2.94Mb (7217 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX A321, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the
File info
Posted Nov 20, 2012 05:52 by Paul Davies

1.32Mb (3281 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX Lear 45, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the
File info
Posted Nov 19, 2012 17:57 by Paul Davies

3.36Mb (5283 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX Bombardier CRJ-700, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the
File info
Posted Nov 19, 2012 17:55 by Paul Davies

3.49Mb (10569 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX 737-800, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the File info.
Posted Nov 19, 2012 15:40 by Paul Davies

0.29Mb (1154 downloads)
TextInfo Gauge provides an on-screen text display of real-time flight data, indicators and warnings. It is a simple XML file that is easy to modify. Display size is a single setting in the panel.cfg file. V2.0 uses less screen space, has improved screen clarity and adds some features. It includes installation instructions and a detailed explanation of the various elements of the XML script (calculating percentages, conditional data displays, formatting, etc.). It also includes info about panel.cfg files. By Rick Federmann (Pville211)
Posted Nov 18, 2012 00:14 by Pville211

0.33Mb (963 downloads)
SteadyFlight is a simple XML script that provides a quick hands-off alternative for aircraft that do not have an autopilot. It assists the aircraft with flying in a
level and stable manner. Includes detailed instructions. By Rick Federmann (Pville211)
Posted Nov 11, 2012 17:01 by Pville211

2.53Mb (911 downloads)
Widescreen 2D panel for François-Denis Guidée, Yves Franckart & Jean-Pierre Bourgeois' wonderful Robin DR221 updated to FSX by Jean-Paul Ventalon.
Includes main panel, landing/cruise panel, adapted minipanel and upgraded avionics.
The DR200 taildragger series are probably the best Robins ever!
available here (French site. See 'download instructions' in file for information) External link. Please report
when broken
Posted Oct 29, 2012 15:25 by Jean-Luc Peters

0.75Mb (1400 downloads)
FSX panel bitmaps, cameras and weapon effects for the PBY Catalina from Alphasim, now Virtavia freeware. The panel bitmap is improved by headover throttles and a typical Catalina yoke. There are 5 internal and 3 external aircraft view cameras plus 1 cockpit view. The smokesystem is configured with weapon effects. Configuration by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 28, 2012 23:38 by Erwin Welker

19.59Mb (8281 downloads)
Thank you for downloading the FSX Repaint "Virtual Cockpit" textures Upgrade for Airbus, A321, A330-200/300, A340-200/300/500/600 and A380-800. This package contains textures that will make the Airbus "cockpit textures" appear in full resolution and with more color to enjoy happy and relaxed flights. You can use these textures with the default fsx A321 and the Thomas Ruth A330's and A340's too. [As always with these things - back up your originals in case you want to go back!]
Posted Oct 27, 2012 21:22 by Enrique Cornejo

2.42Mb (1221 downloads)
FSX photorealistic Saab Viggen panel, especially for the Alphasim-version with VC or for any other FS2004 and FSX Saab Viggen. Included are 6 external and 1 internal FSX-camera definitions with wingman feature. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Oct 27, 2012 17:23 by Erwin Welker