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FS2004 > Payware > Page 51
Alphasim SA365 Swiss Air Force Textures
4.44Mb (530 downloads)
This SA365N Dauphin2 Swiss Air Force Texture is for the payware model from AlphaSim
Posted Sep 18, 2009 16:49 by benimix
Alphasim B-1B Display Bird textures
Alphasim B-1B Display Bird textures
1.78Mb (660 downloads)
An fictional repaint of the Alphasim B-1b in a scheme that i would love to see doing the airshow circuits! Eye-catching brute force! It can only be the BONE!! Proudly displaying the USAF logo on the belly, you are sure to be the star attraction! "..on centreline for run in and break,..10 seconds..125 feet, 600knots............lets burst some eardrums............ " Textures by Gary J. Scott
Posted Sep 18, 2009 16:30 by Gary J. Scott
Alphasim B-1B "Thunderbird" Remembered repaint
Alphasim B-1B "Thunderbird" Remembered repaint
1.61Mb (772 downloads)
In salute of the crews who flew and fought in B-17G 42-38050 (BN-U)"Thunderbird". This repaint depicts a B-1B dressed in commemoration of Thunderbird and all who fought for our freedom in her.Many thanks to Gary Moncur at for allowing this repaint. - may they never be forgotton -
Posted Sep 16, 2009 20:48 by Gary J. Scott
Alphasim B-1B RAF Camo textures UPDATE
0.06Mb (473 downloads)
Just a small texture update to the engine pods, specifically the inboard faces. Not essential, just cosmetic, but it bugged the hell outta me!
Posted Sep 16, 2009 14:31 by Gary J. Scott
Alphasim B-1B Black Velvet texture UPDATE
0.16Mb (526 downloads)
Just a small texture update to the engine pods, specifically the inboard faces. Not essential, just cosmetic, but it bugged the hell outta me!
Posted Sep 16, 2009 14:30 by Gary J. Scott
Iris Phantom FG.1 - USAF 49th TFW Textures
2.97Mb (791 downloads)
*This texture requires the payware package by Iris Simulations " Phantom FG-1 - Royal Navy Model " ; (which has rounded tails like American F-4's) this repaint represents an F-4D Phantom II of the 49th Tactical Fighter Wing - 7th Fighter Wing, while the group was attached to Spangdalem Germany in the late 70's . *Repaint by Bruce Fitzgerald - tested and works in FSX w/ Acceleration - win XP SP3 / DX9
Posted Sep 15, 2009 00:11 by Bruce Fitzgerald
Plymouth City Airport, UK, Parking Addition for UK2000 Scenery
Plymouth City Airport, UK, Parking Addition for UK2000 Scenery
2.85Mb (257 downloads)
This small scenery package adds the correct parking positions to the payware UK2000 version of Plymouth Airport. This Package includes: - West Parking - Correct Flying School Postions - Closure of runway 06/24 This scenery requires the UK2000 Part 2 Scenery.
Posted Sep 5, 2009 08:20 by Jacob Knight
Mil Mi-14 for Heli Traffic 2009
4.30Mb (1186 downloads)
FS2004 Mil Mi-14 Helicopter Russian amphibious helicopter (AI Version) for Heli Traffic 2009. Two models, three liveries. Layered Paint Kit. The models have built-in animations for take-off and landing when used with fixed-wing FDE (not supplied). By Hannes von der Heide
Posted Sep 3, 2009 19:32 by Hannes von der Heide
SkyUnlimited P-38 Mod Kit Cr1 Software
SkyUnlimited P-38 Mod Kit Cr1 Software
12.57Mb (1404 downloads)
This is a small mod kit for the Sky Unlimited payware P38 for Fs2004. This is a freeware mod that changes the vc textures, sounds, and prop blurs. Enjoy. Tom Wood
Posted Aug 22, 2009 22:08 by Tom Wood/ Cr1 Software
FS2004 Abacus Grumman Tracker SA2 "AMV-103 Armada de Venezuela Textures
FS2004 Abacus Grumman Tracker SA2 "AMV-103 Armada de Venezuela Textures
1.86Mb (1381 downloads)
The S-2 Tracker is a carrier-based antisubmarine search and attack aircraft It was one of the first aircraft designed to combine the detection equipment and armament to hunt and destroy submarines while operating from aircraft carriers. The first flight of the prototype S-2 was 4 December 1952, and production deliveries started in 1953. A total of 1,342 aircraft were eventually built in 16 configurations. The major configurations included the S-2 Tracker, the C-1 Trader, and the E-1B Tracer. The last US Navy Fleet operational squadron (VS-37) flying Trackers was disestablished on 28 August 1976. This tracker is the AMV-103 of Vnezuelan Navy, base in Puerto Cabello, Model By Abacus S2 Tracker for Fs2004 , Texture By Gustavo La Cruz
Posted Aug 16, 2009 20:33 by Gustavo La Cruz