX Updated Package
22.61Mb (33165 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the F-86 hard wing (full vr) by Kirk Olsson. I have redone the flight dynamics, changed the vclight, changed the smoke effect, and added or changed gauges as necessary. This aircraft has both 2D and virtual cockpits. This is the whole aircraft. I eliminated the limited vr aircraft as they looked the same as the ones here but had a black rectangle where the gunsight is in the virtual cockpit. Bob Chicilo.
Posted Jul 31, 2009 15:52 by Bob Chicilo
FSX Acceleration F-18 Redbacks Textures
0.87Mb (1789 downloads)
Fictional Redbacks textures only for the FSX Acceleration F-18
Posted Jul 28, 2009 04:42 by Donz
Tyndall Raptor Texture Fix
0.58Mb (1131 downloads)
This package contains the texture replacement for the Tyndall raptor in the labove. Following the original DSB paint scheme the AF year of the plane followed the number. In real life, the AF year precedes the number. This fix corrects that. Thanks for downloading my file. I've included as an extra, Holloman AFB Raptor. (requires the Tyndall Textures above)
Posted Jul 26, 2009 23:10 by Dana Eng
FSX/FS2004 F-22A TYNDALL AFB  Textures
0.32Mb (2652 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 F-22 Tyndall AFB Tail Flash. This file contains "tail textures only" to represent the F-22 Raptor jet from Tyndall AFB (one Raptor jet from Langley AFB included). The 27th Fighter Squadron (FS), Fighting Eagles, 94th FS, Hand-in-the-ring Gang, and the 149th Virginia ANG, the Rebel Riders, fly the F-22s at Langley. The 45th FS, the American Hornets and the 95th FS, Boneheads, fly the F-22 at Tyndall AFB, Ohio. These are repaints of DSB or Iris excellent F-22 Raptor. DL Tarboxer's contains an excellent representative panel required for this jet and may be obtained here: File size is 324 KB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 25, 2009 17:31 by Dana Eng
FSX North American F-86E
FSX North American F-86E
55.51Mb (41809 downloads)
FSX North American F-86E Sabre by SectionF8 and updated by others - see credit - to work for FSX. Official update will come from the author later. Package assembled by Wesam Baker.
Posted Jul 23, 2009 19:46 by wesam baker