12.53Mb (954 downloads)
FS2004/FSX/Acceleration/P3D tallship "Statsraad Lehmkuhl" as pilotable boat or as ai-ship. This is the world's biggest three masted barque. She was commissioned 1914 as "Grobherzog Friedrich August" in imperial Germany. Went to England in 1919 as war repair. Since 1923 she is sailing under Norwegian flag as Statsraad Lehmkuhl. I have built that model in exactly as the status she was in 1988 as I sailed on her from Hamburg to Bergen, where she is stationed. This addon provides one pilotable version with all twenty two sails set and a second version as AI-models supposed to be used with the great tool Ai-carriers2. Twenty four FSX cameras let you explore the beautiful ship from high above in the masts, on the very detailed decks or from external views. Using FS2004 there are seventeen virtual panel lookaround views. Included is a "Flight", starting at the harbour of Bergen/Norway. FSDS 3.5 model and photorealistic 2D-panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 30, 2015 02:08 by Erwin Welker

91.88Mb (2930 downloads)
This is the CV63 and CV64 ships of the Kitty Hawk class. They are fully Acceleration and AICarriers ready. There are also static aircraft on the decks. Like my Forrestal class project, I have been aiming to fill some of the gaps between post WW2 era and modern aircraft carriers available in FSX. Please read the "Read Me" file for installation, and credits. There are no animations.
Posted Jul 19, 2015 14:01 by WombRaider78

21.89Mb (1251 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Acceleration/P3D package fourmasted barque Passat as pilotable boats or as ai-ships. This tall ship was one of the famous German "Flying P-liners" from the Laeisz ships company. She was build by the Blohm & Voss shipyard Hamburg in 1911. First she was a pure cargoship, faster and more efficient than steamers of that era. She carried nitrat from Chile to Germany or grain between Australia and Europe. In 1952, Passat and the similar Pamir were converted to freight carring school ships with a 1000 hp auxillary engine. Pamir sank 1957 in a heavy storm and Passat was recommissioned after that tragedy. She is since 1959 a museums ship in the harbour of Travemunde/Lubeck/Germany. This addon provides one pilotable version with all thirty four sails set and a second version with striked sails, running with engine. Twenty four FSX cameras let you explore the beautiful ship from high above in the masts, on the very detailed decks or from external views. Using FS2004 there are seventeen virtual panel look around views. Additionally there are two AI-models supposed to be used with the great tool Ai-carriers2. FSDS 3.5 model and photorealistic 2D-panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 14, 2015 02:13 by Erwin Welker

34.34Mb (1495 downloads)
FSX pilotable battleship BB-39 USS Arizona from Chris Herring/TopFlightSimulation. His FS-modell is accuratly detailed and provides a complete and detailed virtual navigation bridge. The FSX-upgrade provides FSX camera definitions with sixteen decks views, three external views and three VC-views which allows you to explore the huge ship: Stare at the 16 inch guns, look to the medium casemat guns and visit the catapults with the Kingfisher float planes. The effects provide common ship effects, many gun effects plus special effects. Added views and effect configuration by Erwin Welker. FSDS 3.5 model with VC and textures by Chris Herring.
Posted Jun 30, 2015 09:40 by Erwin Welker
13.39Mb (1053 downloads)
FS2004/FSX/Acceleration Doublepack pilotable "Cutty Sark". This famous fast tea clipper from 1870 with a length of overall 85 m carried up to 35 sails with 3000 square meters and reached a max. speed of about 17 knots. Since 1957 this beautyful ship lays in a drydock at Greenwich/London. In May 2007, during a great renovation, the wooden hull was almost destroyed by a great fire but the steel frames and all the removed parts like masts and mahagony deckshouses survived. Today the whole ship is restored. This addon provides one version with backwind and eight stunsails and a second version with wind from the side and a different set of sails. Twentyone FSX cameras let you explore the beautyful ship from high above in the masts, on the very detailed decks or from external views. Using FS2004 there are seventeen virtual panel lookaround views. FSDS 3.5 model and photorealistic 2D-panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Jun 22, 2015 04:42 by Erwin Welker

54.67Mb (2053 downloads)
FSX Upgrade for Tim Conrad's US Navy River patrol boat (PBR), known from the movie "Apocalyse Now". My features provides FSX-compatible gauges and airfiles, weapon effect configuration plus fourteen cameras, showing all the details and weapons of this splendit model. Two bitmaps and the cameras for "wingman-views" are also included. Configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Jun 5, 2015 03:07 by Erwin Welker

3.37Mb (656 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Replacement textures for three mast barque Alexander Von Humboldt II - now with green sails. This beautiful German tall ship was laid down in 2008 and was launched in 2011. It replaces the more than hundred years old Alexander Von Humboldt, famous for its green sails. The new ship sailed with white sails but in 2015 a new set of sails was sponsored - again in Green. Repaint for my own FSDS model by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 2, 2015 04:02 by Erwin Welker

147.97Mb (3031 downloads)
Forrestal Class Carriers for FSX V2.00
The Forrestal class of carriers have been long overdue in FSX. No one seemed to have one in the works, and I wanted to toy with Google Sketchup to make models for missing things in my FSX world.
This is an total update for my original upload. You DO NOT need the original file. If you downloaded the previous version, PLEASE delete the boat folders.
Posted May 27, 2015 11:39 by WombRaider78
10.87Mb (1650 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Galleon NEPTUNE from the 17th century. This sailing ship is a replic for Roman Polanski's movie "Pirates" with Walter Matthau as pirats captain. On my model I have replaced the oversized figurehead "Neptune" with a scary reaper. The boat is almost complete rigged with hundreds of ropes regarding the early 17th century. Forteen cannons and two Jolly Roger flags are animated. Twentyeight cameras let you explore the whole ship: The deck, below the decks and you can enjoy the sailors views from high above in the masts. Using FS2004 there are seventeen virtual panel lookaround views. FSDS 3.5 model made by Erwin Welker
Posted May 22, 2015 04:54 by Erwin Welker

34.98Mb (1687 downloads)
FSX DBW-J. The Double Box Wing - Jet is based on the "Double Boxtail" design pioneered by Synergy Aircraft, LLC while the body is influenced by WoWAir's RIGID-WING 1.1 WG-ultralight turbine powered wing-glider. Features animated parts, virtual cockpit with illuminated glass gauges amd 2D panel. By Mark J. S. Macaluso
Posted May 22, 2015 04:11 by uploader