4.69Mb (2484 downloads)
Going a step further. Adding dual VOR capability on top of the dual ADF. Updated GPS to 500. Trim wheel and indicator. Duel fuel rate for mixture. And of course an autopilot.
By Grant06
Posted Mar 12, 2013 19:46 by Grant06

7.30Mb (1043 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Britten Norman BN-2 Islander 2D widescreen panel version 2. Will fit 16/9 monitors. By Jacques Vallcaneras
Posted Mar 2, 2013 02:23 by Jacques VALLCANERAS

0.18Mb (818 downloads)
Comprehensive FSX widescreen 2D panel for Robert Christopher's wonderful Lancair Legacy + simpler, FSX compatible VC, both based on Bob's original design + Aircraft.cfg tweaks + new sound.
Upgrades in Version 2.0:
Improved background bmp; Integrated whisky compass; Larger switches for better readability; Take-off and Landing panel; Widescreen Minipanel with Legacy instruments; Radio sim-icon; Manifold pressure gauge in MFD.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 4, 2013 04:34 by Jean-Luc Peters

0.22Mb (641 downloads)
Widescreen 2D panel for JustFlight great freeware Spitfire MkIV
Posted Feb 2, 2013 13:05 by Jean-Luc Peters

0.08Mb (1072 downloads)
Gauge that displays and controls the
simulation rate. Can be used as a popup
panel or can be added to existing
instrument panels. Includes detailed
installation and usage instructions.
By Rick Federmann (Pville211)
Posted Jan 6, 2013 17:00 by Pville211

1.69Mb (1374 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Beech B58 Baron Widescreen Panel. 2D widescreen panel to be used with any default Beechcraft Baron B-58 or similar aircraft. This panel is made for high definition 1920 x 1080 pixels. By Jacques Vallcaneras.
Posted Dec 29, 2012 11:50 by Jacques VALLCANERAS

1.97Mb (901 downloads)
FSX glass cockpit panel for Alphasim Westland Future Lynx helicopters (LynxFSXd.zip required). The 2D-panel is totaly matching the modified Alphasim VC. Included are reworked Camera definitions. Panel and texture rework and configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2012 17:34 by Erwin Welker

1.97Mb (802 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 panel for Westland Lynx helicopters. The 2D-panel is totaly matching the Alphasim VCs with classic gauges. The VC-configuration works only for that version. My panel can also be used in FS2004 for other Lynx or similar helicopters without VC, because it provides look around views in 5 directions. Included are reworked Camera definitions. Panel rework and configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2012 05:56 by Erwin Welker

1.74Mb (3144 downloads)
Aeroplane Heaven's Grumman F9F Panther is flyable in FSX but the instrument panel contained many old gauges that only worked in FS9 or earlier versions. This modification uses default FSX gauges where necessary. There is some minor tweaking of the panel background but I have attempted to maintain the "old school" appearance of the original panel. Updated by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 1, 2012 01:06 by R.E. Wyman

49.28Mb (1063 downloads)
I re gauged Kazunori Ito's Tu-22 Blinder and Tu-22m3 Backfire 2D panels. Using Bill Wolfgen's Russian gauges, Thomas Ruth and Claudio Mussner's Tu-144 guages, Brett Hoskin's 3MS gauges, and gauges from Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. I used real photos to correctly re gauge the Tu-22m3 and used the same panel CFG for the original Tu-22 panel. But sense the Tu-22 Blinder is actually a three seat tandem bomber, i re gauged Kazunori Ito's X-3 panel with the same gauge sets, thus giving the choice between the two panels for the Tu-22. I included Michael Pearson's textures for India and Ukraine with the Tu-22m3. Plus Aircraft CFGs and AIR files for both aircraft. 2D panels only. No VC panels available.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 22, 2012 05:33 by Michael E. Roberts