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FSX > Military > Page 39
FSX/FS2004  T-33A by Tim Conrad Updated
FSX/FS2004  T-33A by Tim Conrad Updated
18.00Mb (2167 downloads)
This is an update for FSX/FS9 of the T-33A by Tim Conrad. This was one of the first aircraft I updated and I don't know why I have not yet updated it for FSX. I have added an autopilot gauge; changed the size of the GPS; added an autopilot icon and moved the GPS icon; the contact points have all been redone as well as the flight dynamics. I changed 3 gauges that did not work in FSX for ones that are default in both FSX and FS9. I fixed the holes that were in the 2D panel by the bottom of the rivets. The holes showed in FSX, I don't think they showed in FS9. This is the whole aircraft. There is a working VC.
Posted Apr 20, 2019 16:03 by Bob Chicilo
FSX/P3D Croatian Air Force 131 MiG 21 MF livery for Ivan Jurcaga's MiG 21 MF v1
4.95Mb (429 downloads)
Croatian Air Force textures for the Ivan Jurcaga MiG 21 MF. The v1 stands for the first version of the livery as there are imperfections in it. For example, the "coat of arms" (in croatian we say "grb") on the right side of the tail is incorrectly placed, the acronymes scattered around the frame aren't in croatian but instead they are in czech, the ones that already come with the paintkit and much more stuff that hasn't been improved/finished. All of that will be fixed in the next version once it comes out. Until then, hope you enjoy this livery as much as I did while making and testing it out!
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Posted Apr 19, 2019 15:40 by Filipe Perhat
FSX Virtavia McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II 58 TFTW Panel update and Textures
FSX Virtavia McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II 58 TFTW Panel update and Textures
9.72Mb (1016 downloads)
As with some of my earlier creations, this one too was inspired by the fact that I've built such a model many years back that was produced by a company called ESCI, which is sadly not in existence any more. This project kept me busy for some time as about 95% of the stencilling that can be seen on this model was applied by me after having obtained very trustful information. The paint scheme itself also lends itself well to the Phantom as it looks quite the part in the air. Once again I trust that you’ll enjoy flying it as much as I do. All Credit to the creators of the original package.
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Posted Apr 14, 2019 10:49 by Andre Ludick
FSX/FS2004 An-112KC
FSX/FS2004 An-112KC
33.02Mb (3284 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Antonov An-112KC based on An-70 model. Project aerial refueling tanker with two engines GE-90s.FMC by Garett Smith, panel and gauges for wide screen only (no VC) by Philippe Wallaert including GPWS callout. Original design model by Tsyntsar Victor, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2019.
Posted Apr 14, 2019 09:35 by Tsyntsar Victor
FSX/P3D Northrop F-20 Tigershark  RNAF, Turkish Stars (Aerobatic team) and 'Iris' triple package
FSX/P3D Northrop F-20 Tigershark  RNAF, Turkish Stars (Aerobatic team) and 'Iris' triple package
85.95Mb (2433 downloads)
FSX/P3D Northrop F-20 Tigershark RNAF, Turkish Stars (Aerobatic team) and 'Iris' triple package. First flown in 1982, The Northrop F20 Tigershark was a highly capable light flighter with a range of 2750km/1700m . The ex payware Iris F-20 with 3 liveries - RNAF (Royal Netherlands Airforce), Turkish Stars (Aerobatic demonstration team of the Turkish Air Force) and Iris Demo. Added the fine liveries by Rene Spaan, Thomas Schedl. Fixed wheel sink, co-ordinated VC's. Manual included. Assembled and tested in P3Dv4 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and previous P3D versions.
Posted Apr 14, 2019 07:32 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Raytheon/Beechcraft T-6 Texan II  Military Trainer Pack 4
FSX/P3D Raytheon/Beechcraft T-6 Texan II  Military Trainer Pack 4
64.96Mb (3760 downloads)
FSX/P3D Raytheon/Beechcraft T-6 Texan II Military Trainer Pack 4. This is the ex-payware T-6 II Texan from Iris in 3 military liveries. PC-9 Royal Thai Air Force, RAF red and white and Thai AF Hurkus Demonstration. The Beechcraft T-6 Texan II is a single-engine turboprop aircraft built by the Raytheon Aircraft Company. A trainer aircraft based on the Pilatus PC-9, the T-6 has replaced the Air Force's Cessna T-37B Tweet and the Navy's T-34C Turbo Mentor. Special thanks to Iris Simulations/Dave Brice for allowing this to be distributed free. Thanks to Andy Nott, Kittisak Rukkaew, Ahmet Memetbeyoglu for the great textures. Put together and tested in P3Dv4 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and all previous P3D versions.
Posted Apr 12, 2019 08:57 by chris evans
FSX/P3D North American Supersonic Ra-5C (A-5) Vigilante USN Package 2
FSX/P3D North American Supersonic Ra-5C (A-5) Vigilante USN Package 2
44.34Mb (2153 downloads)
FSX/P3D North American Supersonic Ra-5C (A-5) Vigilante USN Package 2. Liveries: US Navy RA-5C Vigilante RVAH-7 "Peacemakers" 610NE USS Ranger 1979; 603AJ USS Nimitz 1976 and "Checkertails" 601NG USS Constellation 1967. The Vigilante is an American carrier-based supersonic bomber aircraft manufactured by North American Aviation for the United States Navy betwen 1961 and was retired in 1979. The Ra5c variant saw extensive use in Vietnam as a tactical strike aircraft. It also holds several world records including speed and altitude. Original ex-payware model by Alphasim/Virtavia converted to FSX native format by LLS. Added the great textures by Antionio Diaz converted to dds format. Included bomb and missions files for those who know how to use them. Assembled and tested in P3D4 and should also work in FSX and earlier P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Apr 9, 2019 07:38 by chris evans
FSX Tupolev TU-360
FSX Tupolev TU-360
4.94Mb (1102 downloads)
The Tupolev TU-360 was a soviet project for a long range hypersonic (mach 6!) bomber. Original design by Tuomas Närväinen. FSX adaptation, 2D panel (no VC) for wide screen, gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions for installation.
Posted Apr 6, 2019 11:49 by Philippe Wallaert
P3D/FSX McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II US Marines Package
P3D/FSX McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II US Marines Package
67.18Mb (2506 downloads)
P3D/FSX McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II US Marines Package. 3 USAF/Marines liveries ; Marines 45th TFS/2nd AD, Marines VMFA-333 Clean, Marines VMFA-351 AA. The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber originally developed for the United States Navy by McDonnell Aircraft. It first entered service in 1960 with the U.S. Navy. FSX Native model rebuilt by David Robles from the Virtavia/Alphasim original. VC is the LLS conversion which near matches the F4 VC. Added the realistic high quality textures by Steve Bryant, Virtavia and interior textures by Virtavia. Tested in P3D v4.2 and should work in FSX and P3D 4.3 and earlier P3D versions. Package assembled by Chris Evans. ***NOTE: P3D aircraft does not show in select preview window but seems to show up in the sim without issue.
Posted Apr 6, 2019 08:09 by chris evans
An-188 model update2.zip
2.18Mb (1048 downloads)
An-188 for FSX and FS9 with changes and additions. Author: Tsyntsar Victor, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2019.
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Posted Apr 5, 2019 13:35 by Tsyntsar Victor